Ihr Understatement, ihre sympathische Imperfektion oder ihre Ideen, die man vielleicht selbst einmal hatte oder gerne hätte. Mal ein Abenteuer erleben, Fragen stellen, Verbündete suchen, aber vor allem frei im Geist zu sein.
Her understatement, their sympathetic imperfection or their ideas, perhaps even once had or would like to have. Once an adventure experience, asking questions, allies seek to be free but above all in the spirit.
Your understatement, their sympathetic imperfection or ideas that you might even once had, or would like to have. Time to have an adventure, ask questions, seek allies, but especially to be free in spirit.
your style, your friendly imperfektion or ideas, perhaps even once had or would have liked. a adventure, ask questions, look for allies, but, above all, to be free in spirit.