Results (
English) 1:
7. a work permit in the confined (Confined Space Work Permit). Access to any work, or even to verify in the confined area. Whether it is temporary or fulltime job for any reason may pose a danger to people. So, before I go into that confined to request permission of confined access (Confined Space Work Permit) prior to audit action and are prepared for emergencies that may occur using this license in order to get permission to get permission into the area. -Entrance are limited. -May have evaporation. Flammable or poisonous substances in the air. -There is not enough oxygen to breathe, or with an inert gas is not the ideal breathing, tight pages. -Is not prepared or created to people normally. -Air furnace is a closed boiler. Various tanks of various ponds or deep pits to exceed the height of the underground pipe workers and big pond, such as hoses or even rooms in the North – or at least. Than usual and there is no ventilation apparatus, etc.8. the radiation work permit (Excavation Work Permit). The work will be required to verify compliance with the checklist in the license strictly. "The inspectors" must be knowledgeable, dedicated to this as well, such as inspecting welds by radiation. The devices, about the radiation machine, as well as to the protection devices. Applications regarding the use of radiation, with the exception of using radioactive materials on the room laep, are the responsibility of the head of Department room laep directly monitor.9. work permits drilling (Radiation Work Permit). ผู้ออกใบอนุญาตทำงานต้องตรวจสอบในใบอนุญาตอย่างเคร่งครัด และผู้ขออนุญาตจะต้องไปติดตามประสานงานกับฝ่ายก่อสร้าง เพื่อให้ตรวจสอบระบบท่อและสายไฟฟ้า / สายโทรศัพท์ใต้พื้น และมีลายเซ็นรับรองในช่องหมายเหตุ (ตามรายงานการตรวจสอบ หมายเลข 1 และ 3 ) และจะต้องมีการตรวจสอบเรื่องระบบไฟฟ้าเป็นอย่างดี และเป็นไปตามระบบ Lock Out และมีลายเซ็นของหัวหน้าซ่อมบำรุงไฟฟ้า รับรองด้วย10. ผู้มีสิทธิออกใบอนุญาตทำงาน (Authorized Presort to Issue Permit ) 10.1 shall be the employee or supervisor level, who is responsible for the device or area that would work for permission must be level or supervisor engineer. Senior Vice President, licensing, with the exception of heat (Hot Work Permit) the auditor must. A level head and the licensor must be a Manager, owner of the area. In the case of The Manager, the owner of the space within a company, licensing authority instead. 10.2 in the event that the work involved or responsible area, stack, authority. Both the licensing section. Signed together.
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