I can't agree more with the god plan thing. If there is a creator, then we must be some sort of seed that is ment to grow and evolve into perhaps a god itself. A unified consciousness. A god in it's infancy stage. This fits with mutiple universes, galaxies and planets. And as much as i like this to be my own god concept, there doesn't seem to be any evidence for a creator. I simply don't see god as logical. But not impossible.
However i feel the term god and creator need to be seperated. Because saying "god" tends to give it divine, supernatural, theistic properties when thats not what we mean.
Saying "creator" has it's own definition. It doesn't imply as much to a theistic being.
I've read Carl Sagan and Neil Degrass Tyson, i'm currently read Michio Kaku The Future Of The Mind. I'm only on the second chapter. So far it's good