Drowning in Plastic
Plastic products have been problem much of it goes into landfills but a lot of it ends up in waterways where it is carried out to sea and taken by ocean currents and deposited on beaches on the other side of the world. Plastic is killing seabirds, marine life and animals and is now even finding its way into the seafood we eat. People only see plastic being washed up to the shore but what they don’t see is the microscopic fibers less than 1 millimeter wide you can’t see them when you walk along the beach but they’re there. Mismanagement of our waste has come back to haunt us on our own dinner plates. Study is showing that garbage plastic in particular is perhaps the biggest hazard facing marine life and the seafood we eat. Micro-plastic particles are found in a large variety of marine organisms, including species we consume as seafood. Nano plastic is even larger concern Nano plastics are so small some can enter our organs and body fluids of organisms. Micro plastics are becoming a big issue. Perhaps our governments move a bit slower than we would like to see. But we are seeing governments addressing the issues and that can’t be a bad thing.”