2.2. The Nature of Reading Reading is an active cognitive process of i translation - 2.2. The Nature of Reading Reading is an active cognitive process of i Indonesian how to say

2.2. The Nature of Reading Reading

2.2. The Nature of Reading
Reading is an active cognitive process of interaction with print and monitoring comprehension of establishing meaning which means the brain does not work in reading, the pupils get information by comprehending the massage and the teacher motivate the pupils to read (Lado, 1961: 65). Furthermore, Gloria (1988: 43) States that the definition of reading comprehension is most likely to occur when pupils are reading what they want to read, or at least what they see some good reasons to read.
Lado (1961: 56):
Reading in the foreign language consists of grasping meaning in the written language. In this case, reading foreign language is the grasping of full linguistics meaning of what is to read in subject within the common experience of the culture of which the language is a central part. He further maintains that linguistics means to include the denotation conveyed by language to all speakers of it is as opposed to meaning that are receptive only by those have specific background information not known by the other speakers in general. In other word, there are some purposes of reading such as reading for specific items of information, for general and detail information in a given field, etc. other types of reading, for example readings for literary appreciation are properly the real of reading in the native language.

Learning to read a new language, the pupils must read carefully, some aloud; moreover some questions are also important of the passages, as in the following statement by Berry (1956: 44):
There must be question on the text, this essential. The questions are to help the pupils understanding every detail on the passage, for example, the passage is about “hide and seek”. It means that the questions on the passage are able to facilitate the pupils understanding of the passage; the children are playing hide and seek in the playground, and the question are (1) who is playing hide and seek in the playground ? (2) What are the children playing in the playground? (3) What are they doing in the playground and where are they playing hide and seek?

Psychologists and the reading experts have been conducting extensive research in the nature of reading and the sequential development of language skill. Among discoveries of the researchers, as stated by Lewis and Sisk in Gerry (1956: 34) are:
(a) reading is not a single skill but an interrelated process of many skill, (b) reading is development process, in other words, reading comprehension develops sequentially as pupils nature, (c) there are developmental pattern from grade to grade and from year to year, but wide variations in reading ability exist among pupils in any grade or of any age, and (d) there are no basic reading comprehension which can be taught or learned once or for all, they are merely simpler or more difficult levels of reading proficiencies, which can be taught to pupils who are ready to learn.

2.3. Concept of Reading
Although, on the world wide level, the format of teaching reading skill may differ according to local circumstances, the 1994 English GBPP Stresses the implementation of teaching reading skill in an integrated skill unit. It means that reading is thought integrated with the other language skill. Such as, teaching vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way construct sentences, paragraphs and texts.
The development of reading skills mostly occurs in this stage. To be effective reader, the pupils should be able to (1) scan; (2) skim; (3) read between the lines; (4) read intensively; and (5) deduce meaning from the context.
2.3.1. Reading Process
In very real sense, reading process is a progress report. It means that a major reason for the lack of forward motion in attempts to develop more effective reading in striation was a common failure to examine and articulate a clear view of the reading process it self. Knowledge is non-cumulative in improving reading instruction largely because either ignore the reading process and focus on the manipulation of teacher or pupils behaviors of because they related reading as an unknowable mystery.
Goodman, in Long, H Michael and Jack C Richards (1988: 11) says that: “(1) Reading is what reading is and everybody knows that; usually this translates to ‘reading is matching sounds to letters’; (2)’Nobody knows how reading works’”. This view usually leads to a next premise; therefore, in instruction, whatever ’works’ is its justification.
Both views are non-productive at best and the worst seriously impede progress. Furthermore, the effort has been to create a model of the reading process powerful enough to explain and predicate reading behavior and sound enough to be a base on which to build and examine the effectiveness of reading instruction. This model has been developed using the concepts, scientific methodology, and terminology of psycholinguistics, the interdisciplinary science that is concerned with how thought and language are interrelated.
2.3.2. Reading as a Language Skill
From the four integrated skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing skill), the writer is interested to come up with a more elaborate description about reading skill as what Tarigan (1987) cited from Huda (2000) calls that reading skill as the third skill that the children have gained after speaking and before writing.
To the same extent reading should be stimulated when the students need to create the sense condition. In other words, the students will be guided to find the real answers of question they have in mind. Purposeful reading is encouraged by creating an interest in content, by trying in the new experience with personal background of the learning, by systematically extending the reading vocabulary (Betts).
Ying (2001) states that “reading is the process of recognition, interpretation and perception of written or printed material. Meanwhile Godman says reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game, consisting of cycle of sampling, predicting, testing and confirming.
Ying continues her statement that “reading is a process of hypothesis formation and verification, it is communicative act between a writer and reader. Consequently, the reader’s understanding is unlikely to be 100% accurate, as Wallace (1982) cited from Ying (2001) puts it: “The mother tongue speaker learns to be content with approximate meaning…. (H)e is satisfied with a meaning which makes sense of the context.”
According to Grellet (1981) reading may be classified as four simply categories, intensive reading, extensive reading, skimming and scanning (Cited in Ommagio, 1986) Suhirman (2002) further mentions as follows:
• Firstly, intensive reading is reading activity that is being related to further progress in language learning under the teacher guidance. In this type of reading, control from a teacher is compulsory and it will provide a basis for elucidation of difficulties of structure, and for the extension of vocabulary. To the same extent, Finnonchiro (1983) also glanced that the intensive reading when the student’s attention should be focused on all expression, nations sound, structure and cultural allusions will be unfamiliar to them in passage.
• Secondly, extensive reading is developed at the student’s own pace according to his individual ability (Rivers, 1968 and Suhirman, 2002). In this extent, the activity is not completely controlled by the teacher. The students have learner to read without the teacher’s role. The extensive reading activity is mostly concerned with the purpose of training students to read directly and fluently by his/her own employment, without the aid of the teacher. Structures in the test will be already familiar to him and new vocabulary will be introduced slowly in such a way that its meaning can be deduced from the context.
• The third is skimming
There are great many materials related to each professional area, the students must be taught to be selective. Skimming techniques will enable them to select the worth reading.
Method of Skimming
 Preview
By previewing, the student can find out whether a specialist in a certain fields written book or article and whether it contains the information he/she is seeking.
 Overview
In over viewing, the student can discover the purpose and scope of the material, and can find sections that are the special interest to him.
 Survey
Through survey, the student will get the general idea of what the material contains.
In short, skimming is the skill that helps the students read quickly and selectively in order to obtain a general idea of the material.
• The fourth is scanning
Scanning helps the student search quickly of the specific information he wishes to get from the material, such as finding the meaning of a word in a dictionary, finding the heading under which required information appears an index, finding statistical information in tables, charts, or graph, and finding the answers to certain questions from the text.
The procedures for scanning are as follows. First, specific information must be located. Next the clues which will help to find the required information have to be decided, then, find the clues. Finally, read the section containing the clues to get information needed. In this technique, the students are trained to think of clues to help them find the specific information. These clues may be a word or words, punctuation, alphabetical order, numbers, etc.
From linguistics point of views, reading is recording and decoding process. Not like speaking which just involves an encoding process reading applies decoding process by which a reader must grasp and guess the meaning of written words used in writing scripts, reading the symbols to the oral language meaning (Anderson in Tarigan (1991) and Suhirman (2002)). In short, reading can be defined as “bringing meaning to and get meaning from points or written materials” (Finnochiro and Banama in Tarigan, 198
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
2.2. The Nature of Reading Reading is an active cognitive process of interaction with print and monitoring comprehension of establishing meaning which means the brain does not work in reading, the pupils get information by comprehending the massage and the teacher motivate the pupils to read (Lado, 1961: 65). Furthermore, Gloria (1988: 43) States that the definition of reading comprehension is most likely to occur when pupils are reading what they want to read, or at least what they see some good reasons to read.Lado (1961: 56):Reading in the foreign language consists of grasping meaning in the written language. In this case, reading foreign language is the grasping of full linguistics meaning of what is to read in subject within the common experience of the culture of which the language is a central part. He further maintains that linguistics means to include the denotation conveyed by language to all speakers of it is as opposed to meaning that are receptive only by those have specific background information not known by the other speakers in general. In other word, there are some purposes of reading such as reading for specific items of information, for general and detail information in a given field, etc. other types of reading, for example readings for literary appreciation are properly the real of reading in the native language.Learning to read a new language, the pupils must read carefully, some aloud; moreover some questions are also important of the passages, as in the following statement by Berry (1956: 44):There must be question on the text, this essential. The questions are to help the pupils understanding every detail on the passage, for example, the passage is about “hide and seek”. It means that the questions on the passage are able to facilitate the pupils understanding of the passage; the children are playing hide and seek in the playground, and the question are (1) who is playing hide and seek in the playground ? (2) What are the children playing in the playground? (3) What are they doing in the playground and where are they playing hide and seek?Psychologists and the reading experts have been conducting extensive research in the nature of reading and the sequential development of language skill. Among discoveries of the researchers, as stated by Lewis and Sisk in Gerry (1956: 34) are:(a) reading is not a single skill but an interrelated process of many skill, (b) reading is development process, in other words, reading comprehension develops sequentially as pupils nature, (c) there are developmental pattern from grade to grade and from year to year, but wide variations in reading ability exist among pupils in any grade or of any age, and (d) there are no basic reading comprehension which can be taught or learned once or for all, they are merely simpler or more difficult levels of reading proficiencies, which can be taught to pupils who are ready to learn.2.3. Concept of ReadingAlthough, on the world wide level, the format of teaching reading skill may differ according to local circumstances, the 1994 English GBPP Stresses the implementation of teaching reading skill in an integrated skill unit. It means that reading is thought integrated with the other language skill. Such as, teaching vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way construct sentences, paragraphs and texts.The development of reading skills mostly occurs in this stage. To be effective reader, the pupils should be able to (1) scan; (2) skim; (3) read between the lines; (4) read intensively; and (5) deduce meaning from the context. 2.3.1. Reading ProcessIn very real sense, reading process is a progress report. It means that a major reason for the lack of forward motion in attempts to develop more effective reading in striation was a common failure to examine and articulate a clear view of the reading process it self. Knowledge is non-cumulative in improving reading instruction largely because either ignore the reading process and focus on the manipulation of teacher or pupils behaviors of because they related reading as an unknowable mystery.Goodman, in Long, H Michael and Jack C Richards (1988: 11) says that: “(1) Reading is what reading is and everybody knows that; usually this translates to ‘reading is matching sounds to letters’; (2)’Nobody knows how reading works’”. This view usually leads to a next premise; therefore, in instruction, whatever ’works’ is its justification.Both views are non-productive at best and the worst seriously impede progress. Furthermore, the effort has been to create a model of the reading process powerful enough to explain and predicate reading behavior and sound enough to be a base on which to build and examine the effectiveness of reading instruction. This model has been developed using the concepts, scientific methodology, and terminology of psycholinguistics, the interdisciplinary science that is concerned with how thought and language are interrelated. 2.3.2. Reading as a Language SkillFrom the four integrated skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing skill), the writer is interested to come up with a more elaborate description about reading skill as what Tarigan (1987) cited from Huda (2000) calls that reading skill as the third skill that the children have gained after speaking and before writing.To the same extent reading should be stimulated when the students need to create the sense condition. In other words, the students will be guided to find the real answers of question they have in mind. Purposeful reading is encouraged by creating an interest in content, by trying in the new experience with personal background of the learning, by systematically extending the reading vocabulary (Betts).Ying (2001) states that “reading is the process of recognition, interpretation and perception of written or printed material. Meanwhile Godman says reading is a psycholinguistic guessing game, consisting of cycle of sampling, predicting, testing and confirming.Ying continues her statement that “reading is a process of hypothesis formation and verification, it is communicative act between a writer and reader. Consequently, the reader’s understanding is unlikely to be 100% accurate, as Wallace (1982) cited from Ying (2001) puts it: “The mother tongue speaker learns to be content with approximate meaning…. (H)e is satisfied with a meaning which makes sense of the context.”According to Grellet (1981) reading may be classified as four simply categories, intensive reading, extensive reading, skimming and scanning (Cited in Ommagio, 1986) Suhirman (2002) further mentions as follows:• Firstly, intensive reading is reading activity that is being related to further progress in language learning under the teacher guidance. In this type of reading, control from a teacher is compulsory and it will provide a basis for elucidation of difficulties of structure, and for the extension of vocabulary. To the same extent, Finnonchiro (1983) also glanced that the intensive reading when the student’s attention should be focused on all expression, nations sound, structure and cultural allusions will be unfamiliar to them in passage.• Secondly, extensive reading is developed at the student’s own pace according to his individual ability (Rivers, 1968 and Suhirman, 2002). In this extent, the activity is not completely controlled by the teacher. The students have learner to read without the teacher’s role. The extensive reading activity is mostly concerned with the purpose of training students to read directly and fluently by his/her own employment, without the aid of the teacher. Structures in the test will be already familiar to him and new vocabulary will be introduced slowly in such a way that its meaning can be deduced from the context.• The third is skimming
There are great many materials related to each professional area, the students must be taught to be selective. Skimming techniques will enable them to select the worth reading.
Method of Skimming
 Preview
By previewing, the student can find out whether a specialist in a certain fields written book or article and whether it contains the information he/she is seeking.
 Overview
In over viewing, the student can discover the purpose and scope of the material, and can find sections that are the special interest to him.
 Survey
Through survey, the student will get the general idea of what the material contains.
In short, skimming is the skill that helps the students read quickly and selectively in order to obtain a general idea of the material.
• The fourth is scanning
Scanning helps the student search quickly of the specific information he wishes to get from the material, such as finding the meaning of a word in a dictionary, finding the heading under which required information appears an index, finding statistical information in tables, charts, or graph, and finding the answers to certain questions from the text.
The procedures for scanning are as follows. First, specific information must be located. Next the clues which will help to find the required information have to be decided, then, find the clues. Finally, read the section containing the clues to get information needed. In this technique, the students are trained to think of clues to help them find the specific information. These clues may be a word or words, punctuation, alphabetical order, numbers, etc.
From linguistics point of views, reading is recording and decoding process. Not like speaking which just involves an encoding process reading applies decoding process by which a reader must grasp and guess the meaning of written words used in writing scripts, reading the symbols to the oral language meaning (Anderson in Tarigan (1991) and Suhirman (2002)). In short, reading can be defined as “bringing meaning to and get meaning from points or written materials” (Finnochiro and Banama in Tarigan, 198
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
2.2. Sifat Reading
Membaca adalah proses kognitif yang aktif interaksi dengan cetak dan pemahaman pemantauan membangun makna yang berarti otak tidak bekerja dalam membaca, siswa mendapatkan informasi dengan memahami pijat dan guru memotivasi siswa untuk membaca (Lado, 1961 : 65). Selanjutnya, Gloria (1988: 43) menyatakan bahwa definisi pemahaman bacaan yang paling mungkin terjadi ketika siswa membaca apa yang mereka ingin membaca, atau setidaknya apa yang mereka lihat beberapa alasan yang baik untuk membaca.
Lado (1961: 56):
Reading dalam bahasa asing terdiri dari menangkap makna dalam bahasa tulis. Dalam hal ini, membaca bahasa asing adalah menggenggam linguistik penuh makna dari apa yang dibaca di subjek dalam pengalaman umum dari budaya yang bahasa adalah bagian tengah. Lebih lanjut ia menyatakan bahwa linguistik berarti untuk menyertakan denotasi yang disampaikan oleh bahasa untuk semua pembicara dari itu sebagai lawan makna yang menerima hanya oleh mereka memiliki informasi latar belakang tertentu tidak diketahui oleh pembicara lain pada umumnya. Dengan kata lain, ada beberapa tujuan membaca seperti membaca untuk item tertentu dari informasi, untuk informasi umum dan rinci dalam bidang tertentu, dll jenis bacaan, misalnya bacaan untuk apresiasi sastra yang benar nyata membaca di . bahasa asli Belajar membaca bahasa baru, murid harus membaca dengan seksama, beberapa suara keras; apalagi beberapa pertanyaan juga penting dari ayat-ayat, seperti dalam pernyataan berikut oleh Berry (1956: 44): Harus ada pertanyaan pada teks, ini penting. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang membantu siswa memahami setiap detail pada bagian ini, misalnya, bagian ini adalah tentang "petak umpet". Ini berarti bahwa pertanyaan-pertanyaan pada bagian ini dapat memfasilitasi siswa memahami dari bagian tersebut; anak-anak sedang bermain petak umpet di taman bermain, dan pertanyaan yang (1) yang bermain petak umpet di taman bermain? (2) Apa anak-anak bermain di taman bermain? (3) Apa yang mereka lakukan di taman bermain dan di mana mereka bermain petak umpet? Psikolog dan ahli membaca telah melakukan penelitian yang luas dalam sifat membaca dan pengembangan berurutan keterampilan bahasa. Di antara penemuan dari peneliti, seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Lewis dan Sisk di Gerry (1956: 34) adalah: (a) membaca bukanlah keterampilan tunggal tetapi proses saling terkait banyak keterampilan, (b) membaca adalah proses pembangunan, dengan kata lain, pemahaman bacaan berkembang secara berurutan sebagai murid alam, (c) ada pola perkembangan dari kelas ke kelas dan dari tahun ke tahun, tetapi variasi dalam kemampuan membaca ada di antara siswa di kelas atau dari segala usia, dan (d) tidak ada dasar pemahaman bacaan yang dapat diajarkan atau dipelajari sekali atau untuk semua, mereka adalah tingkat hanya sederhana atau lebih sulit dari kemahiran membaca, yang dapat diajarkan kepada murid yang siap untuk belajar. 2.3. Konsep Reading Meskipun, pada tingkat seluruh dunia, format keterampilan membaca mengajar dapat berbeda sesuai dengan keadaan setempat, tahun 1994 Inggris GBPP Menekankan pelaksanaan keterampilan membaca mengajar di unit keterampilan terintegrasi. Ini berarti bahwa membaca adalah pemikiran yang terintegrasi dengan keterampilan bahasa lain. Seperti, mengajar kosakata, tata bahasa, tanda baca dan cara membangun kalimat, paragraf dan teks. Pengembangan keterampilan membaca sebagian besar terjadi pada tahap ini. Untuk menjadi pembaca yang efektif, siswa harus dapat (1) memindai; (2) skim; (3) membaca yang tersirat; (4) membaca intensif; dan (5) menyimpulkan makna dari konteks. 2.3.1. Membaca Proses Dalam arti yang sangat nyata, proses membaca adalah laporan kemajuan. Ini berarti bahwa alasan utama untuk kurangnya gerak maju dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan membaca lebih efektif dalam pergoresan adalah kegagalan umum untuk memeriksa dan mengartikulasikan pandangan yang jelas dari proses membaca itu sendiri. Pengetahuan adalah non-kumulatif dalam meningkatkan instruksi membaca sebagian besar karena baik mengabaikan proses membaca dan fokus pada manipulasi guru atau murid perilaku karena mereka terkait membaca sebagai misteri diketahui. Goodman, di Long, H Michael dan Jack C Richards (1988: 11) mengatakan bahwa: "(1) Membaca adalah apa yang membaca adalah dan semua orang tahu bahwa; biasanya ini diterjemahkan menjadi 'membaca adalah pencocokan suara untuk surat'; (2) 'Tidak ada yang tahu bagaimana membaca bekerja' ". Pandangan ini biasanya mengarah ke premis berikutnya; Oleh karena itu, dalam instruksi, apa pun 'bekerja' adalah justifikasi. Kedua pandangan non-produktif di terbaik dan terburuk serius menghambat kemajuan. Selanjutnya, upaya ini adalah untuk membuat model proses membaca cukup kuat untuk menjelaskan dan predikat perilaku membaca dan suara cukup untuk menjadi dasar untuk membangun dan menguji efektivitas membaca instruksi. Model ini telah dikembangkan menggunakan konsep, metodologi ilmiah, dan terminologi psikolinguistik, ilmu interdisipliner yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana pikiran dan bahasa saling terkait. 2.3.2. Membaca sebagai Bahasa Keterampilan Dari empat keterampilan terpadu (mendengar, berbicara, membaca dan keterampilan menulis), penulis tertarik untuk datang dengan penjelasan yang lebih rumit tentang membaca keterampilan apa Tarigan (1987) dikutip dari Huda (2000) menyebut bahwa membaca skill sebagai skill ketiga bahwa anak-anak telah mendapatkan setelah berbicara dan sebelum menulis. Untuk pembacaan tingkat yang sama harus dirangsang ketika siswa perlu menciptakan kondisi akal. Dengan kata lain, para siswa akan dipandu untuk menemukan jawaban nyata pertanyaan yang mereka miliki dalam pikiran. Membaca tujuan didorong dengan menciptakan minat dalam konten, dengan mencoba dalam pengalaman baru dengan latar belakang pribadi belajar, dengan sistematis memperluas kosakata membaca (Betts). Ying (2001) menyatakan bahwa "membaca adalah proses pengenalan, interpretasi dan persepsi bahan tertulis atau dicetak. Sementara itu Godman mengatakan membaca adalah permainan menebak psikolinguistik, yang terdiri dari siklus sampling, memprediksi, pengujian dan mengkonfirmasikan. Ying terus pernyataannya bahwa "membaca adalah proses pembentukan hipotesis dan verifikasi, itu adalah tindakan komunikatif antara penulis dan pembaca. Akibatnya, pemahaman pembaca tidak mungkin 100% akurat, sebagai Wallace (1982) dikutip dari Ying (2001) dikatakan: "The bahasa ibu speaker belajar untuk puas dengan makna perkiraan .... (H) e puas dengan makna yang masuk akal dari konteksnya. "Menurut Grellet (1981) membaca dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai empat hanya kategori, membaca intensif, membaca ekstensif, skimming dan scanning (Dikutip dalam Ommagio, 1986) Suhirman ( 2002) lebih lanjut menyebutkan sebagai berikut: • Pertama, membaca intensif kegiatan yang sedang berhubungan dengan kemajuan lebih lanjut dalam pembelajaran bahasa di bawah bimbingan guru membaca. Dalam jenis membaca, kontrol dari guru adalah wajib dan akan memberikan dasar untuk penjelasan kesulitan struktur, dan untuk perpanjangan kosakata. Pada tingkat yang sama, Finnonchiro (1983) juga melirik bahwa membaca intensif ketika perhatian siswa harus difokuskan pada semua ekspresi, bangsa terdengar, struktur dan budaya sindiran akan asing bagi mereka dalam bagian. • Kedua, membaca ekstensif dikembangkan di kecepatan pelajar sendiri sesuai dengan kemampuan individual (Rivers, 1968 dan Suhirman, 2002). Dalam batas ini, kegiatan tersebut tidak benar-benar dikontrol oleh guru. Para siswa harus belajar untuk membaca tanpa peran guru. Kegiatan membaca ekstensif adalah sebagian besar berkaitan dengan tujuan siswa pelatihan untuk membaca secara langsung dan lancar oleh / pekerjaannya sendiri, tanpa bantuan guru. Struktur dalam ujian akan sudah akrab dengannya dan kosa kata baru akan diperkenalkan secara perlahan sedemikian rupa sehingga maknanya dapat disimpulkan dari konteks. • Yang ketiga adalah menggelapkan Ada banyak bahan yang besar terkait dengan setiap bidang profesional, mahasiswa harus diajarkan untuk menjadi selektif. Teknik skimming akan memungkinkan mereka untuk memilih layak dibaca. Metode Skimming  Preview Dengan melihat pratinjau, siswa dapat mengetahui apakah seorang spesialis dalam bidang-bidang tertentu buku atau artikel yang ditulis dan apakah berisi informasi yang ia / dia mencari.  Ikhtisar Dalam lebih melihat, siswa dapat menemukan tujuan dan ruang lingkup materi, dan dapat menemukan bagian yang merupakan minat khusus kepadanya.  Survey Melalui survei, siswa akan mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang apa materi mengandung. Singkatnya, skimming adalah keterampilan yang membantu siswa membaca cepat dan selektif untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang materi. • keempat memindai Scanning membantu pencarian mahasiswa cepat dari informasi spesifik ia ingin dapatkan dari materi, seperti menemukan arti kata dalam kamus, menemukan pos di mana diperlukan informasi muncul indeks, menemukan informasi statistik dalam tabel, grafik, atau grafik, dan menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan tertentu dari teks. Prosedur scanning adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, informasi spesifik harus berada. Berikutnya petunjuk yang akan membantu untuk menemukan informasi yang diperlukan harus memutuskan, maka, menemukan petunjuk. Akhirnya, membaca bagian yang berisi petunjuk untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Dalam teknik ini, para siswa dilatih untuk memikirkan petunjuk untuk membantu mereka menemukan informasi spesifik. Petunjuk ini mungkin sebuah kata atau kata-kata, tanda baca, urutan abjad, angka, dll Dari sudut linguistik dari pandangan, membaca merekam dan proses decoding. Tidak seperti berbicara yang hanya melibatkan proses encoding membaca berlaku proses decoding dimana pembaca harus memahami dan menebak arti dari kata-kata tertulis yang digunakan dalam penulisan skrip, membaca simbol dengan makna bahasa lisan (Anderson dalam Tarigan (1991) dan Suhirman (2002 )). Singkatnya, membaca dapat didefinisikan sebagai "membawa arti dan makna dari poin atau bahan tertulis" (Finnochiro dan Banama di Tarigan, 198

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