Results (
Thai) 1:
4. Experimental4.1. Plant material and growth conditionsSeeds of S. lycopersicum variety Kashi vishesh (cv. H-86) wererinsed with tween-20, treated with 1% carbendazim for 10 minfollowed by surface sterilization with 0.3% sodium hypochlorite.After washing the surface sterilized seeds were germinated on halfstrength Murashige and Skoog (1962) MS-agar medium underaseptic conditions. Cotyledons from 6 to 7 days old seedlings wereused as explants for transformation.4.2. Gene construct and transferAgrobacterium tumifaciens strain GV 3101 having a binary vectorpBinAR harbouring ZAT12 (Accession No. DQ166621) (Singh et al.,2005) gene construct (Fig. 1) were used for infecting the cotyledonaryleaf explants followed by selection for kanamycin (100 mg l1)resistance and regeneration of transgenic plants (Singh et al.,2010). The transformed cotyledonary explants were kept for twodays of co-cultivation and transferred to regeneration medium(Fig. 2a and b). After 2 weeks some explants grew larger and thickerand others were bleached due to the selection pressure of theantibiotic (Fig. 2c). The selection pressure of kanamycin wasincreased with subsequent change of regeneration medium andfinally after 6 weeks the positively transformed tomato shootsappeared from the edges of the explants (Fig. 2d). The 2–3 cm longshoots (Fig. 2e) were cut from the base of the explants andtransferred on rooting medium supplemented with 100 mg l1 of
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