The Bass Bot can self-calibrate its tuning. Set the Mode switch to MIDI mode. Set the Tuning control knob to the center position. Turn off and back on again the power before tuning. Then press [FUNCTION] + [C#]. The Function and C# LEDs will light up for a few seconds. When these LEDs turn off, your Bass Bot will be in tune with accuracy of ± 5 cents. Take a few seconds to check the tuning’s accuracy using a tuner or by ear by pressing the keys on the keyboard after completion. If the desired accuracy is not achieved with the first tuning, very slightly adjust the Tuning knob then run the automatic tuning function a second or third time. They keyboard's low C is a C2 note and it should be 65.4Hz when accurately tuned. If it remains improperly tuned. Turn the power off and back on and try a few more times to induce recalibration.