As part of a Global strategy to reduce the number of company e-mail addresses, the legacy e-mail address “” has been removed from IT systems. Consequently, you will not receive messages that are sent to this e-mail address.
The reason this action has been undertaken because of one or more of the following:
• This e-mail address has not received any mail within the last 60 days and it is classed as a legacy domain e-mail address.
• Year 2011 directive from the CEO to ensure that “” is the ONLY address that ALS employees communicate with (one domain exception exists).
• Identified that the address was inappropriately created/assigned to your account.
• Active cleanup by IT of legacy e-mail addresses to help reduce the number of received SPAM and virus containing e-mail attachments.
All of your other assigned e-mail addresses, unless notified of, are valid and e-mail can be received through them. Please take note that it is company policy that your e-mail address “” is your primary address and you should only communicate through this address.