Zusammenfassung Elena steigend SeitwärtsElena@gmail.comDie Firma: Seit translation - Zusammenfassung Elena steigend SeitwärtsElena@gmail.comDie Firma: Seit English how to say

Zusammenfassung Elena steigend Seit

Elena steigend
Die Firma:
Seitwärts 2012 gegründet und hat ein hervorragender Ruf auf Integrität und überragende Ergebnisse basiert. Seitlich befindet sich eine lizenzierte Agentur in Opava, Tschechien. Außerdem buchen wir zunächst eine Start-up-Agentur in Tschechien Talent bundesweit. Unsere Mission ist es, Ihr gesamte Projekt von Anfang bis Ende, verwalten, ob Sie Models, Darsteller, Voiceover, Fotografen, Stylisten etc. suchen... Elena ist der Gründer und Schöpfer dieser Agentur. Die Idee kam von ihr langjähriger Erfahrung in der Unterhaltung und Talent. Nach 5 Jahren in das Talent und die Unterhaltung war Elena beschlossen, eine Agentur zu schaffen, die die Integrität ausgeführt, die sie fühlte Industrie in der Welt der Unterhaltung-Talent fehlt.
Unsere Produkte:
Seitlich ist ein Unternehmen, die Arbeitsplätze für Schauspieler, Musiker, Modelle und andere Menschen an verschiedenen Unterhaltung Unternehmen findet. Seitlich wird nicht nur in der Agent-Teil des Prozesses, aber das Training konzentrieren. Das Training ist maßgeblich an der Talente-Wachstum und Arbeit Potenzial. Der primäre Fokus des Sideways werden entscheidende Schulungen und Support für die zukünftige Talente und Entertainer der Welt geben. Ausbildung erhalten zu jeder Art von Talent, aus Modellen zu Schauspielern. Sideways Klassen-Curriculum bereitet ihre Schüler auf die Welt der Modellierung mit Selbstvertrauen, Haltung und Stil zu geben. Elena bietet Ausbildung in diesen Bereichen, die Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Modellierung Industrie ebenso wie im täglichen Leben ist.
Dem Markt:
um ein kommerzielles Drucken Modell für Zeitschriften, Kataloge, Produkt-Werbung, Shop-Werbung, Kleider anzeigen, etc. zu werden, suchen Unternehmen "real People" Typen aller Blicke und Größen, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Diese Modelle sind genau das, was der Name andeutet: gewöhnliche Leute jemanden darstellen der Durchschnittsverbraucher identifizieren kann in ihren anzeigen. Wollen Sie ein Start-und Landebahn oder Mode-Vorbild sein sollten Sie groß, langbeinigen und schlank sein. Die Altersspanne ist Ussualy 14-21 geben oder dauert ein Jahr. Mode-Industrie-Standards für Fashion-Modelle ist 5'8 "bis 6' hoch, Größe 6-8 mit durchschnittlichen Gewicht von 108-125 lbs dieses Körper-Typ sieht gut aus auf dem Laufsteg und vor der Kamera. Mode-Modellierung scheint einfach, aber das mit der Ausbildung und Erfahrung sind die begehrtesten. Unter Modellierung Klassen helfen Ihnen lernen, dass die Fähigkeiten, um ein erfolgreiches Modell, oder einfach nur lernen Sie Vertrauen im Allgemeinen.
Finanzielle Erwägungen: der aktuelle Finanzplan für Sideways ist erhalten Zuschüsse in Höhe von 100 000 EUR. Die Zuschüsse werden benoetigt, um das Geschäft auf folgende Weise zu erweitern.
1. sichere Gebäude/Build-out
2. sichere Vermarktung
3. sichere Anlaufphase
3.1. Mitarbeiter einstellen
Der Schwerpunkt für Zuschüsse lautet wie folgt:
• 100 % Minderheit im Besitz
• Zusätzliche Mitarbeiter einstellen
1. Ziele
Die Ziele in den nächsten drei Jahren sind:
I. erreichen Sie Profitabilität im Jahr drei
II. jedes Jahr zu unseren Marktanteil erweitern
III. auf den Nischenmarkt profitieren

2. Mission
Unsere Mission ist es, Ihr gesamte Projekt von Anfang bis Ende, verwalten, ob du Modelle, Schauspieler, Voiceover, Fotografen, Stylisten etc. suchst... Als führendes Unternehmen in der Branche sind wir sehr stolz bei der Bereitstellung von unvergleichlicher Service und günstigen Preisen für unsere Kunden. Mit unserem umfangreichen Netzwerk an Kontakten sind wir in der Lage, auch Ihre einzigartigen Wünsche zu erfüllen.

3. Schlüssel zum Erfolg
Schlüssel zum Erfolg des Unternehmens umfassen
• Pflege einen seriösen und Ergas Ruf in der Gemeinschaft
• Qualität in der Pflege
• Wettbewerbsfähige Preise
• Flexible Arbeitszeiten
Seitwärts 2012 gegründet und hat ein hervorragender Ruf auf Integrität und überragende Ergebnisse basiert. Seitlich befindet sich eine lizenzierte Agentur in Opava, Tschechien. Außerdem buchen wir zunächst eine Start-up-Agentur in Tschechien Talent bundesweit. Unsere Mission ist es, Ihr gesamte Projekt von Anfang bis Ende, verwalten, ob Sie Models, Darsteller, Voiceover, Fotografen, Stylisten etc. suchen... Seitwärts stellt Modelle und Talent mit Abteilungen in Fashion Print, Plus Size, Runway, Kids, Lifestyle-Akzidenzdruck, Promotions, Showroom, Fit und TV Commercial. Elena ist der Gründer und Schöpfer dieser Agentur. Die Idee stammt von ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung in der Unterhaltung und Talent. Nach 5 Jahren in das Talent und die Unterhaltung war Elena beschlossen, eine Agentur zu schaffen, die die Integrität ausgeführt, die sie fühlte Industrie in der Welt der Unterhaltung-Talent fehlt.
Seitlich ist eine Einzelfirma LLC 100 % im Besitz und wird betrieben von Elena.
Die folgende Tabelle und Diagramm zeigen die Anlaufkosten für Sideways.
• Sichere Gebäude
• Sichere Build-Out des Gebäudes
• Marketing
• Rechts-/Rechnungswesen
• Eigentümer Löhne
• Versicherung
• Stationär
1. Start-up Kosten
1.1. legal 500
1.2. Briefpapier etc. 1.500
1.3. Versicherung 300
1.4. Besitzer Löhne 2.700
1.5. Miete 2.000
1.6. marketing 3.000
1.7. Gesamtausgaben Sie Start-up 10.000
2. Inbetriebnahme Vermögenswerte
1.1. Bargeld benötigt, 75.000
1.2. Sonstige Vermögensgegenstände 0
1.3. langfristige Vermögenswerte 15.000
1.4. Bilanzsumme 90.000
Insgesamt 100.000 Anforderungen
Seitlich ist ein Unternehmen, die Arbeitsplätze für Schauspieler, Autoren, Regisseure, Musiker, Modelle, Produzenten, Berufssportler, Schriftsteller und andere Menschen an verschiedenen Unterhaltung Unternehmen findet. Seitlich wird nicht nur in der Agent-Teil des Prozesses, aber das Training konzentrieren. Das Training ist eine ausschlaggebende Rolle bei der Talente Wachstum und Arbeit-Potenzial. Der primäre Fokus des Sideways werden entscheidende Schulungen und Support für die zukünftige Talente und Entertainer der Welt geben. Ausbildung erhalten zu jeder Art von Talent, aus Modellen zu Schauspielern. Sideways Klassen-Curriculum bereitet ihre Schüler auf die Welt der Modellierung mit Selbstvertrauen, Haltung und Stil zu geben. Elena bietet Ausbildung in diesen Bereichen, die Schlüssel zum Erfolg in der Modellierung Industrie ebenso wie im täglichen Leben ist.

4.0-Market Analysis Zusammenfassung
Wenn Sie eine Start-und Landebahn sein wollen oder Mode-Modus groß, langbeinigen und schlanke man sollte. Die Altersspanne ist in der Regel 14-21 geben oder nehmen ein Jahr. Mode-Industrie-Standards für Fashion-Modelle ist 5'8 "bis 6' hoch, Größe 6-8 mit durchschnittlichen Gewicht von 108-125 lbs dieses Körper-Typ sieht gut aus auf dem Laufsteg und vor der Kamera. Unsere große Kampagne für 2016 werden eine Modellierung für Frauen im Alter von 15 bis 24.
4.1 Marktsegmentierung
Firmen suchen um ein kommerzieller Druck Modell für Zeitschriften, Kataloge, Produkt-Werbung, Shop-Werbung, Kleider anzeigen, etc... "real People" Typen aller Größen, ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu werben und sieht. Diese Modelle sind genau das, was der Name andeutet: gewöhnliche Leute jemanden darstellen der Durchschnittsverbraucher identifizieren kann in ihren anzeigen. Wollen Sie ein Start-und Landebahn oder Mode-Vorbild sein sollten Sie groß, langbeinigen und schlank sein. Die Altersspanne ist in der Regel 14-21 geben oder nehmen ein Jahr. Mode-Industrie-Standards für Fashion-Modelle ist 5'8 "bis 6' hoch, Größe 6-8 mit durchschnittlichen Gewicht von 108-125 lbs dieses Körper-Typ sieht gut aus auf dem Laufsteg und vor der Kamera. Mode-Modellierung scheint einfach, aber das mit der Ausbildung und Erfahrung sind die begehrtesten. Unter Modellierung Klassen helfen Ihnen lernen, dass die Fähigkeiten, um ein erfolgreiches Modell, oder einfach nur lernen Sie Vertrauen im Allgemeinen.
4.2 Service Business-Analyse
Modellierung Agenturen verwenden Buchung Abteilungen zu verfolgen welche Clients welche Modelle mieten. Die Agentur hat ein Telefon, die besetzt ist und ein Büro, das ein Client besuchen kann. Diese Agenten versenden auch Erinnerungen für frische Comp-Karten. Sie werben, Lunchpakete zu tun, tun kalte Anrufe und Steine zur Verfügung Modellierung Konzerte finden umzudrehen.
Vertragliche Vereinbarungen
Die meisten Agenturen melden Sie ihre Top-Talente zu exklusiven Verträge in jedem Markt, die unterschiedlich lang anhand der Modelle Industrie Status und Erfahrung sind. Jedoch, weil eine gute Agentur ihre Modelle-Arbeit findet und Top Preis für ihr Talent verhandelt, verdienen sie eine Verwaltung Provision zwischen 10-40 % auf jede Buchung, die von denen nicht mehr als 20 % aus der Modelle-Zahlung kommen. Dies trägt außerhalb der USA aufgrund der einzelnen Länder Recht und steuern. Sonstige Verträge von Model-Agenturen angeboten werden Handelsvertretervertrages Mutter und einen nichtexklusiven Vertrag. Eine Mutter-Agentur versucht, Sie mit größeren Agenturen zu signieren. Während nicht-exklusiven Agenturen Sie mit anderen Organisationen (in der Regel außerhalb einer bestimmten Stadt Radius) zu unterzeichnen können. Verträge in der Regel dauern von ein Jahr auf drei Jahre.
Obligatorische Höhenanforderungen
Haute Couture Modellierung Agenturen/Hostelaufnahmevertrag eine heterogene Gruppe von Modellen, jedoch fast ausnahmslos (außer Modell ist jung genug, um noch wachsen), Agenturen verlangen Frauen zwischen 5'6 "und 5'11" (1,68 m und 1,80 m) und Männer werden müssen zwischen 5'10 "und 6'3" (1,78 m und 1,90 m), sowie sein bei einem Gewicht, die mit ihrer Höhe angemessen ist.
Vorsingen und offene Ausschreibungen
Modellierung Agenturen erfordern neue Gesichter in regelmäßigen Abständen. Die Anzahl der Modelle in einer n-Agentur hängt von der Nachfrage brachte durch seine Agenten und Änderungen wäh
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Summary Elena rising SidewaysElena@gmail.comThe company: Founded sideways 2012 and has an excellent reputation is based on integrity and superior results. Side, a licensed agency located in Opava, Czech Republic. Also we booked a start up agency in the Czech Republic first talent nationwide. Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, to manage, whether you are looking for models, actors, voiceover, photographers, stylists, etc.... Elena is the founder and creator of this agency. The idea came from her years of experience in the entertainment and talent. After 5 years in the talent and the entertainment was Elena decided to create an agency, that run the integrity, which they felt industry is missing in the world of entertainment talent. Our products: On the side is a company that finds jobs for actors, musicians, models and other people in various entertainment businesses. Side, not only in the agent part of the process, the training is but focus. The training is instrumental in the growth of talent and work potential. The primary focus of the sideways vital Training and support for that will give future talents and entertainer of the world. Training received any kind of talent, from models to actors. Sideways classes curriculum prepares students to the world of modeling with confidence to give attitude and style. Elena offers training in these areas, the key to success is in the modeling industry as well as in daily life. The market: to a commercial print model for magazines, catalogues, product advertising, store advertising, clothes show, etc. to be companies 'real people' are looking for types of looks and sizes, to advertise their products and services. These models are exactly what the name suggests: ordinary people someone to represent the average consumer can identify in their show. A start and runway or fashion model be want you large, long-legged and slim. The age range is ussualy 14-21 give or take a year. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6' tall, size 6-8 with average weight of 108-125 lbs this body type looks good on the runway and in front of the camera." Fashion modeling may seem simple, but are the most sought after with the training and experience. See modeling classes help you learn that learn the skills to be a successful model, or just you trust in General. Financial considerations: the current financial plan for sideways is received grants amounting to EUR 100 000. The grants are needed to expand the business in the following ways. 1. secure building/build-out2. secure marketing 3. secure start-up phase Legal / accounting 3.1. employees The focus for funding is as follows: • 100% minority owned • Add additional employees 1. objectives The targets are in the next three years: I. you can reach profitability in the year threeII. enhance each year to our market shareIII. on the niche market benefit 2. Mission Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, to manage, whether you're looking for models, actors, voiceover, photographers, stylists, etc.... As a leading company in the industry, we are very proud in providing unparalleled service and reasonable prices for our customers. With our extensive network of contacts, we are able to meet your unique wishes.3. key to the successKey to the success of the company include • Maintain a serious and natural gas reputation in the community • Quality of care• Competitive prices • Flexible working hours 2.0 company summary Founded sideways 2012 and has an excellent reputation is based on integrity and superior results. Side, a licensed agency located in Opava, Czech Republic. Also we booked a start up agency in the Czech Republic first talent nationwide. Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, to manage, whether you are looking for models, actors, voiceover, photographers, stylists, etc.... Sideways is fit models and talent with departments in fashion print, plus size, runway, lifestyle - commercial printing, promotions, kids showroom, and TV commercial. Elena is the founder and creator of this agency. The idea came from their many years of experience in the entertainment and talent. After 5 years in the talent and the entertainment was Elena decided to create an agency, that run the integrity, which they felt industry is missing in the world of entertainment talent. Company ownership Side is a sole proprietorship LLC 100% owned and operated by Elena. Start-up summary The following table and chart show the start-up costs for sideways. • Secure building• Safe Build-Out of the building• Marketing • Legal / accounting• Owner wages• Insurance • Stationary Requirements 1. start up costs 1.1. legal 500 1.2. stationery etc. 1,500 1.3. insurance 300 1.4. owner wages 2,7001.5. rent 2,0001.6. marketing 3,0001.7. total expenditure you start up 10,000 2. start-up assets 1.1. cash needed, 75,000 1.2. other assets 0 1.3. non-current assets 15,000 1.4. balance sheet total 90,000 A total of 100,000 requests3.0 services On the side is a company that finds jobs for actors, writers, directors, musicians, models, producers, professional sportsmen, writers and other people in various entertainment businesses. Side, not only in the agent part of the process, the training is but focus. The training is a crucial role in the talent growth and job potential. The primary focus of the sideways vital Training and support for that will give future talents and entertainer of the world. Training received any kind of talent, from models to actors. Sideways classes curriculum prepares students to the world of modeling with confidence to give attitude and style. Elena offers training in these areas, the key to success is in the modeling industry as well as in daily life. 4.0 market analysis summary If you want to be a start and runway or mode mode large, long-legged and slim you should. The age range is usually 14 to 21 give or take a year. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6' tall, size 6-8 with average weight of 108-125 lbs this body type looks good on the runway and in front of the camera." Our major campaign for 2016 will be a model for women aged 15 to 24. 4.1 market segmentation Business model for magazines, catalogues, product advertising, store advertising, seek a commercial print dresses show, etc... "real people" types of all sizes, to advertise their products and services, and looks. These models are exactly what the name suggests: ordinary people someone to represent the average consumer can identify in their show. A start and runway or fashion model be want you large, long-legged and slim. The age range is usually 14 to 21 give or take a year. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6' tall, size 6-8 with average weight of 108-125 lbs this body type looks good on the runway and in front of the camera." Fashion modeling may seem simple, but are the most sought after with the training and experience. See modeling classes help you learn that learn the skills to be a successful model, or just you trust in General. 4.2 services business analysis Booking agents Agencies use booking departments track which clients rent which models modeling. The Agency has a phone which is occupied and an Office that can visit a client. These agents send memories for fresh comp cards. They advertise to do lunches, do cold calls and stones available modeling concerts to turn around. Contractual agreements Most agencies sign their top talent to exclusive contracts in each market, the different long industry are status and experience using models. However, because a good agency finds their models work and negotiates top price for their talent, they earn a management Commission between 10-40% on each booking, no more than 20% from the models payment coming from where. This helps right outside the United States due to the individual countries and control. Commercial agency contract mother and a non-exclusive contract are offered other contracts by modeling agencies. A mother agency tries to sign with larger agencies. While non-exclusive agencies with other organisations (usually outside of a certain city RADIUS) can be signed. Contracts typically last from a year to three years. Mandatory height requirements Haute Couture modeling agencies/accommodation contract with a diverse group of models, but almost without exception (except model is enough to young still grow), agencies require women between 5'6 "and 5'11" (1.68 m and 1.80 m) and men need to be between 5'10 "and 6'3" (1.78 and 1.90 m), as well as be at a weight that is appropriate to their height. Auditions and open calls Agencies require modeling new faces on a regular basis. The number of models in a n Agency depends on the demand brought by its agents and changes th
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Elena ascending
The company:
sideways founded in 2012 and has an excellent reputation based on integrity and superior results. Laterally there is a licensed agency in Opava, Czech Republic. In addition, we initially book a start-up agency in Czech talent nationwide. Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, manage, whether you are looking for models, actors, VoiceOver, photographers, stylists, etc. is ... Elena is the founder and creator of this agency. The idea came from her many years of experience in the entertainment and talent. After 5 years in the talent and entertainment Elena was decided to create an agency that executed the integrity that is lacking, she felt industry in the world of entertainment talent.
Our products:
Sideways is a company, the jobs for actors, musicians , models and other people at various entertainment takes companies. Side is not only in the agent-part of the process, but to focus the training. The training is instrumental in talent growth and job potential. The primary focus of Sideways will give crucial training and support for future talent and entertainers in the world. Receive training on any kind of talent, from models to actors. Sideways class curriculum prepares to enter the world of modeling with self-confidence, attitude and style their students. Elena offers training in these areas, the key to success in the modeling industry, as well as in everyday life.
The market:
a commercial print model for magazines, catalogs, product advertising, store advertising, show clothes, etc. to be looking company "Real People" referencing types of all looks and sizes, their products and services. These models are exactly what the name suggests: ordinary people represent someone that the average consumer can identify in their show. Do you want should be a start and runway or fashion role model you big, long-legged and slender. The age range is give or takes a year ussualy 14-21. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6 'tall, size 6-8 with average weight of 108-125 lbs this body type looks good on the catwalk and in front of the camera. Fashion modeling seems easy, but with the education and experience are the most coveted sub ​​modeling classes will help you learn the skills to be a successful model, or just to learn confidence in general..
Financial considerations: the current financial plan for Sideways is received grants the amount of 100 000 EUR. The grants will be needed to expand the business in the following ways.
1. secure building / build-out
2. secure marketing
3. secure start-up phase
Legal / Accounting
Setting 3.1. Employees
The focus for grants is as follows :
• 100% minority owned
adjust • Additional staff
1. Objectives
The objectives over the next three years are:
I. to reach profitability in three
II every year to expand our market share.
III. on the niche market will benefit. 2 Mission Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, manage, whether you models, actors, VoiceOver, photographers, stylists, etc. are looking for ... As a leading company in the industry, we are very proud in providing unparalleled service and reasonable prices for our customers. With our extensive network of contacts, we are able to meet your unique needs.. 3 Key to success key to success of the company include • Maintaining a reputable and natural gas reputation in the community • quality care • Competitive pricing • Flexible working hours 2.0 Company Summary sideways founded in 2012 and has an excellent reputation for integrity and superior results based. Laterally there is a licensed agency in Opava, Czech Republic. In addition, we initially book a start-up agency in Czech talent nationwide. Our mission is your entire project from start to finish, manage, whether you are looking for models, actors, VoiceOver, photographers, stylists, etc. is ... sideways provides models and talent with departments in Fashion Print, Plus Size, Runway, Kids, Lifestyle-commercial printing, promotions, showroom, and Fit TV Commercial. Elena is the founder and creator of this agency. The idea comes from their years of experience in the entertainment and talent. After 5 years in the talent and entertainment Elena was decided to create an agency that executed the integrity that is lacking, she felt industry in the world of entertainment talent. Company property is the side a sole proprietorship LLC 100% owned and operated by Elena. Start-up Summary The following table and chart show the start-up costs for Sideways. • Secure building • Safe build-out of the building • Marketing • Legal / Accounting • Ownership wages • Insurance • Stationary requirements. 1 Start-up costs 1.1. Legal 500 1.2. Stationery etc. 1.500 1.3. Insurance 300 1.4. Owner wages 2,700 1.5. Rent 2,000 1.6. Marketing 3,000 1.7. Total expenses Start-up 10.000. 2 Commissioning assets 1.1. Cash needed 75,000 1.2. Other assets 0 1.3. Non-current assets 15,000 1.4. Total assets 90,000 Total 100,000 Requirements 3.0-Services is a business side, the jobs for actors, writers, directors, musicians, models, producers, professional athletes, writers and other people find companies in various entertainment. Side is not only in the agent-part of the process, but to focus the training. The training is a crucial role in the growth and job-potential talent. The primary focus of Sideways will give crucial training and support for future talent and entertainers in the world. Receive training on any kind of talent, from models to actors. Sideways class curriculum prepares to enter the world of modeling with self-confidence, attitude and style their students. Elena offers training in these areas, the key to success in the modeling industry, as well as in everyday life. 4.0 Market Analysis Summary If you want to be a start and runway or fashion mode tall, leggy and slim one should. The age range is usually give 14-21 or take a year. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6 'tall, size 6-8 with average weight of 108-125 lbs this body type looks good on the catwalk and in front of the camera. Our major campaign for 2016 modeling for women aged 15 to 24 4.1 Market Segmentation Company looking to a commercial print model for magazines, catalogs, product advertising, store advertising, show garments, etc ... "Real People" types of all sizes, to promote their products and services and provides these models are exactly what the name implies:.. ordinary people represent someone that the average consumer can identify display in their Do you want a start and runway or fashion role model you should large, long-legged and be slim. The age range is usually give 14-21 or take a year. Fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5'8 "to 6 'tall, size 6-8 with this average weight of 108-125 lbs body type looks good on the catwalk and in front of the camera. Fashion modeling seems simple, but with the education and experience are the most desirable. Under modeling classes will help you learn the skills to be a successful model, or just to learn confidence in general. 4.2 Service Business Analysis booking agent use modeling agencies booking pursue departments which clients hire which models. The agency has a telephone, which is open and an office that can visit a client. These agents also send reminders for fresh comp cards. They advertise to do packed lunches, do cold calls and stones available modeling concerts are turning. Contractual agreements Most agencies sign their top talent to exclusive contracts in each market, the basis of the models are different lengths industry status and experience. However, because a good agency finds their models work and negotiates top price for their talent, they earn a management fee between 10-40% on each booking, which come from where no more than 20% of the models-payment. This contributes outside the US due to the individual countries and tax law. Other contracts are offered by modeling agencies agency contract mother and a non-exclusive contract. A mother agency is trying to sign with larger agencies. While non-exclusive agencies can be signed with other organizations (generally outside of a particular city radius). Contracts typically last from a year to three years. Compulsory height requirements haute couture modeling agencies / Hostel Accommodation Contracts a heterogeneous group of models, but almost without exception (except model is young enough to still growing), agencies charge between 5'6 Women "and "must be (1.68 m and 1.80 m) and men between 5'10" 5'11 and 6'3 "(1.78 m and 1.90 m), and be at a weight that with their appropriate height. auditions and open calls modeling agencies require new faces on a regular basis. The number of models in an n-agency depends on the demand brought by its agents and changes in currency

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
summary: elena (elena) sideways and @ gmail.com

sideways, the company founded in 2012 has a great reputation for integrity and outstanding results. sideways is a licensed agency in opava, czech republic. in addition, we book a first start up agency in the czech republic talent nationwide. it is our mission, your entire project from beginning to endmanage, whether they are models, actor, voiceover, photographers, stylists, etc.... elena is the founder and creator of this agency. the idea came from her years of experience in the entertainment, and talent. after 5 years in talent and entertainment was elena decided to create an agency, the integrity of statedshe felt industry in the world of entertainment talent is missing. our products:

side is a company, the jobs for actors, musicians, models, and other people in various entertainment businesses. side is not only the agent part of the process, but the training focus.the training is a key contributor to the talents growth and job potential. the primary focus of the sideways are crucial training and support for the future talents and entertainers in the world. training of all kinds of talent, from models to the actors. sideways class curriculum prepares students for the world of modeling with confidenceattitude and style. elena offers training in these areas, the key to success in the modeling industry, as well as in daily life.

the market a commercial print model for magazines, catalogs, product advertising, shop advertising, clothing display, etc., for enterprises "real people" types of looks and sizesto promote their products and services. these models are exactly what the name suggests: ordinary people who represent the average consumer can identify in their advertisements. you want a runway or fashion model should be tall, leggy and thin. the age range is ussualy 14 - 21, or take a year.fashion industry standards for fashion models is 5 '8 "to 6' high, size 6 - 8 with average weight of 108, 125 lbs this body type looks good on the stage and in front of the camera. fashion modeling seems simple, but the training and experience are the most sought after. in modeling classes will help you learn the skills to be a successful modelor just learn confidence in general. the financial considerations: the current financial plan for sideways is received grants of eur 100 000. the grants will be used to expand the business in the following way.
1. safe building / build out
2. safe marketing
3. safe start-up / legal / accounting) 3.1. staff.the focus for aid is as follows: 1 - 100% minority owned
- 1 additional staff. objectives: the objectives in the next three years are: 1. achieve profitability in the year three
ii. every year, our market share expand
iii. on the niche market of benefit

2. mission: our mission is, your entire project from beginning to end, manage
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