HBI CY2012 Performance Results
Name: Mr.Paradon Layrapong Employee Number: 13140
Title: Calibration Engineer Review Period: Jan – Dec’ 2012
Function: Facility & Maintenance Dept. Location: Chonburi
Part 1: Key Accomplishments/Results
Employee comments on specific objective results and accomplishments related to established goals and/or performance expectations. Employee should also give examples of how they accomplished those results.
Part 2: Manager’s Assessment
Manager comments regarding overall evaluation of employee’s performance results for the preceding 12 month period – January through December 2012. Managers are urged to be frank in their evaluations both for the benefit of the employee and for the accuracy of this evaluation.
Part 3: Development Focus
Manager provides the employee feedback on specific areas of focus and development during the next evaluation period. The development areas should align with the key HBI strategies and goals outlined by the senior management team. The employee is encouraged to discuss the specific expectations and outcomes of the manager.
Part 4: Overall Performance Assessment Rating
Manager chooses rating for employee’s performance for the year. Rating must be supported by the written narrative and the rating definitions. Manager discusses & obtains signature of next level manager prior to discussion with employee.
Part 5: Signatures
Obtain all signatures and forward to Human Resources for retention.
Exceeded objectives: Performance consistently exceeds all defined expectations and objectives producing important results through superior planning, execution & creativity. Incumbent has identified and made progress toward stretch goals, expanded the scope/impact of objectives, and significantly moved the business forward.
Met objectives: Incumbent makes a solid, reliable, and meaningful contribution to the organization through achievement of objectives. Incumbent achieved performance targets represented by relevant goals that drove business results as expressed as some increment of change from the status quo.
Did not effectively meet objectives: Incumbent missed some critical/key objectives that were required in their role due to inadequate planning, misunderstanding of the scope and/or expected outcomes of the objective, etc. This rating is for those employees who are under performing as opposed to being new in position. It is recommended that a 30-60-90 performance plan be initiated.
New In Position: Incumbent is new to this position and it is too early to judge their overall effectiveness at this time but some elements of the job can and should be rated but not enough to develop an overall rating.
HbI CY2012 Performance Results
Name: Mr.Paradon Layrapong Employee Number: 13140
Title: Calibration Engineer Review Period: Jan – Dec’ 2012
Function: Facility & Maintenance Dept. Location: Chonburi
Part I: Key Accomplishments/Results: Participating in goal setting process: 1) attach goals, and 2) provide brief summary of impact on business. Not participating in goal setting process: 1) document top three accomplishments below, and 2) identify impact on business.
Calibration function.
- 100% completely for Measurements and devices of schedule plan for 2012. The actual result as below.
1. Measurement tapes 300 lines.
2. Depth steel ruler 45 units.
3. Steel tapes 14 units.
4. Weighting machine 9 units.
5. Needle Detector 3 machines.
6. Thermometer 5 units & Thermometer Calibrator.
7. Depth gage 16 units.
8. Digital caliper
9. Pendulum 14 units.
10. Lux meter
11. Light Cabinet 2 units.
12. Humidity & Thermometer.
13. Spectraflash.
Molding machine set up function.
- Completely Molding machine set up as support production team.
- Reduce heater usage consumption compare from last year