Die Sanitäter macht mich diese Situation schwach fühlen. Ich habe keine andere Wahl. Ich muss warten , bis Sie am Montag zu senden und ich werde den Überweisungsträger zusammen mit mir zu ihnen zu beweisen , dass du es geschickt hatte.
The paramedics makes me feel weak this situation. I have no other choice. I have to wait to send on Monday and I'm going to prove it had sent the remittance together with me to them.
Oh dear, makes me feel weak this situation. I have no choice. I have to wait until you send on Monday and I'm going to prove the remittance slip along with me to them that you had sent it.
the medicthis situation makes me feel weak.i have no other choice.i have to wait until monday to send the bank transfer slip and i will be together with me to prove to them that you had sent.