Учитывая, сколько стоит сама лапша, экономить на размере порций это преступление. Особенно когда помещение меньше, чем Lucky N, и почти не отделано. Мое мнение владельцы решили срубить бабла на тренде
Given how much is itself noodles, saving on the amount of servings of this crime. Especially when the room is smaller than N, Lucky and not nearly finished. My opinion of the owners decided to cut the dough on the trend
Given how much she noodles, to save on the amount of servings of a crime. Especially when the room is less than Lucky N, and almost not decorated. In my opinion the owners decided to cut the dough on the trend
considering how much you noodles, save on the amount of servings of this crime. especially when the space is smaller than the lucky n, and almost not decorated with. in my opinion the owners decided to cash in on the trend