Единороссы намерены провести дебаты публично, с трансляцией не только на специальном сайте, но и на региональных телеканалах и в соцсетях, и рассчитывают, что это сработает на улучшение имиджа "Единой России", которую на протяжении многих лет упрекали в нежелании дебатировать с оппонентами. Единороссы хотят, чтобы выступления были зрелищными, но при этом не переходили во взаимные оскорбления и обличения. Однако в округах соперничество возникнет. К примеру, по 118-му Дмитровскому округу в Подмосковье, где планирует выдвинуться депутат Госдумы Ирина Роднина, на праймериз явился глава кафедры права МФТИ, экс-депутат Госдумы и бывший руководитель подмосковного "Правого дела" беспартийный Борис Надеждин: "Я ни с кем не согласовывал свое выдвижение и не строю иллюзий насчет перспектив, но праймериз — это та волна, которую надо оседлать, чтобы публично и напрямую донести свою точку зрения до избирателей. Либералы недооценивают эту возможность". Он заверил "Ъ", что обязательно пойдет на дебаты с Ириной Родниной, если она будет участвовать в праймериз по округу, и обещал, что постарается сделать их "очень интересными". Настоящий скандал произошел между соперниками на праймериз по отбору кандидата в мэры Рыбинска Ярославской области, в результате которого недовольный итогами голосования кандидат Владимир Денисов выдвинулся на выборы от партии "Родина".
Results (
English) 1:
United Russia intend to debate publicly with the broadcast not only on a special website, but also on regional tv channels and social networks, and expects that this will work on improving the image of the "United Russia", which for many years was reproached in the unwillingness to debate with opponents. United want performances were spectacular, but not passed in mutual insults and reproof. However, in the districts of rivalry. For example, 118-Mu Dmitrovskomu district in the Moscow region, where plans to advance the State Duma Irina Rodnina, head of the Department was the primary law of MIPT, ex-mp and former head of Moscow "just cause" nonpartisan Boris Nadezhdin: "I am not coordinated her nomination and no illusions about prospects but is a primary wave, which must be ride to publicly and directly convey their views to the electorate. Liberals underestimate this opportunity. " He assured the Kommersant that necessarily will debate with Irina Rodnina, if it would participate in the primaries in the district, and promised that he would try to make them "very interesting". This scandal occurred between the rivals in the primaries for the selection of a candidate for mayor of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, resulting in dissatisfied with the outcome of voting the candidate Vladimir Denisov moved to the elections from the party "Rodina".
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Results (
English) 2:
United Russia intend to hold a debate in public, with the broadcast not only on a special website, but also on the regional television channels and social networks, and expect that it will work on improving the image of the "United Russia", which for many years was accused of unwillingness to debate with opponents. United Russia want performances were spectacular, but it did not go into mutual insults and accusations. However, in the districts of rivalry there. For example, at 118 th Dmitrov district near Moscow, where he plans to advance the State Duma deputy Irina Rodnina, the primaries was the head of the Department of Law MIPT, former State Duma deputy and former head of the Moscow Region "Right Cause" nonpartisan Boris Nadezhdin: "I have no one coordinated his nomination and no illusions about the prospects, but the primaries -. it is the wave, which should ride to convey their views to the voters directly and publicly liberals underestimate this opportunity. " He assured, "Kommersant" that is required to go to debate with Irina Rodnina, if it is to participate in the primaries for the District, and promised that he would try to make them "very interesting." This scandal occurred between the rivals in the primaries for the selection of the candidate for mayor of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, resulting in dissatisfied with the results of voting the candidate Vladimir Denisov moved to the elections of the party "Motherland".
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Results (
English) 3:
единороссы intend to debate publicly, to produce not only at the special site, but also on regional tv channels and the grid, and expect that it will work on improving the image of united russia, which has for many years been criticized for not discussing with opponents. единороссы want presentations were spectacular, but it does not degenerate into mutual insults and denounce. however, in the districts of rivalry arise. for example, in 118 mu дмитровскому district of moscow where plans ahead, irina роднина duma deputy, in the primary was the head, department of law мфти, former duma deputy and former head of the moscow "just cause" a boris надеждин: "i haven"t clear their nomination and don"t have any illusions about the prospects, but the primary is the wave to ride, to publicly and n апрямую communicate its view to the voters. the liberals at this opportunity. " he assured the "q", which necessarily goes to debate with irina родниной if she will participate in the primary circuit, and promised to try to make them "very interesting". the real scandal occurred between the rivals in the primaries to select candidates for mayor рыбинска yaroslavl oblast, which frustrated the vote candidate vladimir denisov ran for election from the party "motherland".
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