The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system according to the Codex Alimentarius model was applied
to the processes of five paper and paperboard mills and four plants further converting paper or board intended for
contact with foodstuffs. The generalised flow diagrams of the processes are presented. Each of the overall processes
contained 40–150 process steps. Normally three to five sessions with HACCP teams and additional private
negotiations were needed for each mill or plant. Hazards leading to critical control points (CCPs) were microbiological
(handling/storage, circulation water, starch, process environment) and physical (process environment) in mills, and
microbiological (storage, lacquers or glues, packaging and process environment), chemical (printing) and physical
(storage of products, packaging and process environment) in plants. Specifications, critical limits ( e.g., based on
different kinds of reports and instructions), monitoring methods (microbiological and visual) and frequency,
responsibilities and corrective actions of the processes are presented. Most of the improvements focused on
improving the process environment. In five cases, hygiene training was included in the implementation of the HACCP