“叮咚”。门铃声如期响起。“来了。”他招呼着,顺手关了灯,打算只留下夜灯,可是夜灯在昏暗之中闪了闪,“啪”地一声,灭了。“不是吧,这个时候耍 translation - “叮咚”。门铃声如期响起。“来了。”他招呼着,顺手关了灯,打算只留下夜灯,可是夜灯在昏暗之中闪了闪,“啪”地一声,灭了。“不是吧,这个时候耍 English how to say


“嘘…”AKAI 转身对Teddy比了个手势,走去开门。
Katie听到Teddy的叫声,直接望去了阳台,根本没有注意到餐桌上AKAI 精心准备的一切。
“我…”AKAI 完全来不及阻止,只能作罢,由得她去阳台抱出了Teddy,转头才看到了餐厅…
AKAI 耸肩尴尬地笑了笑。

AKAI 已经走到座位前,帮她拉开的座位:“试试我的手艺?”
AKAI 落座拾起刀叉:“来,先尝尝~”
AKAI 无奈地看着她走进了客厅接起电话。
听清这个称呼,餐厅坐着的AKAI 警惕地放下刀叉。
听到“很重要的事”五个字,AKAI 的神色略缓和。
“Sorry。”Katie挂掉电话坐了回来,抱歉地对AKAI 笑了笑,再次拿起刀叉,她却有些心神不宁了。
AKAI 见她吃了一口牛排,没有任何评价。
“嗯?”Katie抬头,看了看AKAI ,似乎才反应过来发生什么事,“不是,很好吃。”
AKAI 的心情却有些郁郁的。压住心中的不悦,他决定抓回她的注意力。
几乎在AKAI 说话的同时,Katie也快速开口了:“阿凯,其实我家有点事,我要马上赶回去。不如我们约下次吧?”
AKAI 呆在了当场,似乎是没有反应过来这过山车般的变化,而表白被打断的几乎完全忽略了刚刚某人自然而然叫出来的那声“阿凯”…
AKAI 起身往门口走。
“阿凯?”Katie站起身及时拉住了他。AKAI 停下脚步,没有回头。
AKAI 瞪大眼看着迅速撤回的Katie,她偏着头看他:“现在你饱了吗?”
AKAI 怔怔地觉得这句话有些耳熟,片刻,他终于回过神,圈住了Katie的腰身:“你刚刚说什么?”
良久良久,在进一步事情进一步失控之前,AKAI 恋恋不舍地放开了Katie:“我想正式请求你,做我女朋友。”
AKAI 再次将她揽进怀里,磁性的声音回荡在Katie耳畔:“你答应了。”
安静地贴在AKAI 心口,她Katie合上了眼:“也不算,我做助理都有试用期,你做男朋友当然也有试用期~”
“总裁帮你追我?阿升早就告诉我了。他跟我很小的时候就认识了,我们根本不可能的,你在这吃什么飞醋啊!”Katie责备地看着AKAI 。
AKAI 挑了挑眉,拉起了Katie的手:“试用期就试用期咯,反正我牵了你就不会放手的。”
“啊?”AKAI 有些不解,Katie的屋子跟Hilda有什么关系。
AKAI 无所谓地牵了Katie往外走,无所谓地说:“他们天天都在吵架,没问题的。”

次日 卓氏集团CFO办公室
AKAI 抬头,看见Hilda神神秘秘关上了门。
“总裁亲自过来,有什么指示啊?”AKAI 好笑地看着妹妹。
“我只想知道昨晚发生什么事。”AKAI 还没开口,Hilda又瞪眼威胁道,“我要听真话!”
AKAI 无奈地叹口气,讲述了昨晚那场结局还算不错的大乌龙。
“啧啧啧,哥,你运气真的不错诶,之后呢?”Hilda挑了挑眉,一脸暧昧地盯着AKAI ,“吃干抹净了吗?我今早看见你们一起从地下车库上来哦~”
AKAI 抬手在Hilda前额弹了一下,后者吃痛扶住额头靠向椅背。
“Hilda!”AKAI 的警告声从她背后响起,此时不逃更待何时。Hilda转头一脸正色:“Katie的假我批了,不过记住明天有例会,不要再熬通宵了~”
AKAI 和Katie愣在了原地,等反应过来,Hilda早就不见了身影。
Katie脸上的红晕越发明显,AKAI 慌乱的想要跟她解释,舌头却像打了结。

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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
"Ding Dong". Doorbell rings."Coming. "He greeted, shut out the lights, intends to leave night lights, but flashed a light in the dark of night, and" popping "sound went out."Come on, this time to play with me? "He press the night light switch a few times, no response. No night light, the huge living room shrouded in the darkness, some less ambiguous, add a weird ... ..."Ding Dong". Doorbell ring again and again: "the Director, are you there? ”"Bow Wow Wow! "The balcony, Teddy heard Katie's voice, cried out in a loud voice."Shhh ..." AKAI turns to Teddy than a sign, go to answer the door."Director. "Katie laughed and appeared in front of him."Ah, come on. "He smiled and Katie went into the House."Bow Wow Wow! "Teddy saw the Mummy, bent on bashing it out from a balcony, even louder.Katie heard Teddy's voice, looking directly out on the balcony, paid no attention to the AKAI prepared everything on the table."Why don't you turn on the light? "She said, smoothly," popping "sound, lights in the living room was opened."I am ..." the AKAI could stop completely, just forget about it, Teddy was carried out by her to the balcony, turned around and saw a restaurant ..."You ...," Katie's turn to gape.AKAI shoulders and smiled awkwardly.A minute later, the story seems to have entered the established procedures.AKAI has come to seat, to help her pull the seat: "try my skills? ”Katie down, some smiled sheepishly, she nodded and quietly seated.AKAI seat picked up a knife and fork: "come taste ~"Katie was the knife, put it in the bag on the couch's cell phone rang. She was embarrassed to look up: "Sorry, I answer the phone. ”AKAI reluctantly entered the living room, she picked up the phone."Asheng? Something wrong? ”Hear the call, restaurant sat AKAI guard to put down the knife and fork."You help me deal with it, I really had something important, please ..."Hear "important things" in five words, AKAI look slightly eased."Sorry。 "Katie hung up and sat back, sorry, AKAI smiled, picked up the knife and fork again, but she had some uneasy.AKAI saw her eating a bite of steak, without any evaluation."Not good? "He was always very confident Cook for myself."Huh? "Katie looked up, looked at the AKAI, seemed to react what happened," is not, it's delicious. ”AKAI is somewhat gloomy mood. Live in the heart of displeasure, he decides to catch her attention."I actually have something to say to you ..."AKAI talking at the same time, Katie also said: "Akai, in fact, I have something I want to go back right away. As we about next time? ”AKAI in the spot, there seems to be no response from this roller-coaster of change, and confession was interrupted almost completely ignored the naturally just someone calling out the word "Akai" ...He lowered his head into the night, a long time, he put down his knife and fork."I sent you back. ”AKAI up towards the door."Akai? "Katie stood up and grabbed him in time. AKAI stopped and did not look back."You don't do that, I really have..." Katie whispered coax."I'm fine. "Not turned, his voice hard," hungry. ”Katie laughed, she dragged him and turned to face her, his eyes in amazement, Katie around his neck, a tiptoe and kissed him gently on the lips.AKAI stared watching the rapid withdrawal of Katie, she looked to him, "do you eat now? ”AKAI remember this familiar do, for a moment, he finally return to God, Katie black: "what did you just say? ”"What?" ”"Did you ask me? I'm not full ... "He looked down and kissed her lips again, entangled between before the kiss and that have a different meaning.Dim candlelight flickering in the wind, two rocking figure printed on the wall ... ...For a long time for a long time, before the further things further out of control, AKAI reluctantly let go of the Katie: "I would like to ask you, is my girlfriend. ”Katie took him by the hand, to his eyes, some spoiled brat to tilt forward: "I am not going to introduce you my boyfriend last night, what do you want me? ”AKAI to hold her in my arms again, magnetic voice echoed in the Katie ear: "you promised. ”Posted on AKAI heart quietly, her Katie closed her eyes: "it is not, my assistant has a trial period, your boyfriend with probation ~""Hello! "He helped her look in her eyes," How do these two things? ”"What's different? "Her arm so coy on his eyes," this is called female privilege, President didn't teach you? ”"How did you know ...""The CEO to help you catch up with me? Asheng told me. He knew when I was very young, we can't, what are you eating vinegar fly! "Katie looked at AKAI blamed.AKAI picked the eyebrow and pulled Katie's hand: "probationary period the probationary period slightly, anyway, I hold you won't let go of. ”Katie acquiescence and smiled: "do the drive me home now, we no longer used, my house will be removed by your sister! ”"Ah? "AKAI somewhat puzzled, have to do with Katie's House with Hilda."Today about asheng to take a look at decorating, what, but I haven't spoken with him in the past, I don't know why the President would be over with, heard two of them designed differently now I fight! ”AKAI to take Katie to leave indifferent, care said: "they are fighting every day, no problem. ”Katie reluctantly gave him a look, really don't see is filled out, kitne ...Next day's group, Office of the CFOAKAI looked up and saw Hilda secretive and closed the door."The President himself, have any instructions? "AKAI funny looking sister.Hilda decided to find a place to sit: "I heard you last night with Katie to her family? Luckily I left early. ”"What are you trying to say? ”"I just want to know what happened last night. "AKAI not opening, Hilda stared and threatened," I want to hear the truth! ”AKAI sighed with exasperation about last night that ending was good Oolong."What happened, this is probably it. ”"TUT tut, brother, you are really good luck eh, then what? "Hilda picked the eyebrow and a vague face staring at AKAI," dry wipe it? I saw this morning coming up from the underground garage with you Oh ~ "AKAI taishou Hilda bounced in the forehead, which hold the forehead eating pain moved back to."After so many Ah? Your thoughts are more and more ridiculous. Hurry up to find rose to recover gambling debts, and also, I warned him that trouble him away from Katie, please. ”"Pain! Girlfriend so your sister, you wait! ”Having said that, the Hilda rose, and going out, you refused to say I won't watch it! Today noticed that Katie is wearing a silk scarf, Hilda went to her desk."Katie。 ”"The President, why? ”Hilda doesn't say anything, just her arms, standing in front of her.See Katie wondered, Hilda smile is more brilliant and she suddenly leaned in to her ear and whispered "hard last night ~""Hilda! "AKAI alert sound from behind her, then fled when. Hilda turned to face seriously: "Katie off me, but keep in mind there will be meeting tomorrow, don't stay up all night ~"AKAI and Katie froze in place, move, Hilda disappeared early figure."I ... ... No ... ... Last night...... "Katie blush on his face more clearly, AKAI panic wanted to explain to her, my tongue like a knot.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
"Buzz." Door bell rang on schedule.
"Come." He greeted, shoving off the lights, leaving only intended nightlights, but nightlight flickered in the dark among the "pop" sound, he went out.
"Is not it, this time playing me?" He will nightlights switch by a few, without the slightest reaction. No night light, the huge cage in the dark living room, less ambiguous Jisi, adding a minute strange ......
"buzz." Then the doorbell rang again: "? Director, you are not ah"
! "bark Wang" on the balcony, Teddy hear Katie's voice, shouting.
"Hush ..." AKAI turned to Teddy than a gesture, walked to open the door.
"Commissioner." Katie smiled and appeared in front of him.
"Come, ah, come in." He laughed and Katie let into the house.
"Bark Wang!" Teddy saw the mummy, bent rushed out from the balcony, the sound is even greater.
Katie Teddy hear sounds, he looked directly balcony, all on the table did not notice AKAI carefully prepared.
"How do you not turn on the lights?" She said, shoving a press, "pop" sound, the living room lights are turned on.
"I ..." AKAI entirely too late to stop, only to give up, she went to the balcony from the get hold out Teddy, turned around only to see the restaurant ...
"You ..." Katie's turn stunned.
AKAI shrug embarrassed smile. A minute later, the story seems to have entered the established procedures. AKAI has come to the front seat, pull the seat to help her: "Try my craft?" Katie hanging head, embarrassed smile, she nodded quietly seated. AKAI seated picked up a knife and fork: "Come on, first try ~" Katie was going under the knife, on the sofa bag and cell phone rang. She looked a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I received a phone call." AKAI helplessly watched her into the living room picked it up. "A liter? Why?" hear this call, the restaurant seated AKAI warily down knife and fork. "You help me deal with it, and I really have a very important thing, the trouble you ..." hear "a very important thing," five words, AKAI look slightly eased. "Sorry." Katie hang up the phone and sat back, sorry to AKAI smiled, he picked up the knife and fork again, but she hung up some. AKAI see her eat a steak without any evaluation. "Not good?" He has always been very confident of their own cooking ah. "Ah?" Katie looked up, looked at the AKAI, seem to react what happened, "it is not good to eat." AKAI's mood is somewhat depressed. Squeeze the hearts of displeasure, he decided recaptured her attention. "Actually, I have something to tell you ..." AKAI speak almost the same time, Katie also spoke quickly:. "? Akai, in fact my family a little something, I want to immediately go back next time as we about it" stay AKAI on the spot, did not seem to react to this roller coaster of change, and the confession was interrupted almost completely ignored just naturally someone called out that sound "Akai" ... his head buried in the low night long while, he put down the knife and fork. "I send you back." AKAI go up toward the door. "Akai?" Katie stood up and pulled him in time. AKAI stopped and did not look back. "You do not like this, I really have something ..." Katie coaxed softly. "I'm fine." And did not turn his head, his tone stiff, "just hungry." Katie laughed, she turned to face her strong pulling him in his amazing eyes, Katie trapping his neck, tiptoe gently kissed his lips. AKAI bulging eyes looked quickly withdrawn Katie, she tilted her head to see him: "? Now that you eat of it" AKAI stared find this somewhat familiar, for a moment, he finally answered a God, trapping Katie's waist: "What did you just say? " " What? " " You asked me to eat yet? I did not eat ... " He looked down again and kissed her lips, entanglement between the kiss and before that had a different meaning . Dim candlelight swaying, shaking both India will figure in the wall ...... a long long time, before the matter further and further out of control, AKAI reluctantly let go of Katie: "I want to formally ask you, do I have a girlfriend. " Katie took his hand to his eyes, leaned somewhat spoiled himself: "Last night, I was not with the person that you are my boyfriend, you want me how"? AKAI again to let her arms, Katie magnetic voice echoed in the ears: "You promised." quietly posted on the AKAI heart, Katie closed her eyes: "is not, I do have a probationary period assistant, you do boyfriend Of course, there probationary period ... " "Hey!" He helped her to stand at her eyes, "Like how these two things? " " how is not the same? "She holds the arm look askance at him," This is called privileged girls, president did not teach you? " "You know how ..." "president to help you chase me? A liter have told me. He told me very little time to know, and we simply can not, and you eat in this What vinegar fly ah! "Katie looked reproachfully AKAI. AKAI raised an eyebrow, pull up Katie's hand: "probationary period on probation slightly, anyway, I pull up and you will not let go." Katie smiled acquiescence: "You can take me home right now, we do not last, my house will be torn down your sister! " " ah? "AKAI somewhat puzzled, Katie's house have anything to do with Hilda. "I was around today to help me look at the Arab liter renovated into what kind, but then I did not tell him together in the past, I do not know why the president will talk to the past, they both heard different opinions about the design, and now is my family ! quarrel " Katie brought the AKAI indifferently go out, it does not matter, said:. "They fight every day, no problem," Katie some frustration white at him, I really do not see or pretend not see, ah, Zhenshi Ben dead ... the next day Zhuo's Group CFO office AKAI looked up and saw Hilda secretive and closed the door. "President personally over what instructions ah?" AKAI funny watching sister. Hilda just keep looking for a place to sit: "? I heard you last night to accompany Katie back to her home but fortunately I go early" ? "What do you say ah" ". I want to know what happened last night." AKAI not open, Hilda and stare threatened, "I want to hear the truth!" AKAI sighed reluctantly, about the night of that final fairly nice big Oolong. "Probably this happened. " " Tut tut, brother, you really good luck, eh, then what? "Hilda raised an eyebrow, staring at his face ambiguous AKAI," eat dry wipe it? I now Early saw you up from the underground garage together oh ~ " AKAI raising his hand at playing a bit Hilda forehead, which held onto the forehead toward the back pain to eat. "How, after so many ah? Your idea really getting outrageous. Come to find more than l discuss gambling, as well, for I warned him that trouble him after Katie away from the point." "It really hurt! For Women friend Link to your sister, you wait! " he finished, Hilda got up to go out, you would not say that I will not see it! Katie noticed today wearing a scarf, Hilda went to her desk. " Katie. "" president, Something wrong? " Hilda did not say anything, just stood with his arms in front of her. Katie saw some doubts, Hilda smile more brilliant, she suddenly leaned himself whispered in her ear: "Last night hard ~" ! "Hilda" warning sound AKAI sounded from behind her, then do not be how to escape more Time. Hilda turned to look sternly: "Katie's fake I grant, but remember there are regular meeting tomorrow, do not boil all night ~" AKAI and Katie froze in place, so react, Hilda figure long gone. "I have no ...... ...... ...... last night" Katie blush more obvious, AKAI panic want to explain with her ​​tongue like a knotted.

Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
"Ding dong". The door bell rang out as scheduled. "Come on." He addressed, slipped off the lights, want to leave the night light, but night light in the darkness flash, "bang" sound, destroy. "No, this time playing with me?" He put the night light switch in a few times, without any reaction. No night lights, the living room big cage in the dark, a few silk ambiguous, added a strange......
"buzz". The doorbell rang again: "director, you are not in ah?" "Wang Wangwang!" On the balcony, Teddy heard Katie's voice, called up. "Hush..." AKAI turned to Teddy,Go to open the door. "Director." Katie smiled in front of him.
"here, please." He smiled and put Katie into the house. "Wang Wangwang!" Teddy to see the mummy, bent out of the balcony, the voice is even greater.
Katie heard the cry of Teddy, directly to the balcony, did not pay attention to the table on the AKAI well prepared.
"why don't you turn on the lights?" She said, only a press, "pa", the living room lamp is opened. "I..." AKAI was too late to stop, only to give up, but she went to the balcony out of the Teddy, only to see the restaurant turned...
"You..." Katie was stunned.
AKAI smiled awkwardly.

a minute later, the story seems to have entered the established procedures.
AKAI had come to her seat and helped her to open the seat, "try my craft?""
Katie hanging head, some feel shy smile, she nodded quietly seated.
AKAI picked up the knife and fork seat: "come, taste ~"
Katie is going under the knife, put the bag on the sofa in the mobile phone rang. She looked embarrassed, "Sorry, I got a phone call."
AKAI helplessly watched her come into the living room to pick up the phone. "A l? Something?" Listen to the name,The dining room sat AKAI to put down the knife and fork. You help me with it, I do have a very important thing to do..." I heard "very important thing" five words, AKAI look slightly relaxed. "Sorry." Katie hung up the phone sitting back, sorry to AKAI smiled again, she picked up the knife and fork, but some Hung Up.
AKAI saw her eating a steak, without any evaluation. "Is not good?" He has always been very confident about his cooking. "Well?" Katie looked up and looked at the AKAI, it seems to react to what happens, "no, it's good to eat."
Being translated, please wait..
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