I think there is need for consultation on the event on Sept 9 and 10, and Khun Tippy should be present as well.
Khun Tippy, pls confirm your arrival in London. Assuming it will be by Thai arriving London Sept 3,
- then I suggest Emb to hold a meeting on September 3, say around 10.30 AM in common room so that we will not need to rent a special room for that purpose (Secretariat room is too small)
- we should have all people concerned, including TV Pool, to attend.
- I wish to go over the program in London, with special emphasis on Sept 9 and 10 events.
- Emb should have an update on guest list from Asprey, as to who will attend on their side, and that would dictate how we should handle the protocol, with reliance on the Ambassador advice.
Have invitation cards been sent out by Asprey?