Tôi thề là tôi ngủ, tôi đã ngủ 2 tiếng đồng hồ , thức dạy một lần nghe điện thoại sếp gọi. Tin hay không tùy , bạn luôn luôn không tin tôi nên tôi cũng không muốn phải giải thích nhiều với người luôn không tin tôi.
I swear I slept, I slept 2 hours, formal teaching per phone call boss. Believe it or not, you always don't believe me so I also don't want to have to explain much with people always don't believe me.
I swear I sleep, I sleep two hours, wake up once the phone call boss. Believe it or not, you always do not believe me, I do not want to have to explain much to who does not believe me.
I swear, my bedroom, I sleep two hours to wake up, call the boss. Believe it or not, you always do not believe me, so I do not want to explain, many people do not believe me.