Although the Web is almost omnipresent in many children’s lives, most children lack adequate
Web searching skills as well as skills to process and critically evaluate Web information. In this article,
we describe and evaluate an educational program that aimed at acquiring Web skills in the context
of a content knowledge domain. Through a multiple case study design we wanted to gain insight
into the contextual factors that influence the realization of such program and into the learning gains
in the participating classes in terms of content knowledge and Web skills. Four 5th grade teachers
carried out the program, which consisted of eight weekly sessions and focused on teaching students
Web searching, reading and evaluating skills within the subject of healthy food. Data from a variety
of sources were collected: videotaped and written lesson observations, interviews with teachers and
students, teacher diaries, student questionnaires and student assignments. The results show that the
teachers appeared to be able to carry out the program to varying degrees. Contextual factors that
influenced the realization of the program were partly related to specific conditions as the investment