清晨阳光缓缓照进屋内,窗台上的雏菊正随着微风左右慢慢的摆动着,突然一阵紊乱的气息打破了这个宁静的早晨。“凯…你…你慢点…啊…”莫羡晴觉得AK translation - 清晨阳光缓缓照进屋内,窗台上的雏菊正随着微风左右慢慢的摆动着,突然一阵紊乱的气息打破了这个宁静的早晨。“凯…你…你慢点…啊…”莫羡晴觉得AK English how to say


莫羡晴觉得AKAI 的体质一定是异于常人的,不然怎么可能一大清早还有这么好的精力。
AKAI 偏头对Katie略略一笑,低头在机器上再按两下,只听“滴滴”两声,跑步机的速度更快了…
AKAI 对着Katie邪邪一笑:“你说过你会陪我的……”
金色的阳光顺着窗帘流入,静静地勾勒出Katie的侧颜。一双均匀的呼吸随着被单一起一伏。床头上挂着巨幅婚纱照,AKAI 安心地搂着他的新娘,她回身甜蜜地吻在他脸颊。
Katie伸出手摸索片刻,按下了闹钟,眯着眼睛翻了个身,美梦在继续。继而,背后有庞大物体顺着枕头蹭了过来,AKAI 眯着眼前移,将他的脸颊覆在Katie的脸旁蹭了蹭,转头轻轻一吻,在她耳畔低声道:“老婆,早安。”一双手跟着环了过去,将Katie牢牢地圈在他温暖的臂弯内,他却并不满足于一个morning kiss,顺着她的耳垂,他吻了下去……
“凯…”Katie的这句话却是没有办法说出来了,AKAI 翻身而上,吻住了她的低语。

“嫂子?”Hilda轻唤了一声,Katie身边的AKAI 也察觉出了不对,转头碰了碰Katie的胳膊:“Katie!”
AKAI 回过头,对上了妹妹的瞪视。
AKAI 尴尬地挪了挪椅子:“男人都是这样的嘛~阿升他…”

两日后 商场健身器材店

Katie将煎蛋盘子和牛奶放上餐桌,抬头睨了一眼窗前跑步机上剧烈运动的AKAI ,AKAI 无比怨念地看着Katie的方向。Katie假装什么都没看见,对他露齿一笑:“吃早餐了~”
AKAI 埋下头按停,随着跑步机慢了下来,最终稳稳站住了。
Katie走上前,拿下他肩头的毛巾,垫脚帮他擦额头的汗,见AKAI 臭着一张脸不动,她讨好地推他一把:“快点去洗澡吃东西,迟到了!”
AKAI 怨念地看了Katie一眼,却见她明媚地笑着,再怎么不愿意也吞下去了,他很快地回她一笑:“你帮我冲杯蜂蜜水吧,我先去洗澡~”他说完,乖乖动身去了浴室。

“唉!”AKAI 重重叹了口气,将手叠在脑后靠在椅子上,偏头望向窗外出神。
“大哥,你到底怎么了?一晚上你叹了一百次气了!”余家升好笑地看着AKAI 。
AKAI 闷闷不乐地看了余家升一眼,略加考虑,将跑步机的相关事件和盘托出。
AKAI 正色:“哈,你还笑啊,我明天就把这招教给Hilda,看你还笑不笑得出。”
AKAI 挑眉:“难道…?”
“是不是真的?”AKAI 明显不信任地眯起了眼。

Katie将牛奶杯放在桌上,抬头疑惑地看着AKAI 。他明明昨天早上还一脸怨气的,怎么今天完全不抵抗,还整个人都笑眯眯的?太可疑了…
回头看看挂钟,到点了,她来不及多想,柔声对AKAI 招呼:“吃早餐了~”
循例走过去接过毛巾帮AKAI 擦汗,不想这次却被AKAI 一把抱了个满怀。
AKAI 赖皮地箍住Katie,在她额头一吻,哈哈笑着放开她。
AKAI 假意闪躲着,往浴室方向走,走到浴室门口,他突然顿住了,回过头看着餐桌前忙碌的Katie,斜斜一笑:“老婆啊~”
Katie放下手中的牛奶杯,抬头迎上AKAI 的目光,哄小孩子一般对他笑了:“又怎么了?”
“就这么说定了!”AKAI 不等Katie反对就走进了浴室,顺手关上了门。
不知跑了多久,AKAI 低头看了看表:“够钟食早餐~”他终于按下了停。
“你去哪?”AKAI 一把拉住了Katie的胳膊。
“一起吧!”AKAI 笑着,在Katie的惊呼声中将她一把横抱起来,往浴室走。
“你也累了,让我帮你洗吧?”AKAI 抱牢怀中挣扎着的女人走进浴室,单脚将门一带。“砰”地一声,门关牢了……

Lunch time
AKAI 出去开会,Hilda约了Katie共进午餐。

AKAI 嘴角斜斜的勾起,这样才对嘛,“不如我们以后都做这种运动吧?我不会让你很累的~”他说着吻向katie的额头。

“阿升?喂?”AKAI 拿着电话,对面已经传来了忙音。
“怎么了?”沙发上,窝在AKAI 怀里看电视的Katie探起头。
AKAI 挑眉扬了扬手机:“没什么,我看这次我害死阿升了,他大概又要做厅长了…”
Katie爱莫能助地耸了耸肩,被AKAI 再次圈进了怀里:“还是我老婆温柔~”
Katie挣扎了几下没挣脱,索性不动了,安心地窝在AKAI 怀里合上了眼:“你别惹我,我当然会很温柔~”
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
The early morningThe sun slowly into the room, Daisy is on the windowsill as the breeze slowly swinging around, there was a sudden disturbance in the air broke the quiet of the morning."Kay ... You ... You slowly ... Ah... "MO AKAI envy shine body must be different from ordinary people, how else may also have such a good energy early in the morning.AKAI-Katie slightly and smiled, looked down on the machine then press twice, listen to "drop" twice, running faster ...AKAI to Katie crooked smile: "you said you would stay with me......""I am ..." Katie paused, then no speech.------------------------------------Two weeks ago.Dawn House.Golden Sun along the curtain flows quietly draw up Katie's face. A pair of even breathing as the sheets up. Bed hanging giant photos, AKAI safely around his bride, she turned Sweet kiss on his cheek.Sleep, Katie and her lips had a faint smile, quiet as the quiet morning. However, the clock on the bedside table "drop" in the ring, broke the early morning stillness.Katie reached out your hand for a moment, pressed the alarm clock, narrowing her eyes rolled over and, dream continues. Then, behind the bull down the pillow over the edge, AKAI squinted forward, his face covered in Katie's face rubbed, turned around and gave a kiss and whispered in her ear: "wife, good morning. "Hands with rings in the past, Katie firmly within the circle in the warmth of his arms, but he was not satisfied with a morning Kiss along her ear lobe, he kisses her ... ..."Kay ..." Katie's comment but there is no way out, AKAI turn up, kissed her whispered.Serenity of the morning, the sheet is hidden under the ups and downs of the rough ... ...Group CEO OfficeHilda was so busy looking at files, slightly locked the eyebrow: "Katie, what do you think about it? "----There is no answer.Hilda gave a weird look, but see opposite, Katie listlessly stirring preoccupied with coffee ..."My sister-in-law? "Hilda whisper sound, AKAI was also detected around Katie right, turn touch Katie's arm:" Katie! ""Huh? "Katie woke up all of a sudden, responds to come over you are Hilda met Office, she smiled in a shy way," Sorry ... Just where were you? ”Hilda embarrassing sister-in-law, and was so busy laughing brother, knowing that seven or eight minutes, gave her a stern look, turned to Katie: "want to put half a day off to rest? ”"No, I ... Go to the bathroom, back ..., "Katie did not hold back, gave a big yawn, embarrassed nods to Hilda, in the sight of two men walked away.AKAI back, found the sister's glare."Needless to say, are you? ”AKAI awkwardly slid his Chair: "man is o ~ l he ...""Now say you! "Hilda interrupted her brother's words in a loud voice," I ask you, don't hinder sister-in-law do not? ”"OK~~~" make concessions to answer.Two days later market exercise equipment store"Sister, do you see it. "Hilda standing in front of a running machine toyed."The treadmill? Suitable for him? "Katie watched with wonder as Hilda."Why not suitable for? "Hilda turned to Katie smiled," than him up early in the morning, took his morning walk, his excess energy, this birthday gift for him! ”A day later, early in the morning, and Zhuo Jia.Katie egg plate and put the milk on the table, looked up and so coy glance window to strenuous exercise on a treadmill of AKAI, AKAI resentment at Katie's direction. Katie pretended didn't see anything, he grinned: "breakfast ~"AKAI hide my head stop, as the treadmill slows down, eventually stood firmly.Katie stepped forward, took his shoulder towel, stepping to help him wipe his brow sweat, see AKAI stinky face does not move, please, she pushes him out: "come to bathe eat late! ”AKAI resentment at Katie's eyes, but see her bright smile, no matter how reluctant to swallow, he quickly back to her with a smile: "you give me a cup of honey water, I went to take a bath ~" he said, quietly off to the bathroom.Katie arms, stood smiling with satisfaction----finally have the means to live for him.After dinner, shopping malls.The two women go shopping, chose two men sit chatting in cafes waiting."Ah! "AKAI sighed heavily, hands behind your head against the Chair and looked out of the window a trance."Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? One night with you 100 times! "Rose more than funny to watch AKAI.AKAI glumly saw over one eye, slightly considered treadmill related incidents pouring out."HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ... ..." rose after hearing more than laughs.AKAI primly: "Ah, you laugh, I taught that Hilda tomorrow, see you smile laugh out. ”Rose point of convergence, pursed lips: "brother, do you think the treadmill is one of Katie's mind? ”AKAI eyebrow: "...?"Rose lips: "you want me to, I can teach you, how to buy a treadmill, told Katie to accompany you to run every day, their woman, overwhelmed, must surrender to you in a week! ”"Is it really? "AKAI marked distrust narrowed her eyes.The next morning, the home.Katie glass of milk on the table and looked up at AKAI quizzically. He clearly yesterday morning, a look of anger, how totally do not resist today, whole person smiling? Too suspicious ...Looking wall clock, time, she too late to think, voice of AKAI said: "eat breakfast ~"Routinely walked over and took the towel for AKAI sweat, don't want this to be AKAI a full embrace."Hello! "Katie pushes," covered with sweat, go take a shower to eat! ”AKAI shameless plaster with Katie, and on her forehead a kiss, haha laughed and let her.Katie lifted the towel to play: "not a nice! ”AKAI empty Dodge, walk towards the bathroom, walked to the bathroom door, he paused abruptly, busy Katie looked back at the table, tilted smile: "wife ~"Katie put down the milk Cup, AKAI eyes on the head, coaxing kids General he smiled: "what's wrong? ”"As much as we buy a treadmill, so you can come with me working out? "He smiled, showing teeth."Huh? "Katie didn't react."Such a deal! "AKAI Katie opposition went into the bathroom and closed the door.------------------------------------------……Did not know how long, AKAI looked down at the table: "enough time for breakfast ~" he finally pressed stop.Katie sighed, out of breath walking down, remove the towel and wiped the perspiration, step forward."Where are you going? "AKAI grabbed Katie's arm."Take a bath, covered with sweat! "Katie struggled with some dissatisfaction."Together now! "AKAI laughing and Katie screamed her cross picked him up and walk towards the bathroom."Akai! "Katie protested."You are tired, let me help you wash it? "AKAI prison his arms struggling woman walked into the bathroom, one foot around the door. "Bang" sound, the door closed ... ...Lunch timeAKAI met Hilda about Katie having lunch.After the meal, Hilda was told to leave the bathroom, came back again, but saw that Katie was sitting in his seat with eyes ..."My sister-in-law? "Hilda whisper sound, Katie did not respond. Sleep soundly ... ...I do not know how long, Katie slowly recover, suddenly react themselves sleeping in the dining room, she quickly sat up straight: "Sorry, I ... A little tired ... ""See ..." Hilda buried stir coffee, "really don't leave the rest? Company, you don't have to worry about up to my brother do you share, he deserves it! ”"No need. "Katie laughed," I had a rest. ”"You're ... Brother get you! " Hilda blamed a look at Katie, then think of what, "Yes, you didn't force him to do morning exercise? ”"I have ... He ..., "Katie paused," all in all, you that I use will not work, I think I'll just...... "A day later, early in the morningIntermittent rain falling down the roof, splashing out a spray, a stray kitten comfortably lying on the tire, once again, the breath of a hint of ambiguity out of whack early peace."Kay ... You ... Well ... A bit slow ... "AKAI mouth slanting back, so as to, well, "not as good as we are doing this exercise? I won't make you very tired ~ "he said Kiss to Katie's forehead.Katie felt the whole people are floating in the clouds, muttered before losing consciousness in a sentence: "the Wolf ..."-------------------------------------"The end"Yu Jia.Hilda sat in front of the computer a long, Yu Jia probes peek Hilda walked up the living room, she didn't notice herself, he turned and mysterious dial out phone."Hey, big brother? Last time you bought a treadmill, how? ”"More than you really rose! ”"Hey ... Pain pain pain pain pain pain pain ... His wife ... Tap ... "……"Asheng? Feed? "AKAI holding the phone, already came across from a busy tone."What's wrong? "The sofa, nest in AKAI TV's Katie probe into his head.AKAI eyebrow Yang Yang mobile phone: "no, I think this time I killed rose, he was about to do was Director of ..."Katie help shrugged, AKAI again into the arms: "is my wife softly ~"Katie struggled for a few didn't break, simply did not move, secure nest in AKAI arms beneath the eyes: "you don't mess with me, I will surely be very gentle ~"
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
sun shine into the house slowly, daisies on the windowsill is with the breeze swinging around slowly, a sudden burst of breath disorder broke the quiet morning.
"Kay ... you ... you slow down ... ah ..."
Mo envy clear that AKAI constitution must be different from ordinary people, otherwise how could such a good effort early in the morning as well.
AKAI migraine for Katie smiled slightly, looking down on the machine and then double-click, just listen to "bit" twice, the treadmill speed faster ...
AKAI against Katie crooked smile: "You said you would accompany me The ...... "
"I ..." Katie paused, no words.
two weeks ago.
Morning, Zhuo home.
Golden sun along the curtain inflow quietly sketched out the side Katie Yen. One pair even breathing as sheets with a V. Hung bedside huge wedding, AKAI confidently around his bride, she turned sweet kiss on his cheek.
Sleep, Katie mouth hung faint smile, quiet place as the quiet and peaceful morning. However, nightstand alarm clock "bit" to ring up, broke the early morning serenity.
Katie held out his hand groping for a moment, pressed the alarm, his eyes rolled over, the dream continues. Then, behind a huge body rub down the pillow over, AKAI squinting forward, his cheeks covered in Katie's cheek rub the rub, turned around and gently kiss, and whispered in her ear: "Wife Good morning. "hands follow the ring in the past, will ring Katie firmly in his warm arms, he was not satisfied with a morning kiss, down her earlobe, he kissed down ......
"Kay ... "Katie's words, but there is no way to say it, AKAI stand on, kissed her whisper.
Tranquil morning, hidden under blankets turbulent ups and downs ...... Zhuoshi President's Office looked at the file Hilda buried, locked brow slightly: "? Katie, how do you see" ---- no answer. Hilda looked strangely surprised to find the opposite, Katie listlessly stirring coffee trance ... ? "sister-in-law" Hilda light Huanliaoyisheng, Katie is also aware that the AKAI around the right, turned and touched Katie's arm: "Katie! " "Ha?" Katie suddenly woke up, react Hilda own're sitting in office, she was a little embarrassed smile, "Sorry ah ... just tell where the?" Hilda look awkward sister-in-law, and then look hard at Laughing brother, mind to understand the seven or eight, her brother a harsh glare, turned to Katie: "Do not put a half a day off to rest? " " No, I ... went down the toilet, come back to ... "Katie did not hold back, punched a big yawn, embarrassment rushed Hilda nodded and walked away in the two gaze. AKAI go back, right on the sister's glare. "Needless to say, is you?" AKAI awkwardly shifted his chair: "Men are like him ... Well ~ A l ' ! "Now say you ah" Hilda loudly interrupted her brother's words, " I asked you, do not interfere with sister-in-law doing okay ah? " "OK ~ ~ ~" conciliatory answer. Two days later the mall fitness equipment store , "sister-in-law, you look at this." Hilda standing on a treadmill before playing with. "Treadmill? Suitable to him ah?" Katie looked suspiciously Hilda. "How would not fit?" Hilda back to Katie smile, "In the morning you played earlier than him, pulled him up morning exercise, anyway, his excess energy, this birthday gift was the most suitable for him!" after a day, morning, Zhuo home . Katie put the omelette pans and milk table, looked askance at the window of strenuous exercise on a treadmill AKAI, AKAI looked very resentment Katie's direction. What Katie pretended not to see, for he grinned: "Eat breakfast ~" AKAI buried head down stop, with the treadmill slow down, eventually firmly stopped. Katie stepped forward, took a towel over his shoulder, feet to help him wipe his forehead, see AKAI foul a face does not move, she pushed him to please one: "! Hurry up to take a bath to eat, late" AKAI resentment gave Katie a fleet of her bright smile, no matter how willing or swallow, and he soon returned her smile: "You help me a cup of honey and water, and I went to take a bath ..." he Then, obediently set off to the bathroom. Katie stood with folded arms and smiled with satisfaction ---- finally have a way to fall upon him. After dinner, the mall. The two women go shopping, two men sitting in a cafe chatting chose to wait. "Oh!" AKAI sighed heavily, hands stacked in the back against the chair, looked out the window migraine trance. "Brother, you in the end how? A night you sigh a hundred times angry!" Rose more than funny watching AKAI. AKAI glumly watched more than one liter, slightly considerations related events treadmill whole. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......" After more than l heard laughing. AKAI Stern: "Ah, you laugh, ah, I'll put this trick taught to Hilda, see you laugh do not laugh out." More than a little rose convergence, Min Zhaochun: "Brother, ah, do you think the treadmill is really Katie ? The idea of " AKAI eyebrow: "Is ...?" more than one hook lift lips: "You come to me on the right, I'll teach you, you buy a treadmill, call Katie accompany you run every day, they are woman, she stand, and within a week I guarantee to you surrender! " " it is not true? "AKAI obviously does not trust his eyes narrowed. The next morning, Zhuo home. Katie the Milk Cup on the table, looked confused look AKAI. He obviously has a look of anger yesterday morning, and how today is completely non-resistance, but also the people are smiling? Too suspicious ... look back clock, to the point that she no time to think, softly AKAI greeting: "Eat breakfast -" routinely took the towel went over to help AKAI wipe, do not want to hold this one was AKAI a full. "Hey!" Katie Tuiju "smelly and sweaty, go and take a bath to eat!" AKAI shameless to hoop Katie, a kiss on her forehead, she laughed and let go of her. Katie raised the towel to play: "! Not a serious" AKAI pretending to dodge, the direction toward the bathroom, walked to the bathroom door, he suddenly paused, looked back at the table before the busy Katie, slanting smile: "Wife ah ~ " Katie put down the Milk Cup, the rise went up AKAI eyes, coax children generally He laughed: "how can it?" "Why do not we buy a treadmill, so you can exercise with me ? "He smiled, revealing even teeth. "Ha?" Katie some did not react. "It's that hand in hand!" AKAI ranging Katie opposition went into the bathroom and shut the door easily. ------------------------------------------ ...... I do not know how long to run, AKAI looked down at his watch: "Enough bell eat breakfast ..." he finally pressed the stop. Katie sighed with relief, breathlessly go down, remove the towel Mama Khan, mention step to move forward. "Where are you going?" AKAI a hold of Katie's arm. "Bath ah, covered with sweat!" Katie wants to get rid of some dissatisfaction. "With it!" AKAI smile, in Katie's screams in her hand Hengbao up, go to the bathroom. "Akai!" Katie protested. "You are tired, let me help you wash it?" AKAI hold firmly arms struggling woman into the bathroom, one leg to the door area. "Bang" slamming the door shut pitched ...... Lunch time AKAI out of the meeting, Hilda about the Katie lunch. Meal, Hilda sue leave the bathroom, he came back again, and was surprised to find Katie has taken a seat close his eyes ... "sister-in-law?" Hilda Qinghuan soon, Katie did not respond. Sleep well ...... I do not know how long, Katie slowly woke, suddenly react himself asleep in the restaurant, she quickly sat up body: "Sorry ah, I ... a little tired ..." "I can see ... "Hilda buried stir the coffee," really do not have leave to rest? thing you have to worry about the company, up to me to find my brother do your share, he deserve ah! " " do not have the. "Katie said with a smile," I take a break just fine. " "You're ... brother given you to eat!" Hilda blame Katie looked at, then think of something, "Yes, you did not force his morning walk it?" "I have ah ... he ..." Katie paused, "In short, you will not do this trick I used, I think I ......" After one day, early in the morning along the eaves to the rhythm of the rain to fall, spilled a ground spray, a stray kitten comfortable to lie on the tire, trace ambiguous atmosphere disorder again early in the morning quiet. "Kay ... you ... ah ... a little slower ..." AKAI mouth slanting brought back, only right thing, "Why do not we do this sport in the future, right? I will not let you be tired ..." he said, to kiss katie forehead. Katie think the people are floating in the clouds, before losing consciousness muttering the phrase: "the wolf ..." --------------------------- ---------- [End] over. Hilda sat in front of the computer is busy, living room and walked over rose probe peek Hilda, see her no attention to himself, he turned aside secretive phone. "Hey, brother? Last time to accompany you to buy a treadmill, how?" "Sure enough, rise more than you ah! " " Hey ... bitterly bitterly bitterly really hurt ... my wife ... Tap ... " ...... "A liter ? Hello? "AKAI holding a phone, the opposite has heard the busy tone. "How?" On the couch, watching TV nest in the arms of Katie AKAI exploration began. AKAI eyebrow raised his cell phone: "Nothing, I think this time I killed A rose, he probably had to do director of the ..." Katie helpless shrug, was AKAI circle again into the arms: "or My wife gentle ~ " Katie struggled a few times did not break, they simply refuse to move, and peace of mind to nest in AKAI arms and shut his eyes: "You do not mess with me, of course I'll be gentle ..."

Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Morning sun
slowly according to the inside, on the windowsill of daisy is with the breeze around slowly swing with. Suddenly a breath disorder broke the morning to the sound of silence. "Kai... You... You slow down... Ah..." Don't think the AKAI
Xianqing constitution is different from ordinary people, or what may be an early in the morning there are so good energy.
AKAI migraine to Katie slightly smile, bow on the machine and double click, just listen to "drop" twice, the treadmill speed faster.
AKAI to Katie evil a smile: "you said you will accompany me......" "I..." Katie paused, no words.
two weeks ago. Early morning, Zhuo home. The golden sun followed the curtain to the side of the Katie. A pair of breathing evenly with heaving sheets. The bed hung a huge wedding, AKAI at ease around his bride, she turned sweet kiss on his cheek. I sleep, Katie mouth hung with a faint smile, quietly like this peaceful morning. However, on the bedside alarm clock "drops" in the ring, broke the early morning quiet.
Katie reached out her hand and pressed the alarm clock, cable for a moment, his eyes turned over,Dream in the continue. Then, behind a huge body along the pillow rub over, Akai narrowing her eyes shift, his face covered in Katie's face beside Ceng Ceng, turned a gentle kiss, whispered in her ear: "wife, good morning." Hands follow ring in the past, Katie firmly circle in the warmth of his arms, he was not satisfied with the in a morning kiss, down her earlobe, he kissed down... "Kai..." Katie this sentence is no way to say it, AKAI stand up and kiss her whisper.
quiet in the morning, the ups and downs of hidden raging under the sheets......

Zhuo's group president office.Hilda buried in the document, slightly locked eyebrow: "Katie, how do you see?" ---- no answer.
Hilda curiously looked up, saw the opposite, be in the blues Katie stirred the Coffee... "Brother's wife?" Hilda light to call a sound, Katie side of the AKAI also detected a wrong, turn a head touched Katie's arm: "Katie!"" Katie suddenly woke up, reaction to come to their own Hilda office meeting, she was a bit embarrassed to laugh, Sorry ah... Just talked about it?"
Hilda have a look have a look at the awkward sister-in-law, then laughing brother, to understand the minds of seven or eight points,She stared at her brother, turned to Katie: "do you want to put half a day off?" "No, I'm not... Go to the bathroom and go back..." Katie did not hold back, made a big yawn, embarrassed at Hilda nodded, in front of two people away.
AKAI turned on, sister stare. "Not to say, it's you again?""
AKAI embarrassed to move the chair: "the man is so ~ ~ o l he..." "Now say you!" Hilda interrupted her brother's words, "I beg you, don't interfere with my wife and sister-in-law?"
"ok~~~" conciliatory answer.

Two days after the shopping malls fitness equipment shop

, you see this." Hilda stood in front of a treadmill.
"treadmill? Is not suitable for him?" Katie looked at Hilda. "How can you not fit?" Hilda back to Katie a smile, "in the morning you get up earlier than he, you pull him up to the morning exercise, anyway, he is over, the birthday gift for him!"

day, morning, Zhuo jia.
Katie Akai fried dishes and milk on the table, looked up and look askance at the eye window on a treadmill exercise vigorously, the Akai very resentment at Katie's direction. Katie pretend to see nothing,He grinned: "eat breakfast ~"
AKAI buried his head with a treadmill according to stop, slow down, finally firmly stopped.
Katie stepped forward, picked up his shoulders towel, stepping help he wiped his forehead of sweat, see Akai smelly a face does not move, she please push him: "hurry up and go to the baths and things to eat, be late!"
AKAI resentment see Katie's one eye, but see her bright smile, again how to also swallow, he soon returned to her laugh: "you help me a cup of honey water, I rushed to the bathroom first ~" he said, obediently left for the bathroom.
Katie holds his arm in place to smile, and finally a way to make him.

after dinner, shopping malls.
two a woman to go shopping, the two men chose to sit in Coffee hall waiting for chatting. "Oh!" AKAI sighed heavily, will hand on top of head leaning against a chair, head to look out of the window. Big brother, what's wrong? One night, you're one hundred times!" More than a funny looking at AKAI.
AKAI feel depressed a glance at Yu Jiasheng, with little consideration, the related events of the treadmill emerge in its totality. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......" Yu Jiasheng laugh after heard.
AKAI said: "ha,You laugh, I put it to teach Hilda tomorrow, you have to laugh it." A little more than L
convergence, pursed her lips: "eldest brother, do you think the treadmill is really Katie's idea?"
AKAI pick eyebrow: "is it... ? "more than
rise angle hook:" you want me to, I will teach you, you buy a treadmill, every day is Katie accompany you run, women, can not stand, a week Baozhun you to surrender! " "Is it true?" AKAI obviously does not trust to narrow the eyes. The next morning

, Zhuo jia.
Katie put the cup on the table, looking up at AKAI.He's also a face of anger yesterday morning, how today no resistance, the people are still smiling? It's too suspicious...
back and looked at the clock, point-to-point, too late to think about her, soft sound of Akai greeting: "eat breakfast ~"
perfunctory through took the towel Cahan Akai for, do not want this was Akai to hold a full. "Feed!" Katie tuiju, "sweaty, go take a shower and eat!"
AKAI to Katie in the shameless hoops, kiss her forehead, laughed and let her go.
Katie raised a towel to fight: "no serious!"
AKAI not dodging, go to the bathroom direction, walk to the bathroom door,He suddenly paused, looking back at the table before the busy Katie, a smile: "wife ah ~"
Katie put down the hands of the milk cup, the rise of AKAI's eyes, to coax the child is generally to his laugh: "what's wrong?" "Not as much as we buy a treadmill, so you can be with me together?" He smiled, revealing his neat teeth. "Ha?" Katie some of the reactions. "It's a deal!" Ranging from Katie to AKAI, he went into the bathroom and closed the door.
...... I do not know how long to run,AKAI looked down at his watch: "enough for the breakfast.".
Katie sighed and went down to the bottom of the air, and took off the towel and put it on the towel. "Where are you going?" AKAI pulled Katie's arm. "Bath, covered with sweat!" Katie some of the disgruntled want to get rid of. "Together!" AKAI smiled, and in the Katie's voice, she took her to the bathroom and walked away. "A Kai!" Katie protested.
"you are tired, let me help you wash it?" AKAI hold firmly arms struggling woman walked into the bathroom, one foot door area. "Bang",The door is closed...... Time

Lunch went out for a meeting, Hilda about Katie for lunch.
after dinner, Hilda to go back again, Restroom, but Katie has been sitting in the seat of the eye... "Brother's wife?" Hilda light calls, Katie no response. Sleep very fragrant...... I do not know how long, Katie long to wake up, suddenly react to himself in the restaurant fell asleep, she quickly sat straight body: "Sorry ah, i... A little tired..." "See..." Hilda immersed in coffee, "really do not need to leave the rest? You don't have to worry about the company,He deserves!" "No." Katie smiled. "I just had a rest." "You are so... Brother to eat you! "Hilda blamed the ground to look at Katie, and then think of what," right, you did not force his morning exercise?" "I have."... He..." Katie paused, "in a word, that I use it, I think I still......" After a
, morning
xixilili rain along the roof fall to downward, splash splash, a stray kitten comfortably lying on the tire, a trace of ambiguous atmosphere disturbed again early in the morning, the quiet. "Kai... You... Well... Slow down..."
AKAI mouth oblique oblique,That's right. "It's better for us to do this in the future." I won't let you very tired ~ he said kiss to Katie's forehead.
Katie think the people are floating in the clouds, before losing consciousness mumbled: "wolf..."

more than.
Hilda sitting in front of the computer, the more than l went to the living room probe to peek at Hilda, see her not to pay attention to their own, he turned to God, a mysterious phone call. "Hey, big brother? The last time you bought a treadmill, the effect?"

"it's more than you!"
"Hello... A painful and painful... Wife... Tap..."

...... "A l? Hello?" AKAI holding the phone, came across the already busy. "What's wrong?" On the sofa, the nest in the AKAI with the Katie to look at the TV.
AKAI pick eyebrow Yang Yang mobile phone: nothing, I see this time I kill a liter, he probably will be a director..."
Katie helpless shrug of the shoulders, Akai again circle into the bosom: "or my wife gentle ~"
Katie struggled a few did not get rid of, simply do not move, peace of mind to nest in Akai bosom eyes: "you don't mess with me. Of course I will very gentle ~"
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