[13/8/2016 9:21:40 AM] Peter Achermann: Guten Morgen zusammen. Unternehmt etwas und geniesst den schönen Tag.
[13/8/2016 10:02:48 AM] Peter Achermann: Diese Lieder haben mir immer wieder Mut und Kraft gegeben.
[13/8/2016 8:42:11 PM] Sandra Bryner: Gute und schönen Tag zu dir meine Liebe.
Oh, ich bin sehr leid für die späte Antwort.
Wow, vielen Dank für die Songs.
Ich schätze dich so sehr mich dafür , dass zu wissen , dass ich für Sie wichtig bin.
Ich kam gerade nach Hause jetzt von den heutigen Plan mit meiner Tochter.
Wir hatten viel Spaß lieben.
Wie geht es dir lieber tun,
[13/8/2016 8:53:06 PM] Sandra Bryner: hallo liebe, lassen Sie mich wissen, wann Sie hier sein wird.
[13/8/2016 10:34:54 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich bin heute zum Abendessen bei Freunden eingeladen. Bei uns ist eine Hitzewelle von 32 Grad Celsius. In der Nacht hast Du vielleicht noch 8 Grad und sobald dann die Sonne kommt wird es heiss. Ich habe eine Infrarotkabine. Die kann man nutzen wie eine Sauna. So will ich jetzt so richtig rausschwitzen, damit ich mich wieder frisch fühle. Anschliessend gehe ich zu den Freunden. Sie waren früher meine Nachbarn. Für Dich wird es sicher zu spät sein, wenn ich nach Hause komme. Ich schätze so gegen 22 Uhr. Dann wäre es ja 4 Uhr Morgens bei Dir.
[13/8/2016 10:35:36 PM] Peter Achermann: Hat Dich Deine Nase gekitzelt. dass Du jetzt Online bist?
[13/8/2016 10:40:06 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich werde den Wecker Stellen, dass ich um 9 Uhr Deiner Zeit Online bin. Lass mich wissen, ob das für Dich Ok. ist.
[13/8/2016 10:40:30 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hallo liebe,
es; s . Schön , wieder von Ihnen zu hören ,
ich war zu schlafen und ich beschlossen , zu überprüfen , ob Sie bereits online sind. In
Ordnung lieben,
Spaß zu haben , aber bitte vorsichtig sein.
Ich hatte viel Spaß auch mit meiner Tochter heute.
so, ich habe jetzt zu schlafen , weil wir in die Kirche von morgen zu gehen.
Ich dachte viel über Sie während der letzten Nacht
[13/8/2016 10:41:26 PM] Peter Achermann: Was hast Du gedacht?
[13/8/2016 10:42:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, es ist viel lieber,
ich kann es nicht erklären , aber würde lieben , sie zum Ausdruck zu bringen , wenn wir uns treffen
[13/8/2016 10:43:36 PM] Peter Achermann: Hast Du denn Zweifel an meinen guten Absichten?
[13/8/2016 10:46:01 PM] Sandra Bryner: keine Liebe,
habe ich an dir gezweifelt nie aus irgendwelchen Gründen ,
es ist nur das , was ich letzte Nacht dachte über Erklärungen ist.
Okay, kurz.
Es geht darum , zu meditieren oh , wie ein Leben mit dir sein würde ,
[13/8/2016 10:50:07 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich verstehe. Das ist gut. So wirst Du die Gewissheit erlangen, ob es richtig ist oder nicht. Wie auch immer sollst Du wissen, dass Du in jeder Situation mit mir rechnen kannst. Weisst Du, auch ich mache mir diesbezüglich meine Gedanken. Ich will wirklich das Beste für uns alle.
[13/8/2016 10:50:59 PM] Peter Achermann: Wann geht ihr zur Kirche?
[13/8/2016 10:52:40 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, danke für die netten Ausdrücke lieben.
Ich morgens in die Kirche gehe.
So verzeiht mir jetzt zu schlafen , während wir morgen wieder chatten.
I nach der Kirche morgen frei sein wird.
Ab 5 0 Uhr pm meine Zeit
[13/8/2016 10:55:06 PM] Peter Achermann: OK Schlaf gut und erhole Dich von jeglichen Zweifel und sei Zuversichtlich. Visualisiere Deine Träume und lasse sie wahr werden. Ich Liebe Euch von ganzem Herzen. Goodnight my Love
[13/8/2016 10:56:20 PM] Sandra Bryner: In Ordnung lieben,
vielen Dank für die Inspiration.
Liebe dich auch,
sich interessiert!
[13/8/2016 10:56:24 PM] Sandra Bryner: bye
[13/8/2016 10:56:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: Tschüss für heute
[14/8/2016 5:13:09 PM] Peter Achermann: Wo bist Du?
[14/8/2016 5:36:15 PM] Peter Achermann: Bitte melde Dich morgen, wenn Du das Flugtickete
[14/8/2016 5:51:49 PM] Peter Achermann: Sorry Bitte melde Dich morgen, wenn Du das Flugticket gekauft hast. Sende mir die Kopie an meine Email Adresse. Ich werde morgen Montag 8.00 Uhr Schweizerzeit erreichbar sein. Was ist passiert? Ich bin mich gewohnt, dass man sich an Abmachungen hält. Für Notfälle erreichst Du mich über Mobile: Schweiz (041) 79 543 9143. Festnetz Vorwahl Schweiz + 41 310 4968. Über das Festnetz kannst Du mir auch eine Nachricht hinterlassen.
[14/8/2016 5:52:28 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich hoffe es ist nichts passiert. Ich mache mir grosse Sorgen.
[14/8/2016 7:48:18 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hallo liebe, '
Ich habe gerade jetzt angemeldet und lese ich Ihre vorherigen Nachrichten.
[14/8/2016 7:48:31 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich sehe, dass Du jetzt Online bist. Was ist passiert?
[14/8/2016 7:53:47 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh ja lieber,
kam ich aus der Kirche vor 4 Stunden.
Dann schlief ich weg und jetzt bin ich wach zu überprüfen , ob Sie mir eine Nachricht geschickt hatte , und ich fand Ihre Nachricht.
Ich bereite wird das Abendessen jetzt lieber,
auch erhielt ich Ihre Nachrichten lieber und es auch zur Kenntnis genommen.
ich werde meine Tochte
Results (
English) 1:
[13/8 / 2016 9:21:40 AM] Peter Achermann: good morning, everyone. Do something and enjoying the beautiful day.[13/8 / 2016 10:02:48 AM] Peter Achermann: These songs have given repeatedly courage and force me.[13/8 / 2016 8:42:11 PM] Sandra Bryner: Beautiful and good day to you my love. Oh, I am very sorry for the late reply. Wow, thanks for the songs. I appreciate you so much me, that to know that I am important to you. I just came home now by the current plan with my daughter. We love to have fun. How do you prefer[13/8 / 2016 8:53:06 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hi dear, let me know when you will be here.[13/8 / 2016 10:34:54 PM] Peter Achermann: I am invited to dinner with friends today. With us, there is a wave of heat of 32 degrees Celsius. At night you've got maybe 8 degrees and once then comes the Sun it gets hot. I have an infra-red cabin. That can be used as a sauna. So want I out sweat now really make me feel fresh again. Then I go to the friends. Previously, they were my neighbors. For you, it will be surely too late when I get home. I guess around 10: 00. Then it would be Yes 4 am with you.[13/8 / 2016 10:35:36 PM] Peter Achermann: You has tickled your nose. Now you're online?[13/8 / 2016 10:40:06 PM] Peter Achermann: I'll make that I am to 9: 00 your time online the alarm clock. Let me know if this for you OK. is.[13/8 / 2016 10:40:30 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear, It; s. Nice to hear from you I was sleeping and I decided to check whether you are already online. In Love order, Have fun but please be careful. I had fun with my daughter today. so, I have to sleep now because we are in the Church of tomorrow to go. I thought much about you last night[13/8 / 2016 10:41:26 PM] Peter Achermann: what did you think?[13/8 / 2016 10:42:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, it's much better,. I can't explain it, but I would love to bring them when we meet[13/8 / 2016 10:43:36 PM] Peter Achermann: Do you doubt my good intentions?[13/8 / 2016 10:46:01 PM] Sandra Bryner: no love, I I never doubted you for any reason, It's just that what I was thinking last night about statements is. Okay, short. It comes to meditate oh, how life would be with you,[13/8 / 2016 10:50:07 PM] Peter Achermann: I understand. This is good. So, you will obtain the certainty whether it is correct or not. Anyway, you know that you can count me in every situation. Know, I'm my thoughts in this regard. I really want the best for all of us.[13/8 / 2016 10:50:59 PM] Peter Achermann: When will you go to church?[13/8 / 2016 10:52:40 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, thank you for the Nice expressions love. I go to church in the morning. So forgive me now to sleep me while we chat again tomorrow. I will be free tomorrow after Church. 5 0 clock pm my time[13/8 / 2016 10:55:06 PM] Peter Achermann: OK sleep well and recover from any doubt and be confident. Visualize your dreams and let them come true. I love you with all my heart. Goodnight my love[13/8 / 2016 10:56:20 PM] Sandra Bryner: Alright love,. Thank you for the inspiration. Love you too, are interested![13/8 / 2016 10:56:24 PM] Sandra Bryner: bye[13/8 / 2016 10:56:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: Bye for now[14/8 / 2016 5:13:09 PM] Peter Achermann: Where are you?[14/8 / 2016 5:36:15 PM] Peter Achermann: Please sign up tomorrow, if you the Flugtickete[14/8 / 2016 5:51:49 PM] Peter Achermann: Sorry please sign up tomorrow, if you bought the ticket. Send the copy of me at my email address. I'll be tomorrow 8.00 pm Swiss time Monday. What happened? I'm me used that sticking to agreements. For emergencies you can reach me via mobile: (041) Switzerland 79 543 9143. landline area code Switzerland + 41 310 4968. On the fixed network, you can leave me a message.[14/8 / 2016 5:52:28 PM] Peter Achermann: I hope nothing happened. I'm worried.[14/8 / 2016 7:48:18 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear, ' I just now signed and I read your previous messages.[14/8/2016 7:48:31 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich sehe, dass Du jetzt Online bist. Was ist passiert?[14/8/2016 7:53:47 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh ja lieber, kam ich aus der Kirche vor 4 Stunden. Dann schlief ich weg und jetzt bin ich wach zu überprüfen , ob Sie mir eine Nachricht geschickt hatte , und ich fand Ihre Nachricht. Ich bereite wird das Abendessen jetzt lieber, auch erhielt ich Ihre Nachrichten lieber und es auch zur Kenntnis genommen. ich werde meine Tochte
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 2:
[8/13/2016 9:21:40 AM] Peter Achermann: Good morning. Under Do something and enjoy the beautiful day.
[13/08/2016 10:02:48 AM] Peter Achermann: These songs have me repeatedly given courage and strength.
[8/13/2016 8:42:11 PM] Sandra Bryner . Good and nice day to you my love
. Oh, I'm very sorry for the late reply
. Wow, thanks for the songs
. I appreciate you so much me that to know that I'm important to you
I came . just go home now from today's schedule with my daughter
we had a lot of fun love.
How are you rather do
[8/13/2016 8:53:06 PM] Sandra Bryner: hello, dear, let me know when They will be here.
[13/08/2016 10:34:54 PM] Peter Achermann: today I am invited to dinner with friends. With us is a heatwave of 32 degrees Celsius. At night maybe you still have 8 degrees and then as soon as the sun comes, it will be hot. I have an infrared cabin. The can be used as a sauna. So I now want to break sweat so right, so I feel fresh again. Then I go to your friends. You were once my neighbors. For you it will certainly be too late when I get home. I guess so to 22 clock. Then there would be 4 am with you.
[13/08/2016 10:35:36 PM] Peter Achermann: Did you tickled your nose. that you are now online!
[13/08/2016 10:40:06 PM] Peter Achermann: I'm the alarm points that I am online at 9 o'clock your time. Let me know if you might like Ok. is.
[13/08/2016 10:40:30 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello,
it; s. Good to hear from you again,
I was sleeping and I decided to check if you are already online. In
order to love,
to have fun, but be careful.
I had fun with my daughter today.
So, I have to sleep now, because we go to church tomorrow.
I thought a lot about you during the last night
[13/08/2016 10:41:26 PM] Peter Achermann: What did you think?
[13/08/2016 10:42:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, it's much better,
I can not explain it, but would love to express them when we meet
[13/08/2016 10:43:36 PM] Peter Achermann:? Have you because doubt my good intentions
[08/13/2016 10:46:01 PM] Sandra Bryner: no love,
I doubted you never, for any reason,
it is only what I thought last night about explanations is.
Okay, briefly.
it's about meditating oh how his life with you would
[13/08/2016 10:50:07 PM] Peter Achermann: I understand. It's good. So you'll get, whether it is right or not exactly. Anyway you should know that you can count on in any situation with me. You know, even I'm in this regard my thoughts. I really want the best for all of us.
[13/08/2016 10:50:59 PM] Peter Achermann: When you go to church?
[13/08/2016 10:52:40 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh, thank you for cute expressions love.
I am in the church go.
So forgive me now to sleep while we chat again tomorrow.
I after church tomorrow be free will.
From 5 0:00 pm my time
[13.08.2016 10: 55:06 PM] Peter Achermann: OK sleep well and recover you of any doubt and be confident. Visualize your dreams and let them come true. I love you with all my heart. Goodnight my Love
[13/08/2016 10:56:20 PM] Sandra Bryner: Alright love,
thank you for the inspiration.
Love you, too,
are interested!
[13/08/2016 10:56:24 PM] Sandra Bryner: bye
[13/08/2016 10:56:45 PM] Sandra Bryner: bye for now
[8/14/2016 5:13:09 PM] Peter Achermann: Where are you?
[08/14/2016 5: 36:15 PM] Peter Achermann: Please login tomorrow when you the flight Tickete
[8/14/2016 5:51:49 PM] Peter Achermann: Sorry Please login tomorrow, if you bought the ticket. Send me a copy to my email address. I will be available Monday morning 8.00 am Swiss time. What happened? I'm used to me that you stick to agreements. For emergencies you can reach me via mobile: Switzerland (041) 79 543 9143rd landline Switzerland + 41 310 4968. About the landline you can leave a message to me.
[8/14/2016 5:52:28 PM] Peter Achermann : I hope nothing happened. I'm very concerned.
[8/14/2016 7:48:18 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear, '
I have just now signed and I read your previous message.
[8/14/2016 7:48:31 PM ] Peter Achermann: I see that you are now online. What happened?
[8/14/2016 7:53:47 PM] Sandra Bryner: Oh dear,
I came out of the church 4 hours prior.
Then I fell off and now I'm awake to check whether a message to me had sent, and I found your message.
I prepare dinner is now rather
well, I received your message and prefer it also noted.
I'll my Daughter
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
[13 / 8 / 2016 9: 21: 40 on] peter achermann: good morning. do something and enjoy the beautiful day.[13 / 8 / 2016 10:02: 48 on] peter achermann: these songs again and again i have courage and strength.[13 / 8 / 2016 8: 42: 11 pm] sandra bryner: good and beautiful day to you my love.oh, i"m very sorry for the late reply.wow, thanks for the songs.i appreciate you so much to me to know that i"m important to you.i just came home from the current plan with my daughter.we had a lot of fun loving.how do you prefer to do[13 / 8 / 2016 8: 53: 06 pm] sandra bryner: hello, dear, you let me know when you will be here.[13 / 8 / 16 10: 34: 54 pm] peter achermann: today i am having dinner with friends invited. with us is a heat wave of 32 degrees celsius. in the night, you have maybe 8 degrees and then once the sun arrives it is hot. i have an infrared cabin. you can use like a sauna. so i will really rausschwitzen, for me to be a fresh feel. then i go to the friends. you used to be my neighbors. for you, it will be too late when i got home. i guess around 10:00. then of course it would be four o"clock in the morning with you.[13 / 8 / 16 10: 35: 36 pm] peter achermann: your nose tickled. now that you are online?[13 / 8 / 16 10: 40: 06 pm] peter achermann: i"ll set the alarm, i at 9 o"clock your time online. let me know if this for you, okay. .[13 / 8 / 16 10: 40: 30 pm] sandra bryner: hello loveit; s. nice to hear from you again.i was sleeping and i decided to check whether you are online. inright loveto have fun, but please be careful.i had a lot of fun with my daughter today.so, now i have to sleep, because we in the church of tomorrow to go.i thought a lot about you during the last night[13 / 8 / 16 10: 41: 26 pm] peter achermann: what did you think?[13 / 8 / 16 10: 42: 45 pm] sandra bryner: oh, it"s so much betteri can"t explain it, but would love you to express, if we meet[13 / 8 / 2016 10:43: 36 pm] peter achermann: did you have doubts about my good intentions?[13 / 8 / 16 10: 46: 01 pm] sandra bryner: no lovei never doubted you for some reasonit"s just what i thought last night on statements.okay, quick.it is how to meditate how life would be with you.[13 / 8 / 16 10: 50: 07 pm] peter achermann: i understand. that"s good. so, you"ll gain the certainty, whether it is right or not. anyway i want you to know that you can count on me in every situation. you know, i"m in my thoughts. i really want the best for all of us.[13 / 8 / 16 10: 50: 59 pm] peter achermann: when are you going to church?[13 / 8 / 16 10: 52: 40 pm] sandra bryner: oh, thank you for the kind words of love.i in the morning to go to church.so forgive me now to sleep while we chat again tomorrow.i after church tomorrow will be free.5 0 o"clock pm my time[13 / 8 / 16 10: 55: 06 pm] peter achermann: okay sleep well and relax any doubt and be confident. visualize your dreams and make them come true. i love you from the bottom of my heart. goodnight my love[13 / 8 / 16 10: 56: 20 pm] sandra bryner: right lovethank you for the inspiration.love you, too.interested![13 / 8 / 16 10: 56: 24 pm] sandra bryner: bye[13 / 8 / 16 10: 56: 45 pm] sandra bryner: bye for now[14 / 8 / 2016 5: 13: 09 pm] peter achermann: where are you?[14 / 8 / 2016 5: 36: 15 pm] peter achermann: please check back tomorrow, if you flugtickete[14 / 8 / 2016 5: 51: 49 pm] peter achermann: sorry, please check back tomorrow, if you bought the ticket. send me the copy to my email address. i"ll come tomorrow monday 8:00 schweizerzeit accessible. what happened? i am used to having to promises. for emergencies, you"ll get me on mobile: switzerland (051) 79 543 33. fixed prefix switzerland + 41 310 4968. on the phone you can leave a message.[14 / 8 / 2016 5: 52: 28 pm] peter achermann: i hope nothing has happened. i"m worried.[14 / 8 / 16 7: 48: 18 pm] sandra bryner: hello love, "i have just registered and i read your previous messages.[14 / 8 / 16 7: 48: 31 pm] peter achermann: i see you are online now. what happened?[14 / 8 / 16 7: 53: 47 pm] sandra bryner: oh dear,i came out of the church, four hours ago.then i fell asleep and now i"m awake to see whether they had sent me a message, and i found your message.i will prepare the dinner now, dear,also, i received your news better and it also noted.i will have my tochte
Being translated, please wait..