Silently, Maya returns the letter into the envelope carefully, and puts it on the desk. Masumi, who has been watching her read the letter and take this behavior, suddenly regrets having written the letter. He is almost worried sick, when Maya starts speaking.
"Hayami-san, I am sorry. Unwillingly I also kept a secret from you."
She paused, and he felt that it was the cue for him to come into the stage. Maya was still looking away in the direction of the desk, but when she heard the man's footsteps, she looked at him with tearful eyes and a damp face. Slowly, but then quickly she left the spot and embraced him.
"I already knew that you were the purple rose, and I am truly happy, from the bottom of my heart, that it is you."
"My daddy long legs. I always imagined you to be so far, and yet you were always beside me, always helping me, although I was unbearably dull to realize it. I cannot describe how sorry I am."
"Do not be sorry, there is nothing for you to be sorry about."
"Hayami-san, if this was a normal story, I should say that I love you, but I must refrain from using such a word, because what I feel is more than love. I wish we could just become one person and never be separated again."
Maya looks up at Masumi and says,
"My love is that of Akoya, and you are my Isshin, Hayami-san."
With nothing to say but too much to feel, Masumi lowers himself and gives Maya a tender kiss.
- End of my useless daydream -
I actually can't believe I wrote this, and made it alive even, because under normal circumstances such a lovey-dovey story would make my brain disintegrate and my stomach vomit. I am allergic to love, and I am a pessimist. Yet for some reason I seem to be selectively allergic, because this Glass Mask, though very romantic and dramatic, does not cause in me distasteful feelings like for example a manga like Mishonen Produce or (at multiple points) Boys over Flowers. I am sorry to people who like these manga, but that doesn't include me. But returning to my topic, seriously when will I ever read the true vol. 50 .・゚・(ノд`)゚・.