The electricity networks extend throughout the Sultanate, providing power to almost the entire population. According to figures from the Department of Statistics, the country had electricity coverage of 99.7% in 2008, with 0.3% accounted for by remote communities, most of which have their own generators.
The three main grids are operated by two utilities, the governmental Department of Electrical Services, and the Berakas Power Company Private Limited (BPC). BPC supplies around 40% of the total generation in Brunei.
BD is launching prepaid cards, ‘powercard’, for electricity usage top-up at homes and business in October 2011. Following the introduction of the prepaid cards, all post-paid electronic meters in private households will be replaced to pre-paid meters free of charge. In addition, the electricity tariff has been reviewed in order to encourage the public to conserve electricity as well as to benefit the lower income groups.