This Technical Specification provides the guidelines for collection and maintenance of terminology in
the field of geographic information. It establishes criteria for selection of concepts to be included in
other standards concerning geographic information, which are developed by ISO/TC 211, specifies
the structure of the terminological record, and describes the principles for definition writing.
This Technical Specification, along with a repository of GIS terminology in the form of a terminological
database, is expected to be a central reference for the shared language between participants and
users alike. It defines the criteria for including concepts in the vocabulary, specifies the terminological
data to be recorded, and within the electronically processable repository introduces an initial set of
concepts with definitions that will be subject to ongoing maintenance.
This Technical Specification describes the structure of entries and the types of terminological data
that are to be recorded. In addition, it includes principles for definition writing as outlined in
ISO 10241:1992 and ISO 704:2000.
Annex A lays down the guidelines for maintenance of a Terminology Repository.
Annex B is a list of terms that has been compiled from International Standards and Technical
Specifications developed by ISO/TC 211 and other sources. Its purpose is to encourage consistency
in the use and interpretation of geospatial terms. It is freely available for use by all interested people
and organizations.