Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements below. If you don't know วินิตย์ well enough to give a rating, or if the item does not apply, click "I Don't Know or N/A."
3. When it comes to purpose and vision, วินิตย์...
Don't Know or N/A
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Please indicate your level of agreement with the statements below. If you don't know วินิตย์ well enough to give a rating, or if the item does not apply, click "I Don't Know or N/A."
5. When it comes to getting work done, วินิตย์...
Don't Know or N/A
Strongly Disagree
Slightly Disagree
Slightly Agree
Strongly Agree
A. Clearly defines the most important goals.
B. Establishes clear measures to track progress on these goals.
C. Meets regularly to discuss progress on these goals.
D. Creates a culture that attracts high performers.
E. Encourages people to grow and develop.
F. Helps the right people get into the right jobs.
G. Recognizes and rewards people for performance.
H. Creates systems and processes that help people better accomplish their work.
I. Regularly gathers feedback from customers (internal or external).
J. Uses customer feedback to improve performance.
Read the phrases below and click where you think วินิตย์ is on the scale.
6. As a leader, วินิตย์ is more likely to:
Create an environment where everything depends on him or her.
I don't know or N/A.
Design systems and processes to help things move forward independent of him or her.