4. Results
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics, with the actual ranges
comparable with the theoretical ranges for the multi-item scales,
and the Cronbach alpha scores exceeding the 0.70 threshold
generally considered acceptable in regard to reliability (Nunnally,
1978, p. 245). In respect to the five organisational factors, while
the mean score of top management support (10.52) lies towards the
higher end of the scale, the mean values for training (5.78), teamwork
(5.63), participation (4.25) and the link of performance to
rewards (3.96) are below the mid-point of the range.
The mean score for the effectiveness of environmental management
processes (37.18) is higher than the mid-point of the
range, suggesting that on average the respondents assessed their
environmental management processes to be moderately effective.
The mean score for operational environmental performance (32.34)
is slightly higher than the mid-point of the range, while the mean
score for management environmental performance (13.53) is below
the mid-point of the range. Hence, the operational environmental outcomes were achieved to a greater extent, with the mean score
for most of the items equal to or greater than the management
environmental outcomes. The operational environmental outcomes
that were achieved to the greatest extent included reductions
in levels of waste (mean score of 4.73), the reduction in
material costs due to the efficient use of material (mean score of
4.65), more effective and efficient decision making regarding
environmental issues (mean score of 4.64) and producing goods in
a more environmentally conscious manner (mean score of 4.62).
The management related outcomes that were achieved to the
greatest extent included: reductions in the time taken to respond to
environmental incidents and minimising their impact (mean score
of 4.42), reductions in the fines paid and remediation costs
regarding environmental damage (mean score of 4.39) and reductions
in the costs associated with cleaning up environmental
damage (mean score of 4.27).