The study area is one of the most frequently disturbed by wildfires in  translation - The study area is one of the most frequently disturbed by wildfires in  Indonesian how to say

The study area is one of the most f

The study area is one of the most frequently disturbed by wildfires in Spain, and fires strongly affect fungal communities as a result of the frequent degradation of soil (Allen et al., 1984). Recurrence of wildfire in the area avoids the re- establishment of the optimal environmental conditions. In this sense, fire can dramatically change surface soil characteristics and erosion rates (Amaranthus, 1989) and fires strongly affect fungal communities causing significant effects on soil microorganisms in general (Perry et al., 1987). Furthermore, vegetation mortality can result in large changes in the mycorrhizal community because of the elimination of the host (Dahlberget al., 2001) and the reduction offungal species could suggest that burning of the vegetation and subsequent loss of topsoil by erosion reduces infectivity of fungal propagules (Rashid et al., 1997).
Moreover, direct effects of burning may have resulted in heat injury causing low viability or dormancy of fungal spores. Other studies have also found a decline of fungal species richness after disturbances (Durall et al., 1999; Mah et al., 2001). In this same direction, Chaurasia et al. (2005) reflected a trend indicating a decrease in the richness of fungal species associated with a decrease in vegetal species richness, as usually occurs after high-intensity fire. Therefore, some fungi are not capable of growing in the new conditions following wildfire, while others are favoured by fire and can act as early stage fungi following fire disturbances. Thus, well-known species as the post-fire species such as Pholiota carbonaria and Peziza violacea were harvested in Pinus burned plots (Rochadi et al., 1999; Fujimura et al., 2004). In this sense, Hebeloma sp., Inocybe sp., and Laccaria sp. were frequently collected in Cistus burned plots, in line with what other authors previously found (Fleming, 1983; Mason et al., 1983). These species could act as early colonizers of new host plants after fire, due to the elimination of other competing fungi and the new conditions created by the disturbance, as also pointed out by Torres and Honrubia (1997) for carbonicolous fungi. Shannon’s H0 diversity index varied between burned and unburned plots. Fungal species diversity decreased in both the Pinus and the Cistus burned plots. A decrease of diversity following wildfire is originated by a dominance of few pioneer fungal species adapted to the new conditions due, at less in part, to the elimination of other specific competing fungi. Although no differences were found for C. ladanifer plots, Evenness J0 index increased in Pinus burned plots in respect to the unburned plots. This result is in accordancewith Bruns et al. (2002) who pointed out that one of the immediate effects of fire may be an increase in species evenness in fungal communities by destroying the organic layers where a few species dominate. However, opposite results were found by Johnson et al. (1999), who found a decrease of species evenness when abundance of different taxa varied between burned and unburned plots, since whereas some fungi disappear other fungal species can form mycorrhizas with the survival hosts (Torres and Honrubia, 1997). The average plot yields (fresh and dry weight) in the P. pinaster unburned plots were higher than those found in a recent study carried out in pine stands in northeast Spain (Bonet et al., 2004). In that case the average plot yield was 60.6 kg ha1 fresh weight (6.93 kg ha1 dry weight). Further- more, Pinus and Cistus plot yields were also higher than those collected by Ja ¨pinen et al. (1986) in Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies stands in Finland. The high average fresh weight observed in unburned Pinus plots (332.71 kg ha1 fresh weight) can be due to both the quick growth rates obtained for this host species and the active metabolism especially in poor soils with low pH values frequently observed in burned areas. The fresh weight yields found in Cistus plots (80.78 kg ha1 fresh weight) can be explained by the lower vegetal biomass present in the ecosystem. Furthermore, a lower effect of fire on total production was observed in C. ladanifer plots, since this
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Daerah studi adalah salah satu yang paling sering diganggu oleh wildfires di Spanyol, dan fires sangat mempengaruhi jamur masyarakat karena sering degradasi tanah (Allen et al., 1984). Terulangnya wildfire di daerah menghindari re-pembentukan kondisi lingkungan yang optimal. Dalam pengertian ini, fire secara dramatis dapat mengubah karakteristik permukaan tanah dan erosi harga (Amaranthus, 1989) dan fires sangat mempengaruhi masyarakat jamur yang menyebabkan significant efek pada mikroorganisme tanah secara umum (Perry et al., 1987). Selain itu, kematian vegetasi dapat mengakibatkan perubahan besar dalam masyarakat mikoriza karena penghapusan host (Dahlberget al., 2001) dan pengurangan offungal spesies bisa menyarankan bahwa pembakaran dari vegetasi dan berikutnya hilangnya humus oleh erosi mengurangi penularan dari jamur propagules (Rashid et al., 1997).Moreover, direct effects of burning may have resulted in heat injury causing low viability or dormancy of fungal spores. Other studies have also found a decline of fungal species richness after disturbances (Durall et al., 1999; Mah et al., 2001). In this same direction, Chaurasia et al. (2005) reflected a trend indicating a decrease in the richness of fungal species associated with a decrease in vegetal species richness, as usually occurs after high-intensity fire. Therefore, some fungi are not capable of growing in the new conditions following wildfire, while others are favoured by fire and can act as early stage fungi following fire disturbances. Thus, well-known species as the post-fire species such as Pholiota carbonaria and Peziza violacea were harvested in Pinus burned plots (Rochadi et al., 1999; Fujimura et al., 2004). In this sense, Hebeloma sp., Inocybe sp., and Laccaria sp. were frequently collected in Cistus burned plots, in line with what other authors previously found (Fleming, 1983; Mason et al., 1983). These species could act as early colonizers of new host plants after fire, due to the elimination of other competing fungi and the new conditions created by the disturbance, as also pointed out by Torres and Honrubia (1997) for carbonicolous fungi. Shannon’s H0 diversity index varied between burned and unburned plots. Fungal species diversity decreased in both the Pinus and the Cistus burned plots. A decrease of diversity following wildfire is originated by a dominance of few pioneer fungal species adapted to the new conditions due, at less in part, to the elimination of other specific competing fungi. Although no differences were found for C. ladanifer plots, Evenness J0 index increased in Pinus burned plots in respect to the unburned plots. This result is in accordancewith Bruns et al. (2002) who pointed out that one of the immediate effects of fire may be an increase in species evenness in fungal communities by destroying the organic layers where a few species dominate. However, opposite results were found by Johnson et al. (1999), who found a decrease of species evenness when abundance of different taxa varied between burned and unburned plots, since whereas some fungi disappear other fungal species can form mycorrhizas with the survival hosts (Torres and Honrubia, 1997). The average plot yields (fresh and dry weight) in the P. pinaster unburned plots were higher than those found in a recent study carried out in pine stands in northeast Spain (Bonet et al., 2004). In that case the average plot yield was 60.6 kg ha1 fresh weight (6.93 kg ha1 dry weight). Further- more, Pinus and Cistus plot yields were also higher than those collected by Ja ¨pinen et al. (1986) in Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies stands in Finland. The high average fresh weight observed in unburned Pinus plots (332.71 kg ha1 fresh weight) can be due to both the quick growth rates obtained for this host species and the active metabolism especially in poor soils with low pH values frequently observed in burned areas. The fresh weight yields found in Cistus plots (80.78 kg ha1 fresh weight) can be explained by the lower vegetal biomass present in the ecosystem. Furthermore, a lower effect of fire on total production was observed in C. ladanifer plots, since this
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Daerah penelitian adalah salah satu yang paling sering terganggu oleh kebakaran liar di Spanyol, dan fi res sangat mempengaruhi masyarakat jamur sebagai akibat dari degradasi sering tanah (Allen et al., 1984). Kambuhnya liar kebakaran di daerah menghindari pembentukan kembali dari kondisi lingkungan yang optimal. Dalam hal ini, kebakaran secara dramatis dapat mengubah karakteristik tanah permukaan dan tingkat erosi (Amaranthus, 1989) dan kebakaran sangat mempengaruhi masyarakat jamur menyebabkan signi fi efek tidak bisa mengomentari mikroorganisme tanah pada umumnya (Perry et al., 1987). Selanjutnya, angka kematian vegetasi dapat mengakibatkan perubahan besar dalam masyarakat mikoriza karena penghapusan host (Dahlberget al., 2001) dan pengurangan offungal spesies bisa menunjukkan bahwa pembakaran vegetasi dan penurunan berikutnya humus oleh erosi mengurangi infektivitas jamur propagul (Rashid et al., 1997).
Selain itu, efek langsung dari pembakaran mungkin telah mengakibatkan cedera panas menyebabkan viabilitas rendah atau dormansi spora jamur. Penelitian lain juga menemukan penurunan dari jamur kekayaan spesies setelah gangguan (Durall et al, 1999;.. Mah et al, 2001). Dalam arah yang sama ini, Chaurasia et al. (2005) tercermin tren menunjukkan penurunan kekayaan spesies jamur terkait dengan penurunan tumbuhan kekayaan spesies, seperti biasanya terjadi setelah intensitas tinggi kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, beberapa jamur tidak mampu tumbuh dalam kondisi baru berikut liar kebakaran, sementara yang lain disukai oleh api dan dapat bertindak jamur tahap awal berikut gangguan kebakaran. Dengan demikian, spesies yang dikenal sebagai spesies kebakaran pasca seperti Pholiota carbonaria dan Peziza violacea dipanen di Pinus terbakar plot (Rochadi et al, 1999;.. Fujimura et al, 2004). Dalam hal ini, Hebeloma sp., Inocybe sp., Dan Laccaria sp. seringkali dikumpulkan dalam Cistus dibakar plot, sejalan dengan apa yang penulis lain yang sebelumnya ditemukan (Fleming, 1983; Mason et al, 1983.). Spesies ini dapat bertindak penjajah sebagai awal dari tanaman inang baru setelah kebakaran, karena penghapusan jamur lain bersaing dan kondisi baru yang diciptakan oleh gangguan, seperti juga ditunjukkan oleh Torres dan Honrubia (1997) untuk jamur carbonicolous. Indeks H0 keanekaragaman Shannon bervariasi antara plot terbakar dan tidak terbakar. Keanekaragaman spesies jamur menurun baik di Pinus dan Cistus terbakar plot. Penurunan keanekaragaman berikut liar kebakaran berasal oleh dominasi beberapa spesies pionir jamur disesuaikan dengan kondisi baru karena, kurang sebagian, untuk penghapusan spesifik bersaing jamur lainnya. Meskipun tidak ada perbedaan yang ditemukan C. ladanifer plot, indeks kemerataan J0 meningkat di Pinus terbakar plot sehubungan dengan plot yang tidak terbakar. Hasil ini di accordancewith Bruns et al. (2002) yang menunjukkan bahwa salah satu efek langsung dari kebakaran mungkin peningkatan kemerataan spesies dalam komunitas jamur dengan menghancurkan lapisan organik di mana beberapa spesies mendominasi. Namun, hasil yang berlawanan ditemukan oleh Johnson et al. (1999), yang menemukan penurunan kemerataan spesies saat kelimpahan taksa yang berbeda bervariasi antara terbakar dan tidak terbakar plot, karena sedangkan beberapa jamur menghilang spesies jamur lainnya dapat membentuk mycorrhizas dengan host survival (Torres dan Honrubia, 1997). Plot hasil rata-rata (berat segar dan kering) di P. pinaster terbakar plot lebih tinggi daripada yang ditemukan dalam penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan di pinus berdiri di timur laut Spanyol (Bonet et al., 2004). Dalam hal plot hasil rata-rata adalah 60,6 kg ha? 1 berat segar (6.93 kg ha? 1 berat kering). Selanjutnya, Pinus dan Cistus petak hasil juga lebih tinggi daripada yang dikumpulkan oleh Ja pinen et al. (1986) di Pinus sylvestris dan abies Picea berdiri di Finlandia. Berat rata-rata tinggi segar diamati dalam plot Pinus terbakar (332,71 kg ha? 1 berat basah) dapat disebabkan baik tingkat pertumbuhan yang cepat diperoleh untuk spesies inang dan metabolisme aktif terutama di tanah yang miskin dengan nilai pH rendah sering diamati di daerah terbakar . Hasil panen berat segar ditemukan di Cistus plot (80,78 kg ha? 1 berat basah) dapat dijelaskan oleh lebih rendah biomassa hadir vegetal dalam ekosistem. Selain itu, efek yang lebih rendah dari kebakaran pada total produksi diamati pada C. ladanifer plot, karena ini
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