Мне так не хочется расставаться с тобой, Сэм, но если я не поспешу, то опоздаю. Хорошо,я позваню,и мы договоримся Спасибо,непременно.спасибо за прекрасный вечер .до встречи.
I so don't want to part with you, Sam, but if I did not hasten, late. Well, I pozvanju, and we will agree Thanks, will. thank you for a wonderful evening. prior to the meeting.
I do not want to part with you, Sam, but if I do not hurry, you'll be late. Okay, I pozvanil, and we agree Thank you for a wonderful evening nepremenno.spasibo .Before the meeting.
i don't want to break up with you, but if i don't hurry up, you'll be late.well, i позваню and we make a dealthank you for a wonderful evening, непременно.спасибо.до meeting.