tThe effects of different inorganic cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+and Al3+) on the rheological properties of singleand mixture polysaccharide solutions have been systematically investigated. The apparent viscosity andviscoelasticity of welan solutions decrease with the addition of inorganic cations. Meanwhile, the additionof Al3+and K+, respectively, enhances the apparent viscosity and viscoelasticity of xanthan and gellansolutions by promoting the gelation. The viscosity retention rate of welan/xanthan mixtures is higherthan that of the single components in Na+, K+and Ca2+solutions, and the viscosity retention rate ofwelan/gellan mixtures is higher than that of the single components in Ca2+solutions. The salt inducedgelation expands the application for polysaccharides, and it is also believed that the method of combiningwelan and xanthan (or gellan) is an effective strategy to control the rheology and morphology of solutionsin the presence of inorganic salts.