PROFIL SPOLEČNOSTI XYZ, S.R.O.7.1 Předmět činnostiFirma XYZ, s.r.o je  translation - PROFIL SPOLEČNOSTI XYZ, S.R.O.7.1 Předmět činnostiFirma XYZ, s.r.o je  English how to say


7.1 Předmět činnosti
Firma XYZ, s.r.o je umělecká a produkční agentura zabývající se organizací kulturních
a společenských akcí. Během období 2002-2008 vystupovala ještě pod názvem VIRTUS
a nabízela své služby převážně v zahraničí, a to především v Rakousku
a Německu.
Společnost XYZ, s.r.o. má pobočky v Praze a Zlíně. Na základě získaných pozitivních
zkušeností s těmito objednavateli, kteří vyžadují maximální kvalitu, se firma rozhodla rozšířit svou působnost i do dalších evropských zemí. Toto rozhodnutí vedlo v roce 2013
k přejmenování firmy.
7.2 Historie společnosti
Společnost vznikla transformací z dlouholeté činnosti agentury VIRTUS VINCIT©
(z lat. Odvaha vítězí). Tato firma fungovala na českém a zahraničním trhu již od roku
2002 a aktivně se věnovala profesionálnímu předvádění historického umění, boje a tance.
V roce 2004 se společnost začala aktivně zabývat celkovou organizací akcí na klíč. Původní
umělecká představení nejdříve rozšířila o poskytování celkových zábavných programů,
organizaci technického a personálního vybavení až po legislativní záležitosti, které
z komplexní realizace projektů vyplývají. Aktivně také společnost začala nabízet
i tematické programy mimo oblast historie, což postupem času vedlo k realizaci firemních
večírků, konferencí či představování nových produktů. Mimo to však firma nadále působila
i v rámci realizace historických představení, filmových projektů (Bathory,
The Chronicles Of Narnia…) či organizace městských slavností.
V roce 2009 došlo k radikálnímu řešení. Postupně firma začala upouštět od historických
záležitostí a naplno se začala věnovat organizaci akcí na klíč pro koncového klienta. Tento
strategický posun a následný větší objem zakázek společnost také motivoval ke změně
dosavadní formy podnikání.
UTB ve Zlíně, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky 41
7.3 Poslání společnosti
Poslání společnosti je tedy především nástrojem strategického řízení a úzce souvisí s jeho
strategií. Posláním společnosti XYZ, s.r.o. je vytvářet radost z vlastních akcí, dělat práci
s úsměvem a dosáhnout spokojenosti zákazníka.
7.4 Vize společnosti
Vize je představa žádoucího budoucího cílového stavu, kterého chce organizace svojí strategií
dosáhnout. Pro společnost je přední vizí především uspokojit přání klientů pomocí
profesionálního, jedinečného a precizního systému tak, aby bylo dosaženo dlouhodobé
spolupráce a vytvoření kontaktu a aby se zákazník vracel.
7.5 Cíle společnosti
Cíle, kterých chce společnost dosáhnout, jsou rozděleny na krátkodobé a dlouhodobé.
Ke krátkodobým cílům patří zvýšení povědomí o firmě a získání více nadnárodních společností.
Dlouhodobými cíli jsou dobrá pověst společnosti, vzrůstající klientela i počet zaměstnanců
a především úspěšnost společnosti.
7.6 Segmentační faktory
Segmentační faktory představují v tomto případě hlediska, která společnost zohledňuje
v průběhu celé organizace eventů. Patří sem:
 geografická kritéria (teritorium): V minulosti nabízela společnost své služby
převážně v zahraničí, a to především v Rakousku a Německu. Na základě získaných
pozitivních zkušeností postupně došlo k rozšíření působnosti i na český trh.
Od té doby se společnost zaměřuje na pořádání akcí především ve velkých městech,
jakými jsou Praha a Brno. Veškeré akce jsou organizovány s ohledem
na počasí, tudíž i v případě nepříznivého počasí v průběhu eventů je společnost připravena
i na tuto skutečnost a jsou zajištěny náhradní prostory.
 demografická kritéria: Eventy nejsou nijak věkově omezeny, jsou nabízeny kaž-
 socioekonomická kritéria: Služby nabízené společností přihlíží k příjmu rodin
i jednotlivých koncových klientů a zohledňují jej při výběru daného eventu i při
platbě zálohy na vybranou akci.
UTB ve Zlíně, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky 42
 sociopsychologická kritéria: Tato kritéria jsou rozdělena do 2 kategorií - sociální
třída a životní styl. V případě sociální třídy jsou akce určeny jak pro bohaté,
tak i pro chudé jedince. Životní styl klienta ovlivňuje výběr tématu daného eventu,
např. pro milovníky Asie a kultury Dálného východu je možno zvolit akci
ve znamení tajemných fakírů, japonského umění samurajů či tanců gejš.
 behaviorální kritéria: Eventy i služby jsou klientům nabízeny v jakémkoli stupni
připravenosti ke koupi. Tedy i v případě, kdy zákazník nezná kompletní nabídku
eventů či veškerých doplňkových služeb společnosti. Je také zohledňována frekvence
nákupu, tzn., zda se jedná o pravidelnou či první koupi. Akce jsou mimo jiné
přizpůsobeny preferenci užitných vlastností, jakými jsou kvalita, catering společ-
nosti atd.
7.7 Cílové skupiny společnosti
Zákazník je samozřejmě nejdůležitější osobou pro firmu. Prostřednictvím eventů
se společnost XYZ, s.r.o. snaží pro zákazníky připravit zážitky, které podporují image firmy.
Zákazníci se při výběru eventů nerozhodují pouze racionálně, proto je důležité, aby se
podnikatelé naučili ovládat pocity svých zákazníků. Pro každou službu je třeba mít definovaného
zákazníka či cílovou skupinu zákazníků. Jedině to pomůže držet směr, kterým se
služby zlepšují.
Největší objem zakázek nabízí společnost 3 klíčovým cílovým skupinám:
 Firmy,
 Obchodní centra,
 Města.
UTB ve Zlíně, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky 43
V této kapitole jsou podrobně rozepsány všechny nástroje marketingového mixu služeb
společnosti, a to produkt, cena, distribuce, materiální prostředí, procesy a lidé. Nástroj
označený jako propagace je charakterizován jako součást komunikačního mixu
v následující kapitole.
8.1 Produkt - služba
Činnost společnosti XYZ, s.r.o. by se dala rozdělit do 3 následujících oblastí:
1. Firemní akce: tematické i netematické večírky, setkání smluvních partnerů, představování
nových produktů, slavnostní otevírání poboček nebo teambuildingové
aktivity. Pl
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
PROFILE OF THE COMPANY XYZ, LTD.7.1 Subject activitiesCompany XYZ, Ltd. is the artistic and production agency dealing with cultural organisationsand social events. During the period 2002-2008, she performed under the name VIRTUSVINCIT ©and offered its services mostly abroad, mainly in Austriaand Germany.Company XYZ, Ltd. has offices in Prague and Zlín. On the basis of the positiveexperience with the following customer who require maximum quality, the company decided to extend its activities to other European countries. This decision resulted in 2013to rename the company.7.2 the company historyThe company was founded by transformation from years of activity of the Agency VIRTUS VINCIT ©(from LAT. Courage WINS). This company worked on the Czech and foreign market since2002 and actively devoted to the performing arts, a professional historical fight and dance.In 2004, the company began to actively deal with the overall organization of the actions on the key. The originalartistic performances, first spread by providing total entertainment programs,Organization of technical equipment and personnel to the Legislative Affairs, whichimplementation of projects arising from the complex. The company also actively began offeringthematic programmes outside the area of history, which over time has led to the implementation of the corporateParties, conferences and introductions of new products. In addition, however, the company continues to be operatedin the framework of the realization of the historical performances, film projects (Bathory,The Chronicles Of Narnia...) or organization of the urban Festival.In 2009, there has been a radical solution. The company gradually began dropping from the historicalmatters and to the fullest, to the Organization of events on the key for the end client. Thisstrategic shift and the resulting larger volume of orders, the company also motivated to changethe existing forms of enterprise.TBU in Zlín, Faculty of management and economics, 417.3. The company's missionThe Mission of the company is primarily a tool of strategic management and is closely related to itsthe strategies. The Mission of the company XYZ, Ltd. is to create joy of custom actions, do the workwith a smile and achieve customer satisfaction.7.4 the company visionThe vision is the idea of a desirable future target State, which wants the Organization of your strategiesto achieve. The company is a leading vision primarily to satisfy the wishes of the clients by using thea professional, unique and precise system to achieve long-termcooperation and create a contact and returned to the customer.4.7 Goals of the companyObjectives the company wants to achieve, are divided into short-term and long-term.The short-term objectives include increasing awareness of the company and obtain more multinational companies.Long-term objectives are the good reputation of the company, increasing the number of employees and clienteleand above all, the success of the company.4.7 Segmentation factorsSegmentation factors represent the point of view in this case that the company takes into account thein the course of the whole organization of the events. These include: geographic criteria (territory): in the past, the company offered its servicesmostly abroad, mainly in Germany and Austria. On the basis of thepositive experience gradually to extend the scope of and on the Czech market.Since then, the company focuses on the Organization of events mainly in big cities,such as Prague and Brno. All the events are organized with a viewthe weather, thus in case of bad weather during the events, the company is ready toeven on this fact and are secured by a spare spaces. demographic criteria: Events are not age-restricted, are offered everyeach. socio-economic criteria: services offered by taking account of the income of familiesand each end clients and take account of it when choosing the event even whenpayment of the advance on the selected action.TBU in Zlín, Faculty of management and economics, 42 sociopsychologická criteria: these criteria are divided into 2 categories-socialclass and lifestyle. In the case of social classes are designed for rich,and for the poor. Lifestyle affects the choice of the topic client eventfor example. for lovers of Asia and the far Eastern culture, it is possible to choose an actionin a sign of the mysterious far, Japanese art of the Samurai or dancing Geishas. behavioural criteria: Events and services are offered to clients at any stagereadiness to buy. Thus, even in the case where the customer does not know the complete offerevents or any additional services to the company. It is also taken into account the frequency ofthe purchase, i.e., whether it is a regular or first purchase. Actions are, inter alia,adapted to the preference of utility properties, such as quality, catering companyoptions, etc.7.7 target group companyThe customer is, of course, the most important person for the company. Through eventscompany XYZ, Ltd., trying to prepare for the customer experiences that promote the company image.Customers in the selection of events not only rationally, therefore, it is important toentrepreneurs have learned to control the emotions of their customers. For each service you need to have a definedcustomer or target a group of customers. Only this will help hold the direction in which theimprove the service.The largest volume of orders, the company offers 3 key target groups: the company Business Centre, the city.TBU in Zlín, Faculty of management and economics, 438 MARKETING MIX SERVICES COMPANY XYZ, Ltd.In this chapter are set out in detail all the instruments of the marketing mix of servicescompany, product, price, distribution, material environment, processes, and people. Tooltagged as promotion is characterized as part of the communications mixin the following chapter.8.1 product-serviceActivity of the company XYZ, Ltd. could be divided into 3 of the following areas:1. Corporate action: thematic and netematické parties, the meetings of the contracting partners, introductionsnew products, ceremony opening branches or teambuildingactivity. PL
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
7.1 Activities
Company XYZ Ltd. is artistic and production agency dealing with the organization of cultural
and social events. During the period 2002-2008, she performed under the name VIRTUS
and offered its services mostly abroad, mainly in Austria
and Germany.
The company XYZ Ltd. has offices in Prague and Zlin. On the basis of the positive
experience with these Client who demand the highest quality, the company decided to expand its scope to other European countries. This decision led in 2013
to rename the company.
7.2 History The
company was the transformation from years of activity of the Agency VIRTUS © VINCIT
(from lat. Courage wins). This company has worked on Czech and foreign markets since
2002, and is actively devoted to professional performing arts historical, fight and dance.
In 2004 the company began to actively address the overall organization of key events. Original
art performances soon expanded to include the provision of entertainment programs,
organization and technical staffing to legislative issues that
the comprehensive implementation of the project entails. Actively company also began offering
as thematic programs outside of history, which over time lead to the realization of corporate
parties, conferences and introduction of new products. In addition, the company continued to work
in the framework of realization of historical performances, film projects (Bathory,
The Chronicles Of Narnia ...) or organization town festivals.
In 2009 there was a radical solution. Gradually, the company began to abandon historical
matters fully and she started organizing events tailored for the end client. This
strategic shift and the subsequent increased volume of orders, the company also motivated to change
existing forms of business.
TBU, Faculty of Management and Economics 41
7.3 Mission
The mission of the company is thus primarily an instrument of strategic management and closely related to its
strategy. The mission of XYZ Ltd. is the joy of creating custom actions do work
with a smile and achieve customer satisfaction.
7.4 Company vision
Vision is the idea of a desirable future target state, which organization wants its strategy to
achieve. The company is a leading vision mainly to satisfy the wishes of clients using
professional, unique and precise system so as to achieve long-term
cooperation and create contact and a returning customer.
7.5 Objectives of
Goals, which the company wants to achieve are divided into short and long term.
The short-term goals are to increase awareness of the company and gaining more multinational companies.
The long-term goal are good corporate reputation, increasing clientele and
staff, and especially the success of the company.
7.6 Segmentation factors
Segmentation factors present in this case, the terms of which the company takes into account
throughout the organization of events. These include:
 geographic criteria (territory): In the past, the company offered its services
mostly abroad, mainly in Austria and Germany. On the basis of
the positive experiences were gradually extending the scope of the Czech market.
Since then, the company focuses on organizing events especially in big cities
such as Prague and Brno. All the events are organized with regard
to the weather, so even in the event of adverse weather events during the company is prepared
on this and are secured alternative premises.
 demographic criteria: Events are not age-restricted are offered It ap-
 socio-economic criteria : Services offered by the company takes into account the income of families
and individual end customers and reflect it in the selection of the event and when
the advance payment to the selected event.
TBU, Faculty of Management and Economics 42
 socio-psychological criteria: These criteria are divided into two categories - social
class and lifestyle. In the case of social class actions are intended for both rich
and poor individuals. Lifestyle client influences the choice of the theme of the event,
for example. for lovers of Asian culture and Far East can choose an action
under the sign of the mysterious fakirs, the Japanese art of samurai and geisha dances.
 behavioral criteria: Events and services are offered to clients at any stage
of readiness to purchase. Thus, even if the customer does not know the full range of
events and all the ancillary services of the company. It is also taken into account the frequency of
purchase, ie., Whether it is a regular or first purchase. Events, among others
adapted to the preference of useful properties, such as quality catering company
NESS etc.
7.7 The target groups of
the customer is of course the most important person for the company. Through events
company XYZ Ltd. for customers trying to prepare experiences that support the company's image.
Customers in the choice of events solely by rational, so it is important that
entrepreneurs learn to control the emotions of their customers. For each service, it must have a defined
customer or customer group. Only this will help keep the direction in which the
services improve.
The largest volume of orders the company offers three key target groups:
 Companies
 Business center
 Town.
TBU, Faculty of Management and Economics 43
In this section detailing all the tools of the marketing mix services
company and product, price, distribution, physical environment, processes and people. Instrument
designated as propagation is characterized as part of the communication mix
in the next chapter.
8.1 Product - Service
Operation XYZ Company, Ltd. could be divided into the following three areas:
first Corporate events: thematic and netematické parties, meeting contractual partners, introducing
new products, the ceremonial opening of branches or teambuilding
activities. Pl
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
company profile xyz, inc.
7.1 activity
company xyz, inc.'s artistic and production agency dealing with the organization and cultural and social events. during the period of 2002 - 2008, was still under the name virtus

, and offered his services vincit© mainly abroad, mainly in austria and germany
the company xyz, inc. has offices in prague and zlin.on the basis of the obtained positive
experience with these to sender who require maximum quality, the company decided to extend its application to other european countries. this decision resulted in 2013 to rename the company
7.2 history society
company formed transition from years of activities of the agency virtus vincit©
(from lat. courage wins).the firm worked on czech and foreign market since the year 2002, and actively pay attention to professional and showing historical art, fighting and dancing. in 2004 the company started the project actively to address the overall organisation of events at the key. the original
art performances soon spread of total entertainment programmes.organization of technical and personnel equipment after the legislative issues of the comprehensive implementation of the projects and result. the company actively also started offering
and thematic programmes outside the area of history, which eventually led to the implementation of corporate
parties, conferences or the introduction of new products. besides, the company continue to the implementation of the historical performance, film projects (bathory,
the chronicles of narnia...) or the urban festival.
in 2009, for a radical solution. the company began gradually give up the historical
matters and full began to organising events on key for the end client. this
the strategic shift and the greater volume of contracts the company also motivate for change and the form of entrepreneurship.
users in zlin, faculty of management and economics 41
7.3 mission society
mission society is mainly a tool of strategic management, and is closely connected with his' strategies. the objective of the company xyz, inc. is to create the joy of their own actions, to do the job.with a smile, and to achieve customer satisfaction.
7.4 vision society
vision is the idea of desired future target state, which wants to tour your strategies
to achieve. for the company's vision to satisfy the wish clients using
professional, unique and elaborate system so as to achieve long-term cooperation and the establishment of contact and to a customer returning.
7.5 the goals of the objectives which the company wants to achieve, are divided into short term and long term. the short-term goals include increasing awareness of the company and obtain more multinationals.
long-term objectives are the company's good reputation, growing clientele and staff
and, above all, success rate of 7.6 segmentační factors
segmentační factors represent, in this case, the company taking into account the
throughout the organization eventů. it includes:
* geographical criteria (territory): in the past, the company offered their services
mainly abroad, mainly in austria and germany. on the basis of the positive experience gained by gradually extending the scope on the czech market.
since then, the company focuses on events, especially in large cities, such as prague and brno
. all the events are organised with a view
on the weather, therefore, even in the case of adverse weather during the eventů company is prepared
to this fact and are secured by the spare spaces.
* demographic criteria: eventy are not age limitedthey are offered dému ev -
* socio-economic criteria: services offered by companies take into account the income families
and individual terminal clients and take into account in the selection of the eventu it in
the advance payment choice action.
users in zlin, faculty of management and economics 42
* sociopsychologická criteria: these criteria are divided into two categories - social o class and the case of social class actions are intended for rich and poor, and the individual. lifestyle affects the choice of the client on eventu,
, for example. for those who love the asia and far east culture may be chosen action
a mysterious fakírů, japanese samurai geisha arts or dance.
* behavioral criteria: eventy clients and services are offered at any stage.ready to buy. thus, in the case where the customer knows the complete offer
eventů or any ancillary services company. it is also taken into account the purchase frequency, i.e., whether it is a regular or a first purchase. actions are, inter alia, adapted to the preference and utility properties such as quality, catering companies
of etc.
7.7 target groups in society.the customer is, of course, important person for the company. through the eventů
company xyz, inc. to prepare for customer experiences that promote company image. and the customers in the selection of eventů don't decide only rationally, therefore, it is important to learn to control emotions and businessmen to their customers. for each service, it should be defined.the customer or group of customers. only that help keep the direction
services improve.
the greatest volume of contracts offered by the 3 key target groups:

* * company, business centres,
users in zlin, faculty of management and economics, 43
8 marketing mix services company xyz, this chapter are detailed all the tools of marketing mix of services by companies, and that the product, price, distribution, material, environment, processes and people. the instrument is characterized by marked promotion project as part of the communications mix. in the following chapter.
8.1 product - service
activity company xyz, inc. could be divided into three following areas:
1.corporate actions: a thematic and netematické parties, meeting of the partners, the introduction of new products, r, the opening of branches or team building and activities. pl
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