2.1.3. Phase iii - implementation and update of the PM tasks
The third phase, phase iii, describes the managerial processes for how the results are applied in practice. It consists of communication of the results from the project group to manage- ment, the operational processing and later update of the results when new and relevant information becomes available.
A quality assurance process is performed as part of this phase, with the aim of identifying issues that are overlooked or ignored in the FMECA. The process also addresses methodological limitations in the use of FMECA, for example related to the generation of relevant alternatives, and the treatment of multiple- failure interactions (as failures are assessed individually, the effect of some failures may not be accounted for).
The general aspect pointed out at the beginning of this section on how the project group should be composed, is of relevance for the communication of the results (PM tasks and intervals), but also for the treatment of uncertainties and later updates. The results should be well documented for later updates to be efficient, including documentation of general conditions and assumptions used in the assessments.
For further description of this phase, see e.g. Rausand [21], Rausand and Vatn [23], Bloom [3] and Moubray [13].