1.11 Solar laser in space The use of the solar laser in space was firstly enrolled in the research direction of generating laser radiation from the solar energy before doing it on the surface of the earth. In the outer space, one could use the whole solar energy avoiding the attenuation, the absorption and the reflection through the earth’s atmosphere. Those physical actions decrease the useful part of the solar radiation needed to overcome the threshold pumping power of the laser medium. One also can say, in the outer space, we need smaller concentrators than on the earth’s surface. This would decrease the costs of constructing huge instruments. But on the other hand, we have to remember the costs of pushing such devices into outer space and controlling them the whole time. For such a level of technology, a space shuttle is needed to push the system into the outer space until it orbits. It then has to be adjusted and directed to get the energy radiated from the sun. Fig. 1-12 shows a typical solar laser system used in the outer space [7].