With regards to the above inquiry, we Samsung Engineering Co., Ltd. (SECL) are currently bidding this " Vietnam Long Son PO PKG B/C/D(HDPE/PP/LLDPE)" We would like to request you to submit your quotation in Delivered to Site or FOB basis. Following information is as follows.
1. Deviation - If any, please indicate. If none, please clearly mention to your offered Quotation("NO DEVIATION" as per project required material specification).
2. BID CLOSING DATE : 13th April 2015
3. If you cannot keep the required data, please request for BID EXTENTION.
4. It would be very appreciated if you confirm in writing your willingness to submit a quotation with sending us your acknowledgement including expected submission date no later than 6th April 2015.
NOTE: Vendor's shall submit the following basic information in your offer needed for SECL's quick evaluation.
- Clear copy of Vendor's Offer (with Final Total Quantity and Final Total Amount/ PRICED OFFER AND UNPRICED OFFER).
- Other extra Charges like FOB, Packing, Forwarding, Inspection, Transportation, INSTALLATION CHARGE etc. are to be separated in the Material Total Amount, means that Final Total amount should be the combination of Material Total Amount + Extra Charges
- Vendor's Offered Quotation will be based on the project specifications.
- If your company would like to Decline to quote, please kindly submit a "Formal Decline Letter"
- Please note that your Quotation should be filled out only based on BM EXCEL SHEET that I attached.
- Please separate construction cost from total cost.