Just to clarify, would the employees be eligible for the following allowances if they have elected Special Allowance Option 1?
I checked that this employee did not have approved Time Off on 6/4/2015, so the response below is for the time entered on 6/10/2015.
I think there are two parts to this issue
1. Error message shows that the total hours reported and time off has exceeded the scheduled hours. This error message is as per the requirement of Thailand.
2. Incorrectly identifying the Shift of the worker, and thus paying Skill Allowance incorrectly: The Shift assignment is based on the actual in time and actual out time of the employee (12:00 pm – 5:30 pm). The pattern that matches would be 13:00 – 18:00 (Shift B) based on the roster excel we received from you. Please advise how you want this logic to be changed… Thanks!
For the number of hours reported and Time Off
The number of reported hours for the employee = 5.5 hours
Time off = 0.5 days * scheduled hours (9 hours) = 4.5 hours
Total = 10 hours
Scheduled hours = 9 hours < Time Off hours + reported hours
correction data
And retest Time Tracking in Workday with P'Au