Results (
Thai) 1:
HABD strength demonstrated a significanttime-by-group interaction (P =.041). A Bonferroni post hoc analysis revealedthat the hip group demonstrateda significant increase in strength frombaseline (5.2 1.5) to 8 weeks (6.6 0.9)(P = .001), while the quad group did not(baseline, 5.7 2.2; 8 weeks, 6.2 1.8;P = .9) (FIGURE 7). There was no significantgroup-by-time interaction for HER strength (P = .06); however, there was amain effect for time, indicating that HERstrength had increased over the 8-weekprogram for both groups (P = .004). ABonferroni post hoc analysis revealedonly a significant increase from baseline(2.1 0.8) to the 8-week assessment (2.5 0.7) (P = .012). KE strength did notdemonstrate a significant time-by-groupinteraction (P = .39), and no main effectwas found between groups (P = .6) oracross time (P = .12).
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