Hello Nicy, I know it is hard to come to the USA to live with an American family. it is a very different experience than doing the Work/study program. I think that you will give very good care to babies and young children but they also require to have a care giver who can speak well and teach them too. Older children need a driver to get around, so unfortunately that would not work either as Peter said your driving was not safe for you or for the kids. if we could find a family who lived in the city with a baby that would be good. Let's keep a positive mind and see what happens. Whatever the outcome Nicy you will go on to study and get your degree and have a wonderful career, so don't worry about that. your family in Thailand supports your studies and is encouraging you to be successful. Sometimes when one door closes, another opens and perhaps it is meant to be. let's talk on Monday. Try to have a good weekend and practice your English at every possible opportunity!
Call me if you need to talk.