You'll Never Believe What this Girl does When her Man Catches her Cheating
Videos Published on: April 17, 2015
Cheating on your partner is the ultimate sign of disrespect, which is why most people have enough sense to not get caught doing it. But of course, there’s always a few people who are just out here doing whatever they want, with no regard for anyone else. Still, hearing that someone is cheating on you is way different than walking in and seeing your boyfriend or girlfriend laid up in the bed with someone else. Come on now! At that point, there’s really not much you can do but be pissed. Yeah, you’re probably thinking you’d like to kill one or both of them, but let’s be real, you’re not THAT crazy, and if you are, well, that explains a lot. Sadly, one man found himself in this exact situation, and he decided he would try to get some revenge. Apparently, his girl’s roommate (yeah, they probably won’t be living together much longer) tipped him off the night before, and told him that his girlfriend was in bed with another man. The next morning, he went over to the apartment fully prepared for what he might find. With his camera phone in hand he busted into the room ready to expose his soon-to-be ex girlfriend for the cheater that she is. There’s only one problem though; you can’t expose someone who doesn’t care! Instead of even trying to argue, she’s stays in bed cuddled up with her new man. Sure, she seems a little stressed, but not because she just got caught cheating. She just seems annoyed by the fact that her boyfriend woke her up with all that screaming. Damn! Apparently Chris Brown wasn’t lying when he tried to tell y’all that these hoes ain’t loyal