Results (
Thai) 1:
AbstractAn experiment was conducted in 2006/07 dry season to evaluate the effect of mulching, nitrogen and irrigationinterval on the nutritional quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) at Shika, Nigeria. Treatmentsconsisted of three mulching (no mulch, rice-straw mulch and black polythene mulch) four nitrogen rates (0, 45,90 and 135kgN ha-1) and three irrigation intervals (5, 10 and 15 days). Mulching significantly increased the drymatter, protein and carbohydrate contents in fruits, but decreased the crude fiber content. In most cases rice-strawmulch appeared a better mulching material. N rate of 45kg ha-1 had more dry matter content over control, buthigher values for protein and carbohydrate contents were with 90kg ha-1. The 135kgN ha-1 rate depressedcarbohydrate content. Irrigation interval of 10 days recorded more dry matter and crude fiber while highest fruitcarbohydrate contents was attained at 15 day irrigation interval over the 5-day interval. Delaying irrigationsignificantly depressed fruit protein content. Rice-straw mulch + 90kgN ha-1 or polythene mulch in combinationwith 45kgN ha-1 had more carbohydrate in fruits.Keywords: Tomato, Quality, Nutrition, Mulching, Nitrogen
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