Дорогой админ Спасибо ! Что я могу сказать , я проверила всех клиентов , в Июне у меня было 3 встречи с греками , двум я позвонила уже и они клянутся , что не писали , а третий клиент не мог такой отзыв написать , поскольку я ему понравилась 100 % . У меня к Вам предложение , чтобы всё было по-честному , пусть этот *клиент* напишет правильную дату встречи , а не так просто выдумал и написал всё , что захотел . По идее если бы он написал другую дату (то есть настоящую) , то я бы и не стала прилагать усилия , чтобы убрать отзыв .
Results (
English) 1:
Dear Admin thank you! What can I say, I checked all of the customers in June I have had 3 meetings with the Greeks, two I called already and they swear that didn't write and a third client could not such a review to write, because I liked him 100%. I have to offer, that everything was fair and square, let this * customer * would write the correct date of the meeting, and not just invented and wrote everything he wanted to. The idea if he wrote another date (i.e. real), then I would not become an effort to remove the review.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 2:
Dear Admin Thanks! What can I say, I checked all customers, in June, I had three meetings with the Greeks, I called two already and they swear that they have not been contacted, and a third client could not write this review because I liked him 100%. I have a proposition for you, everything to be honest, let this * client * write the correct date of the meeting, and not just invented and wrote whatever he wanted to. The idea is if he wrote another date (ie, real), I would not have striven to remove a review.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
dear admin thank you! what can i say, i checked all the clients, in june, i had three meetings with the greeks, two i called and they swear, not writing, and the third client could not write such a withdrawal.because i liked him 100%. i have a proposal for you, so it was business, let the customer * * to write the date of the meeting, and not just invented and wrote down everything he wanted to.- if he wrote another date (it is true), then i wouldn't have to work to get feedback.
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