Belowground which consist of fine and coarse root have been known cont translation - Belowground which consist of fine and coarse root have been known cont Indonesian how to say

Belowground which consist of fine a

Belowground which consist of fine and coarse root have been known contribute to soil organic pools and accumulation while they are alive, as well as after senescence while they are decomposing (Smith 1976). In addition, root decomposition influences aggregate formation and formation of particulate organic C (Puget and Drinkwater 2001). Majority of belowground biomass is located in corse roots. These coarse roots primarily act as connduits for nutrients and water, a storage site of carbon and nutrients and provide physical achorage for trees. In addition, the turnover of coarse roots provides a slow delivery of C and nutrients to the soil and soil biota and influences the longterm ecosystem productivity and CO2 emission from forest (Misra et al. 1998). In contrast, fine root which has been known component of belowground account only for few percent of total tree of biomass. They can consume up aproximately 30-50% of annual net primary production. In addition, fine root biomass and turnover may even be more important for the accumulation of carbon in forest soils than above-ground litter input (Block et al. 2006; Hertel et al. 2009).
The root system has a great influence how forest respond to antrhropogenic disturbances (Powers 2004). Thus, understanding controls of root turnover is important to predict how carbon and nutrient cycling, plant growth and plant productivity vary under environmental change (Eissenstat and Yanai 1997). Root morphology has the main fuction in balancing costs and benefits in growth and root activity (Espeleta and Donovan 2002) and therefore can have a strong impact on fine root turnover and, as a result, will affect soil carbon dynamics (Comas et al. 2002; Hertel et al. 2009).
Allocation of C to the root system and eventually to the soil after root death is one of the most important (Matamala et al. 2003; Hertel et al. 2009). Research in soil carbon budget has important for understanding of process in forest ecosystems. Carbon input played an important role in soil environment by regulating the rate of decay in senesced plant tissue. This accomplished by sustaining the microbial populations that are involved in litter decay and nutrient mineralization (Hertel et al. 2009). Basically, there is a relationship between the availability of soil carbon towards nitrogen inputs. Basically, N inputs increased the primary production and soil C storage, which was accompanied by an increase in the mineral N content and a decrease in the C/N ratio. Therefore, availability of nitrogen, carbon, and their cycling in forest can be affected by forest management, as they may alter these factors (Likens and Bormann 1995).
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Belowground which consist of fine and coarse root have been known contribute to soil organic pools and accumulation while they are alive, as well as after senescence while they are decomposing (Smith 1976). In addition, root decomposition influences aggregate formation and formation of particulate organic C (Puget and Drinkwater 2001). Majority of belowground biomass is located in corse roots. These coarse roots primarily act as connduits for nutrients and water, a storage site of carbon and nutrients and provide physical achorage for trees. In addition, the turnover of coarse roots provides a slow delivery of C and nutrients to the soil and soil biota and influences the longterm ecosystem productivity and CO2 emission from forest (Misra et al. 1998). In contrast, fine root which has been known component of belowground account only for few percent of total tree of biomass. They can consume up aproximately 30-50% of annual net primary production. In addition, fine root biomass and turnover may even be more important for the accumulation of carbon in forest soils than above-ground litter input (Block et al. 2006; Hertel et al. 2009). The root system has a great influence how forest respond to antrhropogenic disturbances (Powers 2004). Thus, understanding controls of root turnover is important to predict how carbon and nutrient cycling, plant growth and plant productivity vary under environmental change (Eissenstat and Yanai 1997). Root morphology has the main fuction in balancing costs and benefits in growth and root activity (Espeleta and Donovan 2002) and therefore can have a strong impact on fine root turnover and, as a result, will affect soil carbon dynamics (Comas et al. 2002; Hertel et al. 2009). Allocation of C to the root system and eventually to the soil after root death is one of the most important (Matamala et al. 2003; Hertel et al. 2009). Research in soil carbon budget has important for understanding of process in forest ecosystems. Carbon input played an important role in soil environment by regulating the rate of decay in senesced plant tissue. This accomplished by sustaining the microbial populations that are involved in litter decay and nutrient mineralization (Hertel et al. 2009). Basically, there is a relationship between the availability of soil carbon towards nitrogen inputs. Basically, N inputs increased the primary production and soil C storage, which was accompanied by an increase in the mineral N content and a decrease in the C/N ratio. Therefore, availability of nitrogen, carbon, and their cycling in forest can be affected by forest management, as they may alter these factors (Likens and Bormann 1995).
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Di bawah tanah yang terdiri dari halus dan kasar akar telah dikenal berkontribusi terhadap tanah kolam organik dan akumulasi saat mereka masih hidup, serta setelah penuaan sementara mereka membusuk (Smith 1976). Selain itu, dekomposisi akar mempengaruhi pembentukan agregat dan pembentukan partikulat organik C (Puget dan Drinkwater 2001). Mayoritas biomassa di bawah tanah terletak di akar corse. Akar-akar kasar terutama bertindak sebagai connduits nutrisi dan air, situs penyimpanan karbon dan nutrisi dan memberikan achorage fisik untuk pohon. Selain itu, omset akar kasar menyediakan pengiriman lambat C dan nutrisi ke biota tanah dan tanah dan mempengaruhi produktivitas ekosistem dan emisi CO2 jangka panjang dari hutan (Misra et al. 1998). Sebaliknya, akar halus yang telah komponen akun di bawah tanah yang dikenal hanya untuk beberapa persen dari total pohon biomassa. Mereka bisa mengkonsumsi sampai ± 30-50% dari produksi utama bersih tahunan. Selain itu, biomassa akar halus dan omset bahkan mungkin lebih penting untuk akumulasi karbon dalam tanah hutan dari input sampah di atas tanah (Blok et al 2006;.. Hertel et al 2009).
Sistem akar memiliki pengaruh yang besar bagaimana hutan menanggapi gangguan antrhropogenic (Powers 2004). Dengan demikian, pemahaman kontrol dari omset akar penting untuk memprediksi bagaimana karbon dan siklus nutrisi, pertumbuhan tanaman dan produktivitas tanaman bervariasi dalam perubahan lingkungan (Eissenstat dan Yanai 1997). Akar morfologi memiliki fuction utama dalam menyeimbangkan biaya dan manfaat dalam pertumbuhan dan aktivitas akar (Espeleta dan Donovan 2002) dan oleh karena itu dapat memiliki dampak yang kuat pada fi ne omset akar dan, sebagai hasilnya, akan mempengaruhi dinamika karbon tanah (Comas et al. 2002 ; Hertel et al 2009)..
Alokasi C untuk sistem akar dan akhirnya ke tanah setelah kematian root adalah salah satu yang paling penting (Matamala et al 2003;. Hertel et al 2009).. Penelitian dalam anggaran karbon tanah memiliki penting bagi pemahaman proses dalam ekosistem hutan. Masukan karbon memainkan peran penting dalam lingkungan tanah dengan cara mengatur tingkat kerusakan di jaringan tanaman senesced. Ini dilakukan dengan mempertahankan populasi mikroba yang terlibat dalam sampah busuk dan mineralisasi hara (Hertel et al. 2009). Pada dasarnya, ada hubungan antara ketersediaan karbon tanah terhadap input nitrogen. Pada dasarnya, input N meningkatkan penyimpanan C produksi dan tanah primer, yang disertai dengan peningkatan kandungan mineral N dan penurunan rasio C / N. Oleh karena itu, ketersediaan nitrogen, karbon, dan bersepeda di hutan dapat dipengaruhi oleh pengelolaan hutan, karena dapat mengubah faktor-faktor ini (Likens dan Bormann 1995).
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