What are weekly limits and why should I set them?
A weekly limit is the maximum number of hours a contractor can bill in an hourly contract each week. Clients set weekly limits to help them manage budgets and schedules easily.
Only hours within a contract's weekly limit are guaranteed.
Hours in excess of the limit will not be billed.
You'll need to issue bonus payments for any hours worked beyond weekly limits.
Contractors should discuss any work that goes beyond these limits with you.
Weekly limits are optional, but we strongly encourage you to set them on all their contracts, just to be on the safe side. A contract without a limit will allow the contractor to track up to 168 hours per work week. Keep in mind that once a limit is set, only the client - you - can change it.
Weekly limits are particularly useful when test driving your candidates. A test drive is a small contract used to help you decide which candidates are best suited to hire for the long run.