DATE: August 11, 2016
TO: Country Managers
FROM: Victor Ecklund, Plant Manager LAP
SUBJECT: Storage Temperatures for Sensitive Products
Dear All,
We continue to see numerous product complaints that are linked to storage temperatures in various countries. Complaints of melted lipsticks (Lipstick melts at 130 degrees Fahrenheit) or broken liquid bottles due to freezing (Which can be identified by spider web glass fractures as opposed to ring fractures from dropping), Vitadophilus that is lumpy and stuck together because the live Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria was killed by excessive heat and Fruit & Vegetable Rinse bottles that leak, split or bulge due to storage in excessive heat. Below is a list of products that should be stored in temperature controlled environments between 56-88 degrees Fahrenheit or 13-30 degrees Celsius.
1. Lip Color and Concealors
2. Lip Gloss
3. Liquid Eyeliners and Mascara
4. Foundations
5. All SPF Products
6. Cleansing Cream
7. Warm Facial Scrub
8. Nail Lacquers
9. Superclean
10. Fruit & Vegetable Rinse
11. All Soft Gel Products
12. Vitadophilus
13. Night Emulsion, Eye Cream, Youth Emulsion
14. Deep Moisture Lotions
15. Vitaspray
All other products should be stored as close to these guidelines as possible. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat or cold will affect the quality of the products. I have been told by several countries they cannot control the storage conditions in their warehouses so for the above products they should be stored in the air conditioned offices or other air conditioned areas during the high temperature months. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.