Genau. Ich glaube Du hast es erfasst. Schönheit im allgemeinen gesehen, geht verloren, und die Innere Schönheit kommt ans Licht, die Liebe. Sie hebt die gegenseitigen Kräfte auf und verschmelzt sie zu einem Ganzen.
Exactly. I think you got it. Seen beauty in General, is lost, and the inner beauty comes to light, the love. She picks up the mutual forces and merges them into one whole.
I agree. I think you have it covered. Beauty generally seen is lost, and the Inner beauty comes to light, the love. She picks up the mutual forces and merges them into a whole.
exactly. i think you get it. beauty in general, will be lost, and the inner beauty comes to light, love. it emphasizes the mutual forces and verschmelzt you into a whole.