Despite this, we believe that these differences
between participants might have
contributed to high data variation and
decreased our ability to detect differences
between groups. Another limitation was
that we chose to tailor our participants’
strengthening progression to a specific
percentage of body weight, rather than a
percentage of the maximal force generated
at baseline testing. This was a delimitation
of this study, however, as we
attempted to simulate a clinical scenario
in which baseline isometric strength
data might not be available. Blinding of
the investigators after initial testing was
a further limitation of the study. Testers
were not blinded to participants’ group
assignment after baseline testing, mostly
due to the large number of patient exercise
sessions supervised. Additionally,
the exercises performed during the first
4 weeks of rehabilitation by the quad
group might be regarded as antiquated
and, therefore, also a limitation. However,
the investigators felt that these exercises
best isolated the quadriceps muscle
group, while minimizing activation of the
hip musculature. We would recommend
further research in this area that would
directly compare weight-bearing exercises
to isolated hip exercises in an effort
to determine their efficacy in treating the
same patient population.