Results (
Vietnamese) 1:
The following companies contributed to the data within this publication. More details of referenced payment systems areavailable on the relevant websites:Bacs has been maintaining the integrity of payment related services since 1968, with responsibilityfor the schemes behind the clearing and settlement of UK automated payment methods, Direct Debitand Bacs Direct Credit. Almost 110 billion transactions have been debited or credited to British bankaccounts via Bacs since its inception; in 2014 over 5.8 billion UK payments were made this way with atotal combined value of over £4.4 trillion. Belfast Bankers' Clearing Company was formed in May 2007 as a means of formalising existingrules and standards for sterling paper clearings and Euro debit clearing in Northern Ireland. The roleof the Company is to maintain the integrity of the clearing arrangements and ensure the system isefficient and effective. Services acts as a focal point for the provision of strategic direction on co-operative(non-commercial) issues for cash, its overall aim is to ensure that cash can circulate efficientlyand effectively, and risks in the cash cycle are managed to this end. is the only UK payment system that guarantees real-time finality of individual paymentsof unrestricted value, across the Bank of England’s Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system.CHAPS is an international scheme focused on systemically important, high value and time-dependentpayments. It has the widest Direct Participation base, with domestic and international financialinstitutions, and serves over 5,000 Indirect Participants. It is used by banks, building societies andother payment service providers to pay each other, including international sterling flows. Most ofCHAPS’ daily value transferred derives from these wholesale financial transactions. CHAPS processed£68 trillion in 2014, which equates to £269 billion per day, turning over the UK’s annual GDP everysix working days. Cheque and Credit Clearing Company is responsible for managing the cheque clearing system.As well as clearing cheques, the system processes bankers’ drafts, building society cheques, postalorders, warrants, government payable orders and travellers’ cheques. The company also managesthe systems for the clearing of paper bank giro credits, euro cheques and US dollar cheques (the twoclearings for currency cheques drawn on GB banks). In 2014 the sterling clearing systems handled499 million inter-bank cheque and credit items, valued at a total of £520 Faster Payments Service, operated by Faster Payments Scheme Limited, enables internet,mobile, telephone and standing order payments to move from account to account, normally withinseconds, and certainly within a few hours, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The scheme has been doingthis non-stop, since its launch just over seven years ago, and now delivers over 1.1 billion payments ayear, worth almost £1 trillion. Given its scale and reach, it is still considered one of the most advancedreal-time payments services in the world. Faster Payments’ real-timepayments capability is now being used to underpin the recently launched Paym mobile paymentsservice. LINK Scheme is the national cash machine network. Effectively every cash machine in the UK isconnected to LINK, and LINK is the only way banks and building societies can offer their customersaccess to cash across the whole of the UK. LINK’s role is to provide UK consumers with universalaccess to cash in a safe, convenient and rapid manner. LINK is governed by its 37 Members whichissue debit and ATM cards and deploy cash machines across the UK. @LINK_ATM_SchemeThe UK Cards Association is the trade body for the card payments industry in the UK, representingfinancial institutions which act as card issuers and acquirers. Members of the Association accountfor the vast majority of debit and credit cards issued in the UK - issuing in excess of 56 million creditcards and 95 million debit cards - and cover the whole of the payment card acquiring market.
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