Lesson 14 Pattern Unroll Function New in OS 2.0!
The new Pattern Unroll function allows you to convert a short pattern into a longer pattern of a standard
length to make it easier to work with. For example, you can take your 4- step pattern and quickly unroll it
into a 16- step pattern so that it's easier to manage pattern changes during a performance. Or you can
unroll a 6-step pattern to a 16-step pattern to give it a new groove.
Follow these steps to try the Pattern Unroll function:
1. Set the Mode Switch to Pattern Write mode.
2. Select a pattern slot in memory where you can create a new pattern. Clear the memory slot using
[CLEAR] + [#], where "#" is the pattern number you will clear.
3. Program three steps into the new pattern using the usual Pitch Mode editing system.
4. After setting the pitch and properties of the third step, press [WRITE/NEXT] and you will see the
DUAS indicators blink as usual to show that you are at the end of the pattern.
5. Press and hold [WRITE/NEXT] until you see a swipe animation on the DUAS indicators. This
animation indicates that the Pattern Unroll function was performed.
6. You will again see the end- of- pattern indicator LEDs since the pattern editor has automatically
advanced to the end of the extended pattern.
7. Press [FUNCTION] to exit the editor and listen to your new 16- step pattern.