6. BACTERICIDAL AND VIRUCIDAL ACTIVITIES 6.1. In Vitro Bactericidal Activity against Various Bacteria (In accordance with ASTM E2315-03 Time-Kill Test) The in vitro bactericidal activity of Sanisara W was evaluated using 25 representative bacterial strains causing health-care associated infections, as specified by the FDA Tentative Final Monograph. The test was performed in accordance with ASTM E2315-03 Time-Kill Test.2 Time-Kill Tests are capable of evaluating the immediate effect of products. * See the box below for more details.
MICROBIOTEST, Inc., Virginia, United States
A 0.5 mL of bacterial solution was added to 9.5 mL of Sanisara W. After 15 seconds of contact time at 20 to 21°C, this mixture was transferred to a neutraliser. 1 mL of this solution was plated and cultured in various agar media. Then, the number of surviving bacteria was calculated.
Sanisara W was effective against all of the bacteria and fungi tested, achieving more than a 5-log10 reduction in the bacterial and fungal counts.