Wenn wir die Prüfungen, die uns hier auf der Erde aufgegeben wurden, bestanden haben, dürfen wir die Wandlung vollziehen. Wir lösen uns von der irdischen Körperlichkeit, die unsere Seele gefangen hält, wie ein Schmetterling, der seinen Kokon verlässt. Wenn die Zeit reif ist, werden wir frei sein. Frei von Schmerz, frei von Angst und frei von Sorgen und Kummer. Frei wie ein lichter Sonnenstrahl, der zum Ursprung aller Kraft heimkehrt: zu einem Ort erfüllt von grenzenloser Liebe.
Thomas Schönes Skulpturen zeichnen sich durch eine spezifische Leidenschaft aus, getragen von meisterlicher Technik und tiefem Glauben. So entstehen Werke von einer selten anzutreffenden inspirativen künstlerischen Sensibilität.
ars mundi-Exklusiv-Edition. Limitierte Weltauflage 298 Exemplare, signiert und nummeriert. Höhe der Skulptur 45,5 cm. Edition in Kunstbronze. Polymeres ars mundi Replikat, von Hand gegossen, von Hand bronziert, oberer Teil vergoldet. Limitierte Auflage 199 Exemplare.
Results (
English) 1:
If we have passed the tests here have been abandoned us on Earth, we must understand the conversion. We detach ourselves from the earthly physicality, which holds our soul trapped, like a butterfly leaving its cocoon. When the time is right, we will be free. Free from pain, free from fear and free from worry and grief. Free like a light ray of sunshine who returns home to the source of all power: a place of boundless love. Thomas beautiful sculptures characterized by a specific passion, supported by masterly technique and deep faith. So are works by a rarely encountered inspirational artistic sensibility. Ars mundi-exclusive Edition. World Edition limited 298 copies, signed and numbered. Height 45,5 cm. Edition art bronze sculpture. Site polymeric ars mundi replica, hand cast, hand burnished, gilded upper part. Limited Edition 199 copies.
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Results (
English) 2:
If we have the exams that were given to us here on Earth existed, we may carry out the conversion. We break away from the mundane physicality that imprisons our souls, like a butterfly leaving its cocoon. When the time is right, we will be free. Free of pain, free from fear and free from worry and grief. Free as a bright ray of sunshine who returns to the origin of all power:. To a place full of boundless love Thomas Beautiful sculptures are characterized by a specific passion, supported by masterly technique and deep faith. This creates works of a rarely encountered inspirational artistic sensibility. Ars mundi-Exclusive Edition. Limited edition 298 copies world, signed and numbered. Height of sculpture 45.5 cm. Edition Art in Bronze. Polymeric ars mundi replica, hand-poured, hand-bronzed, gilded upper part. Limited edition 199 copies.
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Results (
English) 3:
if we take the exams, which were given to us here on earth, we must have passed, the transformation take place. we solve our earthly corporeality, which keeps our soul, like a butterfly, leaving its cocoon. when the time is ripe, we will be free. free from pain, free from fear and free of worry and grief. free as a light ray of sunshinethe origin of all the force returns: a place full of boundless love.
thomas beautiful sculptures are characterized by a specific passion, driven by meisterlicher technique and deep faith. as a result, works of a rare inspirational artistic sensitivity.
ars mundi - exclusive edition. limited weltauflage 298 copiessigned and numbered. height of the sculpture 45.5 cm. in kunstbronze edition. polymer ars mundi replica, cast by hand, hand bronziert, upper part plated. limited edition 199 copies.
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