my love please i want you to help me to transfer my late father money  translation - my love please i want you to help me to transfer my late father money  Italian how to say

my love please i want you to help m

my love please i want you to help me to transfer my late father money into your Account so i will come over there and start a better life with you because i am suffering here.

I am residing in the Church Orphanage Home here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago,

My late Father (Doctor farooq Omaro) was the (managing director of oil and gas) he was the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father and my mother.

I don't have any relative now or brother, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Reverend Father (Anthony Emmanuel) he is the Reverend father of the (CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH) here in the Orphanage Home,

I have my late father's (DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE) and (DEATH CERTIFICATE) here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was alive He deposited five Million five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. (USD $ 5.500 000) in one of the leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin And I have written to the bank to claim the money as the next of kin because of my deplorable condition in Senegal and the bank replied that due to my refugee status and deplorable condition,

that I am not qualified to claim the money, they said i should look for a reliable foreign partner to claim the funds by signing a check of the total sum or transferring it in your account in your names for me that is the only condition the bank gave me.

So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to meet with you or you can come over here to pick me over there and i continue my life and education

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposited on you. I like honest and understanding ,truthful and a man of vision, truth and hardworking, please don't betray me, i have give my life to you

i will send the bank contact to you now,I will like to know your full data such as:

Full Names............................................
Country ................................................
office Address.......................................
home address........................................
Telephone number.................................


Hello dear,
how are you doing over there in my dream Country i hope fine?. it is a great thing to thank you for your concern and your good feelings toward me. my dear i am fine today by the grace of God dear I do not have a phone but i will like you to call me with the Reverend Father (Anthony Emmanuel) Telephone Number (+221-764993337) When you call tell him that you want to speak with me Goodness Omaro he will send for me in the Female hostel. dear i will be very happy to hear your sweet voice .you know why i trust you before i made this contact with you today i ask God to provide to me a good person that will lead me to the right Chanel some one that will not betray me, once i read your mail today my mind still telling me that you have been giving to me by God. Please i have not told anyone except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (money) all eyes will be on it please here me i have not write to anybody or tell anyone about these remember i trust you and that is why i am giving you all this information. My dear is for you and you alone.

I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status as it is the laws of the country. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information, tell them that you are my foreign partner that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me to transfer the money deposited by my late father (Doctor Farooq Omaro) to your account in your country The contact information of the bank is as follows,

The name of the bank is R.B.S (Royal Bank of Scotland Int.) Customer

royal bank of scotland int
E-Mail or
The name of the transfer Manager is:::::::::Mr.Philip Hampton.
Telephone number::::::::+447-989-633-956
fax number:::::::::::::::::::+447-870-377-831
Information about the deposit code are as follows.
Name of depositor::::::::::Doctor Farooq Omaro
Next of kin:::::::::::::::::::::Miss Goodness Omaro
Amount deposited:::::::::::$ 5.500.000m
Account Number:::::::::::::SCBUK567103456789/QB/91/A

I will like you to contact this bank immediately on how to transfer the ($ 5.500 000) million dollars deposited by my late father Doctor Farooq Omaro of which i am the next of kin. I have mapped out 15% of the total sum for your assistance Moreover,i will need your assistance to manage the money on my behalf since I'm too young to handle such money and i will like to invest with you. God bless you as i wait to hear from you as soon as you have contact the bank in London,


Dear, Mr. Philip Hampton .

Respected Sir,
I,Mrs.------------,a permanent resident of ------------- wants to put forth the following few lines for your kind favor and quick necessary action at your end. That Ms Goodness Omaro , The daughter of Late Doctor Farooq Omaro , now living in DAKAR SENEGAL, is in a orphanage status. That I am her foreign partner living in ---------------- will stand on her behalf. That she is the only next of kin to her late father who has an account in your bank where he had deposited some amount of money for her beloved daughter. That I want to know the possibilities of assisting her to transfer the deposited amount of her late father of which she is the next kin to my account in my country. After receiving a reply from you, I will be able to know the procedure and probability of transfer of the amount from your bank to my account.
Expecting an early reply,
with regards,
Yours faithfully,

From: -
To: -
Results (Italian) 1: [Copy]
my love please i want you to help me to transfer my late father money into your Account so i will come over there and start a better life with you because i am suffering here.

I am residing in the Church Orphanage Home here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country some years ago,

My late Father (Doctor farooq Omaro) was the (managing director of oil and gas) he was the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my father and my mother.

I don't have any relative now or brother, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Reverend Father (Anthony Emmanuel) he is the Reverend father of the (CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH) here in the Orphanage Home,

I have my late father's (DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE) and (DEATH CERTIFICATE) here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was alive He deposited five Million five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars. (USD $ 5.500 000) in one of the leading bank which he used my name as the next of kin And I have written to the bank to claim the money as the next of kin because of my deplorable condition in Senegal and the bank replied that due to my refugee status and deplorable condition,

that I am not qualified to claim the money, they said i should look for a reliable foreign partner to claim the funds by signing a check of the total sum or transferring it in your account in your names for me that is the only condition the bank gave me.

So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to meet with you or you can come over here to pick me over there and i continue my life and education

Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposited on you. I like honest and understanding ,truthful and a man of vision, truth and hardworking, please don't betray me, i have give my life to you

i will send the bank contact to you now,I will like to know your full data such as:

Full Names............................................
Country ................................................
office Address.......................................
home address........................................
Telephone number.................................


Hello dear,
how are you doing over there in my dream Country i hope fine?. it is a great thing to thank you for your concern and your good feelings toward me. my dear i am fine today by the grace of God dear I do not have a phone but i will like you to call me with the Reverend Father (Anthony Emmanuel) Telephone Number (+221-764993337) When you call tell him that you want to speak with me Goodness Omaro he will send for me in the Female hostel. dear i will be very happy to hear your sweet voice .you know why i trust you before i made this contact with you today i ask God to provide to me a good person that will lead me to the right Chanel some one that will not betray me, once i read your mail today my mind still telling me that you have been giving to me by God. Please i have not told anyone except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is (money) all eyes will be on it please here me i have not write to anybody or tell anyone about these remember i trust you and that is why i am giving you all this information. My dear is for you and you alone.

I have informed the bank about my plans to claim this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf due to my refugee status as it is the laws of the country. In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with this information, tell them that you are my foreign partner that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me to transfer the money deposited by my late father (Doctor Farooq Omaro) to your account in your country The contact information of the bank is as follows,

The name of the bank is R.B.S (Royal Bank of Scotland Int.) Customer

royal bank of scotland int
E-Mail or
The name of the transfer Manager is:::::::::Mr.Philip Hampton.
Telephone number::::::::+447-989-633-956
fax number:::::::::::::::::::+447-870-377-831
Information about the deposit code are as follows.
Name of depositor::::::::::Doctor Farooq Omaro
Next of kin:::::::::::::::::::::Miss Goodness Omaro
Amount deposited:::::::::::$ 5.500.000m
Account Number:::::::::::::SCBUK567103456789/QB/91/A

I will like you to contact this bank immediately on how to transfer the ($ 5.500 000) million dollars deposited by my late father Doctor Farooq Omaro of which i am the next of kin. I have mapped out 15% of the total sum for your assistance Moreover,i will need your assistance to manage the money on my behalf since I'm too young to handle such money and i will like to invest with you. God bless you as i wait to hear from you as soon as you have contact the bank in London,


Dear, Mr. Philip Hampton .

Respected Sir,
I,Mrs.------------,a permanent resident of ------------- wants to put forth the following few lines for your kind favor and quick necessary action at your end. That Ms Goodness Omaro , The daughter of Late Doctor Farooq Omaro , now living in DAKAR SENEGAL, is in a orphanage status. That I am her foreign partner living in ---------------- will stand on her behalf. That she is the only next of kin to her late father who has an account in your bank where he had deposited some amount of money for her beloved daughter. That I want to know the possibilities of assisting her to transfer the deposited amount of her late father of which she is the next kin to my account in my country. After receiving a reply from you, I will be able to know the procedure and probability of transfer of the amount from your bank to my account.
Expecting an early reply,
with regards,
Yours faithfully,

Being translated, please wait..
Results (Italian) 2:[Copy]
il mio amore per favore io voglio che tu mi aiuti a trasferire mio padre i soldi sul tuo conto in modo che io verrò lì e iniziare una vita migliore con voi, perché io sto soffrendo qui. Mi sono residente nella Chiesa Orphanage casa qui a Dakar in Senegal come a seguito della guerra civile che fu combattuta nel mio paese alcuni anni fa, mio padre (medico Farooq omaro) è stato il (amministratore delegato di petrolio e di gas) è stato il consigliere personale per l'ex capo di Stato prima che i ribelli hanno attaccato la nostra casa, una mattina presto e ucciso mio padre e mia madre. Non ho alcun parente ora o il fratello, tutti i miei parenti scappato nel bel mezzo della guerra, l'unica persona che ho ora è il Reverendo Padre (Anthony Emmanuel) è il padre reverendo della (CHRIST APOSTOLICA CHIESA) qui in Orphanage casa, ho il mio (certificato di deposito) e (certificato di morte) qui con me defunto padre, che io trasmetterà più tardi, perché quando era vivo ha depositato cinque milioni di cinque Cento mila dollari United State. (USD $ 5,500 000) in uno dei principale banca che ha usato il mio nome come il parente più prossimo e ho scritto alla banca per rivendicare il denaro come il parente più prossimo a causa della mia condizione deplorevole in Senegal e la banca ha risposto che a causa del mio status di rifugiato e condizioni deplorevoli, che io non sono qualificato per rivendicare il denaro, hanno detto che dovrei cercare un partner straniero affidabile per richiedere i fondi per la firma di un assegno della somma totale o trasferire nel tuo conto in nomi per me questo è l'unica condizione la banca mi ha dato. Quindi io come voi di aiutarmi a trasferire questi soldi sul tuo conto e da esso è possibile inviare dei soldi per me per ottenere i miei documenti di viaggio e il biglietto aereo di incontrarmi con voi o voi può venire qui a prendermi là e io continuo la mia vita e l'educazione ricordo che sto dando tutte queste informazioni a causa della fiducia ho depositato su di voi. Mi piace onesto e comprensione, veritiera e un uomo di visione, verità e laboriosa, per favore non mi tradirà, ho dare la mia vita per te io invieremo il contatto banca a voi ora, mi piacerebbe sapere i vostri dati completi di tali come: nomi e cognomi ............................................ Paese. ............................................... Indirizzi. ...................................... indirizzo di casa .......... .............................. Telefono .................. ............... DARLING PREGO GENTILMENTE contattare la banca TRAMITE LORO email. Ciao cara, come stai lì nel mio sogno Paese spero bene ?. è una grande cosa per ringraziarvi per la vostra preoccupazione e le vostre buoni sentimenti verso di me. mia cara io sto bene oggi per la grazia di Dio, caro non ho un telefono ma mi piacerà di chiamare me con il reverendo padre (Anthony Emmanuel) Numero di telefono (+ 221-764993337) Quando si chiama dirgli che si desidera di parlare con me bontà omaro egli manderà per me in ostello femminile. caro sarò molto felice di sentire la tua voce dolce Avete so perché mi fido di te, prima ho fatto questo contatto con voi oggi chiedo a Dio di fornire a me una persona buona che mi porterà a destra Chanel qualcuno che non tradirà me, una volta che ho letto la posta oggi la mia mente ancora mi dice che siete stati dando a me da Dio. Si prega di non ho detto a nessuno tranne voi circa l'esistenza di questi soldi e io come voi per favore di tenerlo segreto ad altre persone, perché dal momento che è (il denaro) tutti gli occhi saranno su di esso per favore me qui non ho scrivere a qualcuno o dire a nessuno su questi ricordo mi fido di te e che è per questo che sto dando tutte queste informazioni. Il mio caro è per voi e solo voi. Ho informato la banca circa i miei piani per rivendicare questo denaro e l'unica cosa che mi hanno detto è quello di cercare un partner straniero che starà a mio nome a causa del mio status di rifugiato in quanto è il leggi del paese. A questo proposito mi piace di contattare la banca immediatamente queste informazioni, gli dici che sei il mio partner straniero che si desidera conoscere le possibilità di aiutarmi a trasferire il denaro depositato da mio padre (medico Farooq omaro) al conto nel vostro paese le informazioni di contatto della banca è la seguente, il nome della banca è RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland Int.) Il cliente Royal Bank of Scotland int Indirizzi di posta elettronica :::::::::: rbsroyalbankofscot .int @ o Il nome del Transfer Manager è ::::::::: Mr.Philip Hampton. Numero di telefono :::::::: + 447-989- 633-956 fax ::::::::::::::::::: + 447-870-377-831 Informazioni sul codice di deposito sono i seguenti. Nome di depositante :::::: :::: Dottore Farooq omaro Nazionalità ::::::::::::::::::::: Liberia Next of Kin ::::::::::::::::: :::: signorina bontà omaro importo depositato ::::::::::: $ 5.500.000m numero di conto ::::::::::::: SCBUK567103456789 / QB / 91 / A io come voi contattare immediatamente questa banca su come trasferire le (5,500 $ 000) milioni di dollari depositati da mio padre Dottore Farooq omaro di cui io sono il parente più prossimo. Ho tracciato il 15% della somma totale per la vostra assistenza, inoltre, ho bisogno del vostro aiuto per gestire il denaro sul mio conto visto che sono troppo giovane per gestire tale denaro e mi piacerebbe investire con voi. Dio vi benedica mentre aspetto di sentire da voi, non appena si ha contatto con la banca di Londra, è possibile compilare la nota che segue e lo trasmette alla banca con L'INDIRIZZO EMAIL SIA DELLA BANCA Egregio signor Philip Hampton. Rispettato Sir , io, la signora .------------, un residente permanente di ------------- vuole mettere avanti le seguenti righe per il vostro favore gentile e veloce necessaria azione a vostra fine. Che la sig.ra Bontà omaro, La figlia del tardo dottor Farooq omaro, che ora vive a Dakar in Senegal, è in uno stato orfanotrofio. Che sono la sua vita partner straniero in ---------------- starà a suo nome. Che lei è l'unica parente più prossimo al suo defunto padre che ha un conto in banca dove aveva depositato una certa quantità di denaro per la sua amata figlia. Quello che voglio sapere le possibilità di aiutare lei a trasferire la somma depositata del suo defunto padre, di cui lei è il prossimo parente sul mio conto nel mio paese. Dopo aver ricevuto una risposta da voi, sarò in grado di conoscere la procedura e probabilità di trasferimento della somma dalla vostra banca per mio conto. In attesa di una risposta precoce, per quanto riguarda, Distinti saluti, Sig. ......... .....

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