Wir sind zehn wichtigsten Schwierigkeiten bei der Suche nach Business  translation - Wir sind zehn wichtigsten Schwierigkeiten bei der Suche nach Business  English how to say

Wir sind zehn wichtigsten Schwierig

Wir sind zehn wichtigsten Schwierigkeiten bei der Suche nach Business Cash advances vermieden und Betriebskapital mittels Kreditkartenverarbeitung hervorheben. Es ist besonders wichtig für Unternehmer zu erkennen, dass es nicht notwendig, jede der zehn Kreditkarte factoring Probleme zu akzeptieren.

Verarbeitung von Kreditkarten und Kleinunternehmen Darlehen Strategien sind in vielerlei Hinsicht eng verbunden. Unternehmer sollten nicht die erhebliche Working-Capital-Vorteile übersehen, die ihr Geschäft erwachsen wird durch Kreditkarte factoring und Verarbeitung effektiv zu koordinieren. Wenn die zehn häufigsten Cash Advance Geschäftsprobleme vermieden werden können, werden die gesamte Geschäftsvorteile maximiert werden.

Auch blühende kleine Unternehmen benötigen häufig mehr Umlaufvermögen als sie von einer Bank leihen können. Eines der wichtigsten kommerziellen Finanzierungsbedarf für jedes Unternehmen stellt sicher, dass die kurzfristigen Geldbedarf erfolgreich erfüllt werden. Dies ist häufig eine schwierige Aufgabe.

Die Verwendung von ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell Cash Advance Strategie geworden eine zunehmend wichtige Business-Finanz-Tool für viele Unternehmen angesichts der möglichen kurzfristigen Cash fehlen. Es gibt eine Reihe von gemeinsamen Problemen (siehe unten) zu antizipieren und zu vermeiden, wenn Unternehmen Kreditkartenverarbeitung nutzen, um Betriebskapital Fortschritte zu erwerben.

Die meisten Händler haben Kreditkarten-Aktivität und Umsatzvolumen dokumentiert. Da bis zu $300.000 und mehr können in der Regel werden mit einem Geschäft Barkredit basierend auf zukünftige Verkäufe erzielt, Dokumentation der Verarbeitung Aktivität ist eine wertvolle finanzielle Bereicherung.

Unternehmen sollten erkennen, dass es mehrere wiederkehrende Probleme, die vor der Verwendung dieser Strategie für Working-Capital-Geschäft Bargeldbezüge vorweggenommen werden sollte. Zehn häufige Kreditkarte Forderungen Probleme, die Unternehmer vermeiden sollte, wenn diese Strategie beschäftigt werden unten hervorgehoben.

Erstens viele Kreditgeber werden versucht, die Abschlusskosten berechnen. Unternehmer sollten erkennen, dass dies eine unnötige Transaktionskosten für Unternehmen, die Barvorschüsse beim Umgang mit einem wirklich seriösen Anbieter der Working Capital-Finanzierung über Kreditkarte factoring basiert.

Zweitens viele Kreditgeber für diese Dienste auch im Voraus Gebühren. Mit den besten Programmen gibt es nicht wahrscheinlich Vorabgebühren, und dies ist ein Transaktionskosten, die kann und sollten vermieden werden.

Drittens: viele Programme für Geschäft Bargeldbezüge Sicherheiten haben. Für Unternehmer, die Kreditkarte Finanzierung suchen dies ist eine Voraussetzung, unnötig und sollte vermieden werden.

Viertens erfordert einige kreditgebende Stellen Jahresabschlüsse und Steuererklärungen für alle Business Bargeldbezüge. Solche zusätzliche Dokumentationspflichten sollte nur für größere Betriebskapital Fortschritte notwendig sein.

Fünfte, monatliche Pauschalzahlungen Händler Bargeldbezüge zurückzahlen werden von einigen Anbietern auferlegt. Der bevorzugte Ansatz ist es, solche feste Vergütung Anforderungen zu vermeiden.

Sechstens: einige Anbieter verhängen eine feste Laufzeit zur Rückzahlung. Diese Anforderung zur Abzahlung des Barvorschuss Geschäft über eine feste Laufzeit sollte vermieden werden.

Siebtens: viele Business-Finanzen-Programme benötigen Unternehmen mindestens zwei Jahre Geschichte für Working-Capital-Geschäft Bargeldbezüge qualifizieren in Betrieb haben. Während viele Unternehmer diese Forderung erfüllen können, ist ein praktischer Standard für neuere Unternehmen mindestens ein Jahr im Geschäft.

Achten, die meisten Anbieter von Business derzeit Bargeldbezüge benötigen Kredit-Scores von 680 oder höher. Dies kann für viele Unternehmer eine unüberwindbare Voraussetzung in der aktuellen Wirtschaftslage. Es ist möglich, diese Art der Working Capital-Finanzierung mit Scores rund 500 zu erhalten.

Neunte, für Kaufleute benötigen größere Geschäft Bargeldbezüge, werden enttäuschend zu erfahren, dass viele Programme auf ein Maximum von $25.000 bis $50.000 begrenzt sind. Anbieter, die für diese Unternehmensstrategie Finanzen besser kapitalisiert werden werden in der Lage, einen Vorschuss von $300.000 unterzubringen und höher.

Zehnte, erfordern einige Programme bis zu 24 Monaten Kreditkarte Umsatz von $25.000 oder höher. Eine weitere praktische Möglichkeit für Unternehmer wird eine Transaktion Geschichte mit sechs Monaten von $5.000 oder mehr umfassen.

Es wäre ungewöhnlich, dass all die Hindernisse, die für alle Unternehmen relevant werden die oben beschriebenen. Business Kreditnehmer werden voraussichtlich mehrere dieser Probleme auftreten, wenn sie einen Geschäft Barkredit in Betracht ziehen, der Kreditkarte zu factoring und Kreditkartenverarbeitung verwendet.

Sind alle zehn Kreditkarte Finanzen Hindernisse oben diskutierten vermeidbar? Es gibt tatsächlich lebensfähig Kreditkarte Forderung
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
We are ten major difficulties in finding after business cash advances avoided and emphasize working capital by means of credit card processing. It is especially important for entrepreneurs to realize that it is not necessary that each of the ten credit card factoring problems to accept.Processing of credit cards and small business loans strategies are closely connected in many ways. Entrepreneurs should see not the significant benefits of working capital, that their business will grow up by credit card factoring and processing to coordinate effectively. If the ten most common cash advance business problems can be avoided, the entire business benefits will be maximized.Also flourishing small businesses need often more assets than they can borrow from a bank. One of the most important commercial financing needs for each company ensures that the short-term money needs are successfully met. This is often a difficult task.The use of a sustainable business model Cash Advance strategy has become an increasingly important business financial tool for many companies in the face of the possible short-term cash missing. There (see below) to anticipate a number of common problems and to avoid, if you use credit card processing companies, to acquire working capital advances.Most traders have documented credit card activity and sales volume. Since up to $300,000 and more can usually cash advance obtained with a business based on future sales, documentation of the processing activity is a valuable financial asset.Companies should recognize that's several recurrent problems, which should be anticipated before using this strategy for working-capital business cash advances. Ten common credit card receivables avoid problems, the contractor should, if this strategy employs are highlighted below.Firstly many lenders are trying to calculate the final cost. Entrepreneurs should recognize that this is a based unnecessary transaction costs for businesses, the bar advances when dealing with a really reputable provider of working capital financing through credit card factoring.Secondly many lenders for these services also in advance fees. With the best programs there is not likely consideration, and this is a transaction cost, which can and should be avoided.Third, many programs for business cash advances have collateral. For entrepreneurs who are looking for financing credit card this is a prerequisite in unnecessary and should be avoided.Fourthly, some lenders require annual financial statements and tax returns for all business cash pay. Such additional documentation requirements should be necessary only for greater working capital advances.Fifth, monthly lump-sum payments dealer cash withdrawals will pay back some party imposed. The preferred approach is to avoid such fixed compensation requirements.Sixth, some vendors impose a fixed term of repayment. This requirement to the redemption of the cash advance business over a fixed term should be avoided.Seventh: many business finance programs, companies require at least two years history for working-capital business cash advances qualify in operation have. While many entrepreneurs can meet this requirement, a practical standard for newer companies is at least one year in the business.Sure most vendors of business currently cash withdrawals need credit scores of 680 or higher. This can be an insurmountable condition in the current economic climate for many entrepreneurs. It is possible to get this kind of working capital financing with scores around 500.Ninth, need more business cash advances to merchants, are disappointing to learn that many programs to a maximum of $25,000 to $50,000 are limited. Providers that better be be capitalized finance for this corporate strategy able to accommodate an advance of $300,000 and above.Tenth, some programs require up to 24 months credit card sales of $25,000 or higher. A more convenient way for entrepreneurs will have history with six months of $5,000 or more a transaction.It would be unusual that all the obstacles, which are relevant for all companies described above. Borrowers will occur probably several of these problems business, if they a business cash advance into account, the credit card used to factoring and credit card processing.All ten are credit card finance obstacles above discussed avoidable? There are indeed viable credit card call
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
We are ten major difficulty in finding business cash advances avoided and highlight working capital through credit card processing. It is especially important for operators to realize that it is not necessary, each of the ten credit card factoring to accept problems.

Credit card processing and small business loan strategies are closely linked in many ways. Entrepreneurs should not overlook the substantial working capital benefits that will grow their business by credit card factoring and coordinate processing effectively. When the ten most common cash advance business problems can be avoided, the entire business benefits are to be maximized.

Even thriving small businesses frequently need more working capital than they can borrow from a bank. One of the most important commercial financing needs for each company ensures that short-term cash requirements are successfully met. This is often a difficult task.

The use of a viable business cash advance strategy has become an increasingly important business finance tool for many companies in the face of possible short-term cash missing. There are a number of common problems (see below) to anticipate and avoid, if companies use credit card processing to acquire working capital advances.

Most merchants have documented credit activity and sales volume. Since up to $ 300,000, and more can usually be with a business cash advance obtained based on future sales, documentation of processing activity is a valuable financial asset.

Companies should recognize that there are several recurring problems for before using this strategy Working- capital business cash advances should be anticipated. Ten Common credit card receivables problems that should prevent entrepreneurs, if this strategy employs highlighted below.

First, many lenders are trying to calculate the final cost. Entrepreneurs should realize that this is based an unnecessary transaction costs for businesses, the cash advances when dealing with a truly reputable provider of working capital financing through credit card factoring.

Second, many lenders for these services in advance fees. With the best programs there is not likely to advance fees, and this is a transaction cost that can and should be avoided.

Third, many programs for business cash advances have collateral. For entrepreneurs, the credit card financing search this is a requirement, unnecessary and should be avoided.

Fourthly requires some lenders financial statements and tax returns for all business cash advances. Such additional documentation requirements should only be necessary for larger working capital advances.

Fifth, monthly fixed payments to buy Become repay cash advances imposed by some providers. The preferred approach is to avoid such fixed payment requirements.

Sixth, some providers impose a fixed term for repayment. This requirement to pay off the cash advance business on a fixed term should be avoided.

Seventh, many business finance programs, companies need at least two years history of working capital business cash advances qualify in operation have. While many entrepreneurs can meet this requirement, is a practical standard for newer companies at least one year in the business.

Look, most providers of business currently cash advances require credit scores of 680 or higher. This can be an insurmountable requirement in the current economic climate for many entrepreneurs. It is possible to obtain this type of working capital financing with scores around 500.

Ninth, for merchants need larger business cash advances, are disappointing to learn that many programs are limited to a maximum of $ 25,000 to $ 50,000. Suppliers who will be capitalized better for this corporate strategy finances able to accommodate an advance of $ 300,000 and higher.

Tenth, some programs require up to 24 months credit card sales of $ 25,000 or higher. Another practical way for operators will include a transaction history with six months of $ 5,000 or more.

It would be unusual that all the obstacles that are relevant for all the above. Business borrowers are expected to more of these problems occur when they pull a business cash advance in consideration to factoring the credit card and used credit card processing.

If all ten credit card finance obstacles discussed above avoidable? There are actually viable credit card receivables
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
we are ten major difficulties in finding business cash advances is avoided and working capital through kreditkartenverarbeitung highlight. it is particularly important for managers to recognize that it is not necessary, each of the ten credit card factoring problems to accept.processing of credit card loans, and small business strategies are, in many respects, closely linked. entrepreneurs should not the considerable working capital benefits that your business will grow up by credit card factoring and processing to ensure effective coordination. when the ten most cash advance geschäftsprobleme can be avoided, and the whole business will be maximized.also thriving small businesses often need more current assets than they can borrow from a bank. one of the most important commercial financing needs of every company makes sure that the short-term money demand are successfully achieved. this is often a difficult task.the use of a viable business model cash advance strategy become an increasingly important business financial tool for many enterprises in view of the possible short-term cash missing. there are a number of common problems (see below) to anticipate and avoid kreditkartenverarbeitung if enterprises to use working capital advances to acquire.most traders have credit card activity and volume were documented. up to $300000, and more generally with a store cash credit based on future sales reached documentation processing activity is a valuable financial gain.enterprises should recognize that there are several recurring problems, the use of this strategy for working capital business bargeldbezüge should be anticipated. ten common credit card receivables problems, the entrepreneurs should avoid, if this strategy is highlighted below.firstly, many lenders are trying to calculate the abschlusskosten. entrepreneurs should recognize that this is an unnecessary transaction costs for businesses, the barvorschüsse when dealing with a reputable providers of working capital financing through credit card factoring is based.secondly, many lenders for these services in advance fees. with the best programmes are not likely vorabgebühren, and this is a transaction that can and should be avoided.thirdly, many programmes for business bargeldbezüge collateral. for entrepreneurs, the credit financing is a prerequisite for this unnecessary and should be avoided.this requires some kreditgebende provide accounts and returns for all business bargeldbezüge. such additional documentation should only be necessary for larger capital progress.fifth, monthly payments to pay dealers bargeldbezüge by some suppliers are imposed. the preferred approach is to avoid such fixed compensation requirements.sixthly, some providers impose a fixed term to repay. this requirement to pay off the barvorschuss business over a fixed period should be avoided.seventh, many business finance programs, businesses need at least two years of history for working capital business bargeldbezüge qualify in operation. while many entrepreneurs can meet this requirement is a practical standard for newer companies at least a year in business.eighth, most providers of business currently bargeldbezüge need credit scores of 680 or higher. this can be for many entrepreneurs an impossible condition in the current economic situation. it is possible this kind of working capital financing, with scores around 500 to obtain.ninth, merchants need more business bargeldbezüge, disappointing to learn that many programmes to a maximum of $25000 to 50000 are limited. supplier for the company finances better capitalized will be able to accommodate an advance of $300000 and above.tenth, some programs require up to 24 months credit card sales of $25000 or more. a more practical option for entrepreneurs, a transaction history with six months of $5000 or more.it is unusual that all the obstacles that will be relevant for all companies as described above. business borrowers are expected to several of these problems if you consider a business cash credit, the credit card factoring and kreditkartenverarbeitung used.all ten credit card finance barriers discussed above can be avoided. there is indeed viable credit card call
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