ЭнергияизбиомассыТермин биомасса описывает широчайший спектр животных  translation - ЭнергияизбиомассыТермин биомасса описывает широчайший спектр животных  English how to say

ЭнергияизбиомассыТермин биомасса оп


Термин биомасса описывает широчайший спектр животных и растительных отходов. Дословно он означает «биологический материал». Биомасса — старейший источник энергии, используемый человечеством. Еговозникновениеотносятковремениовладениялюдьмиогнем.

Виды биомассы и топлива из нее
Биомасса считается возобновляемым источником энергии, так как содержащаяся в ней энергия производится в процессе фотосинтеза, когда растения преобразуют лучистую энергию солнца в углеводороды. Выращивание растений специально для превращения в биомассу, по сути, есть форма сохранения солнечной энергии.
При сгорании углеводороды выделяют тепло, двуокись углерода (С02, так называемый «парниковый» газ) и воду. Двуокись углерода возвращается в окружающую среду и участвует в биохимическом углеродном цикле (круговороте углерода), способствуя росту других растений и восполнению сожженной биомассы. Таким образом, сжигание биомассы при правильной организации процесса не приводит к дополнительному загрязнению окружающей среды двуокисью углерода. Вода возвращается в природный гидроцикл (круговорот воды в природе). Тепло можно использовать для выработки электричества, а также для удовлетворения других энергетических потребностей человечества.

Некоторые виды биомассы — дерево, например, — можно просто сжигать, чтобы получить энергию биомассы. Однако существуют и технологии, позволяющие получать из дерева и других биологических материалов жидкие и газообразные виды топлива. Их можно использовать вместе (а возможно, в будущем и вместо) с бензином, дизельным топливом, метаном и пропаном. Основные виды сырья для получения электроэнергии из биомассы включают в себя следующее.
• Деревья и травянистые растения. Деревья и кустарники можно просто сжигать, получая тепло для котлов паровых турбин. Наиболее распространенный источник древесной биомассы -отходы деревообработки (лесопилок) и целлюлозно-бумажных комбинатов. Для производства энергии в основном используются специальным образом выращенные ивы, прутьевидное просо и слоновая трава.
• Зерновые культуры и стерня зерновых. Для выработки этанола применяется кукуруза. С той же целью (но в меньших масштабах) можно использовать и другие злаки — пшеницу, рожь и рис. В Бразилии этанол получают из сахарного тростника. Соевые бобы, арахис и подсолнечник также применяются для получения дизельного биотоплива. И этанол, и биодизель можно использовать как для производства электроэнергии, так и в качестве автомобильного горючего.
• Водные и морские растения. Подвергнув микроскопические водоросли,-обитающие в некоторых озерах, ферментации, можно получить этанол. Их же можно компостировать для получения биогаза. Для этой же цели можно использовать обычные морские во доросли.
• Навоз и сточные воды. Бытовые отходы животных с ферм и ранчо, а также содержимое канализации населенных пунктов, можно добавлять в компостные кучи для того, чтобы ускорить выделение биогаза.
• Свалки. Различные виды мусора, в частности бумагу, картон, остатки еды, также можно перерабатывать в компост для получения биогаза.

Пример биогаза
В результате перегнивания (компостирования) растительных и животных отходов может образоваться горючий газ метан. Приходилось ли вам слышать о так называемом болотном газе, накапливающемся в заболоченных местах и время от времени возгорающемся? Это и есть природный биогаз. По сути, это тот же самый биогаз, который производят в коммерческих или частных целях для обогрева, электрификации или для использования в качестве топлива.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
ÈnergiâizbiomassyThe term biomass describes a wide range of animal and vegetable waste. Literally it means "biological material". Biomass is the oldest energy source used by mankind. Egovozniknovenieotnosâtkovremeniovladeniâlûd′miognem.Biomass and fuels from itBiomass is considered a renewable energy source because the information in it energy is produced during photosynthesis, when the plants convert energy from the Sun lučistuû in hydrocarbons. Growing plants specifically for conversion into biomass, in fact, is a form of solar energy conservation.During the combustion of hydrocarbons emit heat, carbon dioxide (Co2, so-called "greenhouse" gas) and water. Carbon dioxide is returned to the environment and participates in serum carbon cycle (carbon cycle), contributing to the growth of other plants and replenish the burned biomass. Thus, biomass burning with proper organization process does not lead to additional carbon dioxide pollution. The water is returned to the natural water scooter (water cycle). Heat can be used to generate electricity, as well as to meet other energy needs of mankind.Some are biomass-wood, for example — you can just burn to get energy from biomass. However, there are technologies to obtain wood and other biological materials, liquid and gaseous fuels. You can use them together (and perhaps in the future and instead) with gasoline, diesel fuel, methane and propane. The main types of raw materials to generate electricity from biomass include:• Trees and herbaceous plants. Trees and shrubs can simply burn, getting heat for boilers steam turbines. The most common source of woody biomass waste wood processing (sawmills) and pulp and paper mills. For energy production are mainly used specially grown willows, prut′evidnoe millet and elephant grass.• Cereals and cereal stubble. To develop ethanol corn is used. For the same purpose (but on a smaller scale), you can use other grains — wheat, rye and rice. In Brazil, ethanol is produced from sugarcane. Soybeans, peanuts and sunflower seeds are also used to obtain biodiesel. And ethanol and biodiesel can be used for both electricity generation and as an automotive fuel.• Aquatic and marine plants. Subjecting the microscopic algae, living in some lakes, fermentation, ethanol can be obtained. They can be composted for biogas. For this purpose you can use regular marine in grown.• Manure and waste water. Animal waste from farms and ranches, as well as the contents of the sanitation of localities, can be added to compost heaps to speed up allocation of biogas.• Landfill. Various kinds of garbage, particularly paper, cardboard, food residues can also be recycled into compost for biogas.Example of biogasAs a result of decomposition (composting) of vegetable and animal wastes may form combustible methane gas. Did you hear about the so-called Heather gas accumulating in boggy areas and vozgoraûŝemsâ from time to time? This is the natural biogas. In fact, it is the same, which produce biogas for commercial or private purposes for heating, electricity or for use as fuel.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Energiyaizbiomassy term biomass describes a wide range of animal and vegetable waste. Literally it means "biological material". Biomass - the oldest source of energy used by mankind. biomass and fuel from its Biomass is considered a renewable energy source, since it contained the energy produced by photosynthesis when plants convert radiant energy from the sun into hydrocarbons. Growing plants specifically for conversion into biomass, in essence, a form of solar energy conservation. In combustion, hydrocarbons produce heat, carbon dioxide (C02, so-called "greenhouse" gas) and water. Carbon dioxide is returned to the environment and is involved in the biochemical carbon cycle (the carbon cycle), contributing to the growth of other plants and replenish burnt biomass. Thus, burning biomass in the proper organization of the process does not result in further pollution of the environment with carbon dioxide. The water returns to the natural jet ski (the water cycle). Heat may be used to generate electricity, and to meet other energy needs of mankind. Some types of biomass - Wood, for instance - can simply be burned to obtain biomass. However, there are technologies to be prepared from wood or other biological material, liquid and gaseous fuels. They can be used together (and possibly in the future and instead) with gasoline, diesel fuel, methane and propane. The main raw materials for the production of electricity from biomass include the following. • Trees and herbaceous plants. Trees and shrubs can just burn, receiving heat boilers for steam turbines. The most common source of woody biomass Wastes of wood (sawmills) and pulp and paper mills. For the production of energy are mostly used specially grown willow, switch grass and elephant grass. • Cereals and cereal stubble. For corn ethanol production is used. For the same purpose (but on a smaller scale) can be used and other cereals - wheat, rye and rice. In Brazil, ethanol is produced from sugar cane. Soybeans, peanuts and sunflower seeds are also used to produce biodiesel. Both ethanol and biodiesel can be used for electricity production and as an automotive fuel. • Water and marine plants. Subjecting microscopic algae in some lakes -obitayuschie, fermentation, ethanol can be obtained. They also can be composted to obtain biogas. For the same purpose can be used in conventional maritime grown. • Manure and wastewater. Household waste from animal farms and ranches, as well as the contents of the sewage of settlements, can be added to compost heaps to speed up the release of biogas. • Waste disposal. Different types of waste, such as paper, cardboard, food scraps can also be processed into compost for the production of biogas. An example of biogas As a result of digestion (composting) of plant and animal waste can form flammable methane gas. Have you heard about the so-called marsh gas, accumulates in wetlands and occasionally flares up? This is the natural biogas. In fact, it is the same biogas, which is produced for commercial or private use for heating, electrification or for use as fuel.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]

, the term biomass describes a wide range of animal and plant waste. literally, it means "biological material". biomass - the source of energy used by mankind.еговозникновениеотносятковремениовладениялюдьмиогнем.

species biomass and fuel from biomass is a renewable energy source. so, its energy is produced in the process of photosynthesis.when the plants лучистую transforming solar energy into hydrocarbons. the cultivation of plants, especially for conversion into biomass, in fact, is a form of solar energy.by the combustion of hydrocarbons, emit heat, carbon dioxide (с02, so-called "парниковый» gas) and water.carbon dioxide is returned to the environment, and participates in the water streams from the carbon cycle (carbon cycle), contributing to the growth of other plants and completion of the burning of biomass. thus, thebiomass burning in the right of the process does not lead to additional environmental pollution, carbon dioxide. the water returns to the natural jet ski (water cycle).the heat can be used to generate electricity, but also to meet other energy needs of mankind.

some kinds of biomass (wood, for example, you could burn.to obtain the biomass. however, there are technologies that allow to obtain from wood and other biological materials, liquid and gaseous fuels. they can be used together (and perhapsin the future, and instead of) gasoline, diesel fuel, methane and propane. the main raw materials to produce electricity from biomass include.
- trees and herbaceous plants.the trees and shrubs can just burn and heat for boilers of steam turbines. the most common source of wood biomass waste wood (лесопилок) and pulp and paper mills.for energy production are mainly used the special way on willow, прутьевидное millet and pennisetum purpureum.
- стерня crops and cereals. for ethanol is corn.with the same purpose, but to a lesser extent) can be used, and other crops are wheat, corn and rice. in brazil, ethanol produced from sugar cane. soy beanspeanut and sunflower are also used to produce biodiesel. and ethanol and biodiesel can be used for power generation and as a motor fuel.the aquatic and marine plants. by microscopic algae, living in some lakes, fermentation to ethanol. they can be punch to produce biogas.for this purpose, you can use in their regular sea.
- manure and waste water. waste of animals from farms and ranches, as well as the contents of the sewers of human settlementscan be added to компостные heap in order to expedite the biogas.
- landfill. various types of debris, such as paper, paperboard, leftover food, can also be recycled as compost for obtaining biogas.

an example of biogas
as a result of перегнивания (composting) of vegetable and animal wastes may be flammable gas methane. did you hear about the so-called болотном gasaccumulating in marshy ground, and from time to time возгорающемся? this is the natural biogas. in fact, it's the same biogas, which is produced in a commercial or private purposes for heatingthe electrification or for use as a fuel.
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